
  1. 第二章名为虚假广告罪的主体认定。

    Chapter two is named after subject of false advertising crime .

  2. 主要讨论了在司法实践中如何认定虚假广告罪。

    It mainly discussed how to cognize the false advertising sin in practice .

  3. 第四部分,新兴媒体之虚假广告罪。

    The forth part : " False advertising sin " on Emerging media .

  4. 针对虚假广告罪存在的问题,提出自己的一些见解。

    Aiming at false advertising sin problems , I try to put forward some ideas .

  5. 虚假广告罪的认定

    Ascertainment of False Ads Offence

  6. 虚假广告罪与诈骗罪之竞合问题浅探&以电视直销现象为切入

    Analysis on the Coincidence of False Advertising and Crime of Fraud & with TV sales as the starting point

  7. 本部分介绍了我国虚假广告罪的立法进程。二、虚假广告罪的构成要件分析。

    This section describes the legislative process of false advertising sin in China . Second , false advertising sin constitutive requirements of analysis .

  8. 其中第二、四部分是本文的重点,为虚假广告罪的司法适用进行了研究和开拓。

    The second and forth parts are the focus of this paper , they research and development the judicial application of " False advertising sin " .

  9. 从犯罪构成的角度,全面认识和把握虚假广告罪。三、虚假广告罪的认定。

    From the angle of the constitution of crime , we fully understand and grasp the false advertising sin . Third , the cognizance of false advertising sin .

  10. 刑法对于虚假广告罪的规定从模糊到清晰,从整体到局部,从笼统到逐步完善。

    The provisions of criminal law for " False advertising sin " was fuzzy to clear , from the whole to the local , from the general to gradually perfect .

  11. 该部分主要介绍虚假广告罪的含义以及其构成要件,细致而准确的分析了虚假广告罪的主体、客体、主观方面和客观方面的特征。

    This part mainly introduce the meaning of " False advertising sin " and its constituents , accurately analysis the features of its subject , object , subjective aspects and objective aspects .

  12. 在虚假广告罪司法适用难的形势下,笔者希望此文能为虚假广告罪的司法适用带来一定帮助。

    In the situation that judicial application is difficult for the " False advertising sin ", I hope that this paper can bring some help to the judicial application of " False advertising sin " .

  13. 其中包括虚假广告罪与非罪的界限,虚假广告罪与相关罪名的区分等。四、完善虚假广告罪的立法建议。

    Specific including : the boundaries of false advertising crime and be not sin , the difference between false advertising sin and related offences and so on . Fourth , the legislative suggestion of perfect false advertising sin .

  14. 刑法增设虚假广告罪的这一举措,在预防和打击虚假广告行为中起到了积极的推动作用,但同时它也存在着诸多问题,影响着司法适用。

    The adding of the sin of false advertising in criminal law plays a positive role in preventing and cracking down on false advertising behaviour . But at the same time problems still exist which affect the judicial applicable .

  15. 本部分主要分析了虚假广告罪的未完成形态、罪数形态和共犯形态,以自己的理解对虚假广告罪的各种犯罪形态进行了独到的分析。

    This part mainly analysis the unfinished form , the crime number form and accomplice form of " False advertising sin ", make original analysis of the various criminal form of the " False advertising sin " with my own understanding .

  16. 其次,从犯罪主体来看,虚假广告罪规定的犯罪主体是特殊主体,这就说明按照现行立法规定,除了广告主、广告经营者、广告发布者以外的其他人不能单独构成本罪。

    Second , from the aspect of crime subject , false advertising the crime subject is special subject , which means that special subject according to the current legislative regulations , except for advertisers , advertising agents and advertisement publishers cannot separate outside this crime .

  17. 对虚假广告的界定是认定虚假广告罪的关键。

    The definition of the false advertisement is the crux of identifying this type of offence .

  18. 刑法具体规定了广告主、广告经营者、广告发布者设计、制作、发布虚假广告,情节严重的,构成虚假广告罪。

    Criminal Law stipulates further that advertisers , runners of ad and releasers of ad who have designed , made and issued false ads are to be charged the crime of false ad if the extent being serious .

  19. 本章对广告、虚假广告的概念进行了界定,并对我国虚假广告罪的立法过程及现状做了阐述。

    This chapter defines the concept of advertising , false advertising , and describes the legislative process and the status quo of the false advertising crime .

  20. 虚假广告行为是现实生活中司空见惯的现象,但自从1997年被纳入刑法规制以来,被定为虚假广告罪而受刑罚处罚的尚不多见。

    Act of false advertising is a commonplace in our daily life , whereas there is little subject , who were dealt by the criminal punishment according to the crime of false advertising .