
Education Rent-seeking : the Problem and Regulation & Dissolution of Public Power
The manifestation of educationalrent-seeking is different , which can roughly be divided into two categories ?
In part two , the thesis expounds the manifestation and the harmfulness of educational rent - seeking concretely .
The educational rent-seeking refers to all kinds of rent-seeking behaviors in education , the study object of the article is the rent-seeking behaviors among the governments , schools and persons .
The harmfulness of educational rent-seeking is huge , which increases the transaction cost of education , distorts the resources arrangement of education , makes the educational unfairness more , brings about all kinds of educational degeneration and hinders the reform and the development of education .
The thesis can be divided into four parts : In part one , on the base of introducing the concept of rent-seeking in economics , the thesis defines the connotation and the extension of educational rent-seeking , after this , it expound the essential factors of educational rent-seeking .
A Study of Equality of Opportunity for Higher Education in a Rent-Seeking Situation
However , school-choosing is a double-edged sword . Basic education school-running strategies led directly to a series of problems such as education fair problem and rent-seeking problem .
The excessive intervenient of the government , the unclear educational property rights , the non-symmetric educational information and the unperfect institutions of educational administration are all the factors which cause the educational rent-seeking .