
  1. WTO背景下我国高等教育投资体制的思考

    On China 's Higher Education Investment Mechanism Under WTO

  2. 我国义务教育投资体制变迁轨迹分析

    Analysis on Changing of the Compulsory Educational Investment System in China

  3. 我国现行义务教育投资体制存在的问题及对策

    The Solution to the Problems of Investment to National Compulsory Education

  4. 第四章国外职业教育投资体制。

    The fourth chapter is foreign vocational education investment system .

  5. 改革开放以来我国高等教育投资体制变革研究

    A Study on Reforms of Investment System of China 's Higher Education

  6. 因地制宜,选择合理的教育投资体制。

    According to the regional difference , choose the reasonable education investment system .

  7. 论教育投资体制视野下的教育公平与和谐社会的构建

    The Construction of Educational Equality and Harmonious Society under the Education Investment Mechanism

  8. 关于完善义务教育投资体制的探讨

    Discussion on Completing the Investment System of Compulsory Education

  9. 我国高等教育投资体制改革及模式研究

    Research on the Reform and Model of Higher Education Investment System in China

  10. 民族教育投资体制改革及政策建议

    Education for Nationalities Investment Organizational Reform and Policy Suggestion

  11. 关于我国现行高等教育投资体制进一步改革与完善的设想

    Proposition on the Reform and Improvement of Current Investment System of Higher Education in China

  12. 高等师范教育投资体制改革探析

    Analysis of the reform of investment system in the education of teachers colleges and Universities

  13. 美英两国高等教育投资体制分析及对我国的启示

    Analysis on the Investment System of Higher Education in America and England and Their Revelations to China

  14. 试析中职教育投资体制改革的必要性

    From The Angles Of Supply And Demand , Discuss The Necessity Of The Investment System Reform In Secondary Vocational Education

  15. 要有效地解决这些问题,关键是要制定科学、规范、合理的农村义务教育投资体制。

    The key solution to the problems is to establish a scientific , normative , and reasonable policy for compulsory education investment .

  16. 在当前众多的高教改革热点问题中,与高等教育投资体制相关的大学收费改革是最引入注意的问题之一。

    The reform on university charge which is relative to higher educational investment system is one of the most noticeable current numerous problems of higher educational reform .

  17. 我国现行以县为主的农村义务教育投资体制是由以乡镇为主的模式发展而来的。

    The current rural compulsory education investment structure that relied mainly on county in our country developed from the mode of relying mainly on villages and towns .

  18. 经费总量投入不足和来源结构性矛盾,是各国高等教育投资体制改革中面临共同的问题。

    The lack of funding and structural contradictions of source is a common problem to different countries , when they reformed the higher education investment system ( HEIS ) .

  19. 体制性短缺主要表现为我国现行的教育投资体制和教育投资回报体制限制了民间资本的投入;

    The regime shortage is displayed by that the regime of educational investment and the repay regime of educational investment in store have restricted the investment of the folk capital .

  20. 本文主要分析在分级教育投资体制条件下,劳动力流动对公共教育中的社会契约产生影响,从而制约了公共教育投资。

    In this paper , the writer mainly analyzes the mobility of the work force to influence the social contract in public education , and to restrict investment of public education .

  21. 我国高等教育投资体制的改革将是一个循序渐进的过程,很难毕其功于一役,在这一过程中离不开政府、企业、家庭等各个主体的努力。

    The reformation of our higher education investment system will be a stepwise process . In the process , it need all of the support from government , enterprises , families and so on .

  22. 分析以英美两国为代表的西方国家高等教育投资体制,借鉴其经验,我国应强化政府责任,发挥国家财政投入的主渠道作用;

    Analyzing the investment system of higher education in western countries represented by America and England , their experiences are that : strengthening the responsibility of government , and exerting the main role of national finance ;

  23. 合理有效的高等教育投资体制是高等院校能否获取充足经费的关键所在,也是整个高等教育事业高效运行和健康发展的根本保证。

    A rational and effective system of higher educational investment is the key whether the universities can get sufficient funds , and it is also the fundamental ensure that higher education operates efficiently and develops healthfully .

  24. 最根本的解决办法是调整目前的义务教育投资体制,加强中央和省级政府对义务教育的投资责任,同时对农村贫困地区的义务教育予以政策上的倾斜和扶持。

    The basic resolution is to adjust the present investment system of compulsory education , enforce the investment responsibility of the central and provincial government and establish some preferential policy benefitting the country sides and poor areas .

  25. 综合运用国内外研究成果,从教育投资体制、筹资制度、资助制度、市场化制度四个层面,对我国现行教育投资制度进行了比较分析;

    By making a comprehensive use of the research at home and abroad , the author has made an analysis and comparison of China 's current education investment system from the perspectives of education investment , financial aid and market mechanism .

  26. 高等教育投资体制要真正实现多元化,必须发挥政府投入的主渠道作用,在政策制度上激发社会和个人对高等教育的投入,充分发挥高校自身的优势,提高高校的教育成本分担贡献率。

    In order to realize the diverse investment system in high education , government investing should play an important role , social and individual investment should be encouraged , the advantage of the university should be emphasized , and the education cost should be shared .

  27. 我国高等教育投资的体制缺陷与制度创新研究

    The Research on the System Defect and System Innovation of Higher Educational Investment in China

  28. 最后,当前政府间的财力格局及义务教育的投资体制也决定了中央政府理应加大对西部义务教育的财政支持。

    Lastly present inter-governmental financial resources pattern and investment structure of compulsory education demands more financial support for western compulsory education from central government .

  29. 本部分首先简要的叙述我国农村义务教育公共投资体制的历史沿革,指出我国现行的投资体制是特殊的历史条件下的产物,存在许多问题。

    The second part , chapter three , is about the problems existing in the investment system in our rural compulsory education , points out that there are many problems in investment system .

  30. 在这一过程中,高等教育的投资体制发生了深刻的变化,利用金融市场的贷款发展在整个投资体制中所占的比例越来越大。

    In the course of development the proportion covered by loan making use of finance market has become larger and larger in the whole investment structure , so profound changes have taken place in the investment structure of higher education .