
  1. 再次,笔者提出了刑事被害人精神救助方面的建议。

    Moreover , the author puts forward some suggestions on the spirit protection of criminal victim .

  2. 泰国长期以来一直呼吁来自世界各地的旅客采取宗教精神救助和休息。

    Thailand has long called travelers from around the globe to take spiritual succour and karmic rest .

  3. 根据国内外相关的理论探讨和实务经验,政府购买是适应新时期灾难性突发事件精神救助错要的社会工作服务模式。

    According to domestic and foreign theories discussion and practice experience , government purchase is the suitable pattern for contemporary social management need .

  4. 当前我国的社会救助主要关注老年群体的物质需求方面,忽视了心理救助和精神救助对老年群体的重要性。

    Now the major concern of our social is the material needs of the elderly population , but neglect of the importance of psychological assistance and spiritual relief to older groups .