
  • 网络national scholarship
  1. 国家奖学金可以帮助部分家庭困难学生完成大学学业。

    The national scholarship helps some financially disadvantaged students continue their college education .

  2. 中国大学生国家奖学金获奖者的性别差异研究

    Gender Difference among National Scholarship Winners

  3. 设立中等职业教育国家奖学金。

    A state scholarship for secondary vocational education will be established .

  4. 在2001年颁发了低收入国家奖学金集用基金的第一个奖学金。

    The first awards were made from the Scholarships Fund Pool for Low-Income Countries in 2001 .

  5. 葛量洪生活津贴〔为研究生而设的奖学金〕继续做好助学贷款和设立国家奖学金工作。

    We should continue doing a good job in providing student loans and establishing a national scholarship system .

  6. 第四部分重点分析我国高等教育资助政策中的国家奖学金和国家助学贷款的基本特点,并通过与日本等国的比较,指出我国高等教育助学制度存在的不足和可能的改革方向。

    The fourth part of higher education funding policy in the national scholarship and the basic characteristics of the national student loans , and by comparison with Japan and other countries , that the system of higher education student weaknesses and possible direction of reform .

  7. 第三.在简历中去掉那些你在学校里取得的成就,除非你获得了金奖或者你是国家级奖学金获得者。

    No.3 It 's time to get rid of those high school accomplishments on your resume unless you won a gold medal or you won a National Merit Scholar or have some phenomenal experience from high school . You wanna transition your resume into the professional world and leave off anything that happened before college .

  8. 国家通过实行奖学金和贷学金制度来调节毕业生流向。

    The direction in which graduates will go is to be regulated by the system of scholarship and loan in our country .

  9. 2002年她获国家优秀博士生奖学金。

    In2002 , she won the National Award for Distinguished Doctorates .

  10. (二)按照国家有关规定获得奖学金、贷学金、助学金;

    To receive scholarships , student loans or subsidies in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State ;

  11. 许琳表示,在这种情况下,国家汉办设立奖学金项目,在各国汉语学习者中选拔教师苗子,到中国培训。

    Xu said Hanban had launched a scholarship program to train foreign learners of Chinese in China , so they could return to their countries as qualified teachers .

  12. 再者,国外的很多国家或院校颁发奖学金的根据不是看学习成绩好坏或能力的高低,而是根据个人经济情况来决定,这一点做的是比较人性化的。

    Moreover , the basis that a lot of countries of abroad or school issue fellowship is not the on any account that reads study result stand or fall or capability , decide however according to individual economy condition , what this do compare human nature to change .

  13. 是教育部和国家留学基金委批准具有接受国家公派奖学金留学生资格的大学。

    BIT is also authorized by the CSC , Chinese Scholarship Council of the Ministry of Education , P.R.C to admit state scholarship students .