
  • 网络educational assistance;educational support
  1. 我国城市贫困家庭子女的教育救助问题研究

    A study in educational support to the children of urban poor families in China

  2. 教育是低保群体摆脱困境的重要手段之一,由于种种原因,低保子女接受教育状况堪忧,亟需教育救助。

    Education is one of the important means of dilemma for the low group . Due to various reasons , the present situation where their children get education is serious and all greatly needs educational support .

  3. 抗日战争时期的教育救助问题研究

    A Study on Educational Salvage in the War Against Japan Period

  4. 浅析贫困大学生教育救助体系的弊端与对策

    On the Abuse and Countermeasures of the System for the Undergraduate

  5. 城市贫困家庭教育救助研究

    A Research on the Educational Assistance of Urban Poor Family

  6. 湖南中小学贫困生教育救助研究

    Study on Hunan Middle and Elementary School Poverty Student Education Salvation System

  7. 我国高校教育救助管理模式分析及创新研究

    Analysis and Innovative Research on Education Assistant Management Model in Higher Education in China

  8. 教育救助是维护教育公平的必要手段,也是推进教育发展的重要方式。

    Education aid is a necessary method for education fairness , which pushes on the development of Education .

  9. 最后从制度的角度提出完善我国农村弱势群体教育救助的相关对策和建议。

    Finally , proposed that the education rescue of the rural vulnerable groups should be improved from systematic view .

  10. 其中,社会救助体系包括农村医疗救助、农村教育救助、农村自然灾害救助、农村住房救助和农村扶贫。

    The social relief system consists of rural Medicaid , education aid , disaster assistance , housing assistance and poverty relief .

  11. 加强对中小学贫困生的教育救助研究,一方面可以丰富和发展教育学中教育公平、教育投资理论,检视现有教育救助政策是否满足了中小学贫困生的需求;

    Thus , theories on educational fairness and investment can be developed while the current education sponsoring policy is put under scrutiny .

  12. 第三章具体分析了城市贫困家庭子女教育救助问题的影响因素。

    The third part analyzes factors , which influence the problem of educational assistance given to children from poor families in cities .

  13. 分别从制度因素、经济因素和社会因素等三个方面来说明贫困家庭子女教育救助不足的原因。

    It illustrates reasons leading to the insufficiency of succor from the respects of social system , economic factors and social factors .

  14. 此外,还描述了贫困家庭教育救助的基本情况以及他们对教育救助的主观期望。

    Moreover , this part also describes the basic situation of educational assistance given to poor families and their expectation for educational assistance .

  15. 在我国农村弱势群体的救助主体中,政府是农村弱势群体教育救助的第一责任主体,社会组织是农村弱势群体教育救助的必要补充。

    In educational assistance of rural vulnerable groups , the government is the first responsibility body , the social organization is the necessary supplement .

  16. 构建大学生弱势群体疏导调节机制及生命关爱教育救助体系是一项长期工程。

    The construction of the disadvantaged groups to ease the adjustment mechanism and the aid system of life care education is a long-term project .

  17. 然而,在此种情况下,政府的教育救助体系不健全,在推动贫困家庭青少年教育发展上存在缺位,成为限制其教育发展的重要因素。

    However , in such circumstances , the morbidity educational aid system of government and the lack of the improvement of these juveniles ' education has become a great limitation of their educational development .

  18. 教育救助是国家、社会团体和个人为保障适龄人口获得接受教育的机会,从物质和资金上对贫困地区和贫困学生在不同阶段所提供的援助。

    Education-assistance is that in order to ensure the right age people 's chance to be educated , country , public organization and individual offer material and fund in different stages to the poverty-stricken areas and poor students .

  19. 首先明确界定留守儿童、教育救助的概念,之后阐述与本文相关的理论知识,并将本文研究内容与这些知识理论进行联系,从而为之后的调查分析做理论铺垫。

    The first should clearly defined left-behind children and educational assistance . Then elaborating the related theories of knowledge and contacting the research content with the knowledge theories , as a theoretical basis for after the investigation and analysis .

  20. 救助体制的核心是建立一套应急救济机构,在整个抗战时期,国民政府建立了包括临时救助机构和固定救助机构在内的教育救助体系。

    The core of the system is a set of salvage organization to meet the emergence . During the whole war time , the government established a educational salvage system including the temporary salvage organization and the settled salvage organization .

  21. 高校教育救助是国家和社会团体为了保障贫困家庭学生能获得接受高等教育的机会,从物质上对他们提供援助的一种社会救助项目。

    Social assistance of higher education is a kind of social relief projects . In order to protect students from poor families can have the opportunity for higher education , our country and the social groups provide assistance to the students .

  22. 本文从完善我国现行的教育救助体系、缩小城乡教育差距、改变教育救助工作重点等几个方面,提出了完善中国教育救助制度的对策和建议。

    Facing the deficiencies of the education aid system , it puts up forward the policy advices of improving the education aid system , narrowing the gap of the urban and rural and adjusting the key emphasis on work in our country .

  23. 针对初中贫困生心理健康的特点,提出了将教育救助政策作为社会福利政策,加强学校方面的教育管理措施以及做好心理健康教育工作等教育对策。

    In view of the characteristic of mental health of impoverished students in urban secondary schools , we advise that make the education rescue policy to be the social welfare policy , strengthen the education administration measure as well as Mental Health Education .

  24. 媒介通过对弱势群体进行教育救助,为弱势群体传情达意和伸张正义,将有效促进弱势群体与整个社会的融合,进而缓解其与整个社会的矛盾冲突,促进社会的和谐发展。

    Through helpful education , the media has communicated their sympathy and done some justice to the underprivileged groups , which will promote the amalgamation of the underprivileged groups and other groups , ease the tensions and contradictions and lead to a harmonious society .

  25. 结论:对流浪儿童的救助工作提出了三个建议:心理健康教育是救助工作的重点;

    Conclusion Three suggestions are proposed to assist the waifs : to give them mental health education & the key of the three ;

  26. 这些组织主要从事着慈善、环保、教育、救助、社会服务等多方面的社会福利或者社会发展事业。

    These organizations are primarily engaged in charities , environment protection , education , relief , social services and other aspects of social welfare or social development undertakings .

  27. 艾滋病患者社会救助机制较为完善,为艾滋病患者及受影响人群提供生活、教育和生产救助,但其救助机制的可持续性有待探讨。

    Social relief mechanism for AIDS patients is relatively perfect including the education and production assistance , but the mechanism sustainability remain to be discussed . 6 .

  28. 教育主管部门得救助贫困儿童。

    The education authorities have to provide for children in need

  29. 我国经济欠发达地区义务教育阶段贫困生救助问题研究

    A Study of the Financial Aid to Poor Students at the Stage of Compulsory Education in the Economically Under-developed the Area

  30. 综观我国古代宗族组织的发展,它在我国古代社会中主要发挥着行政管理、教育教化、赈济救助、军事防卫等功能。

    Looking at the development of the ancient clan carefully , we can find its functions expanded , such as administration , instruction , relief and defences .