
ɡuó nèi tóu zī
  • domestic investment
  1. 一个可能是FDI对第三产业的国内投资产生了挤出效应;

    One reason maybe is FDI produced extrusion effect to domestic investment .

  2. FDI对中国国内投资影响的实证分析

    Positive Study on the Impact of FDI to China 's Domestic Investment

  3. FDI对安徽省国内投资挤出挤入效应研究

    Study of FDI on Crowding out-in Effects of Domestic Investment in Anhui Province

  4. 但是从效率上来说,劳动力的效率却是最低的,而FDI的效率则大幅领先于国内投资与劳动力。

    But speaking in the view of efficiency , the efficiency of labor force is lowest ;

  5. 首先从FDI一般理论到FDI所影响的国内投资活动及其所带动的经济增长活动及就业影响三个方面进行了分析。

    Firstly , this paper analyzes the common theories and the effect of FDI to economy as well as employment .

  6. FDI对国内投资与经济增长的冲击效应分析&基于VAR模型的分析

    The Analysis of Impulsive Effect Imposed on Domestic Investment and Economic Growth & Given the Analysis of VAR Model

  7. 其次,从比较外商直接投资与国内投资的角度出发,分析FDI对经济增长的影响;

    Further research is also conducted to compare the different impacts of foreign direct investment and domestic ones on China 's economy .

  8. 实证检验内容主要包括了FDI与国内投资的产出效率差距、FDI的部门间和部门内溢出效应。并最终为FDI在特定地区、特定行业所呈现的与国内投资、产出之间的特殊关系提供解释。

    The efficiency differences between foreign direct investment and domestic investment , inter and intra spillovers of foreign direct investment are tested .

  9. FDI对一般技术行业国内投资产生的挤入效应比高技术行业的国内投资的挤入效应的程度要大得多。

    The crowding out effect of FDI on domestic investment of general technology industry is much greater than that of technology-intensive industry .

  10. FDI对国内投资的挤入挤出效应的重新检验&基于全国与东、中、西部地区分析

    The Re-examination of Crowding-in / Crowding-out Effect FDI Imposes on Domestic Investment & Given the National , Eastern , Central , Western Area

  11. 再者,中国加入WTO后,投资银行方面的竞争不仅来自国内投资银行之间,更重要的是来自国际著名投资银行方面的竞争。

    Moreover , after China entry into WTO , the competition is not only among the domestic investment banks , but also between domestic banks and the distinguished international banks .

  12. 研究FDI对汽车工业国内投资挤入挤出效应是评价汽车工业安全的重要方面。

    Studying the crowding in or out effect of FDI on China 's automobile industry is an important aspect of evaluating China 's automobile industry security .

  13. 文章通过协整检验发现,FDI流入分别对经济增长与国内投资产生正向、负向作用,除中部地区外,这一趋势还将在今后一段时间持续。

    According to Cointegration Test , the influx of FDI has imposed positive and negative effect on economic growth and domestic investment respectively , except the central part .

  14. IMF海湾国家今年盈余将缩水国际货币基金组织(IMF)表示,由于国内投资加大且石油价格回落,预计今年海湾地区石油出口国的经常账户盈余将下降。

    Gulf oil exporters " current account surpluses are expected to fall this year on rising domestic investment and softer oil prices , said the International Monetary Fund said .

  15. 本文通过计量模型定量说明了FDI与我国国内投资,资本形成之间的关系,主要研究了FDI对我国国内投资挤出效应的机制、成因和负面影响。

    With an econometrics model , this paper tried to disclose the relations among FDI , domestic investment and capital formation . This paper also explained the cause and the procedure of the crowd-out effect .

  16. 中国的白色家电制造商海尔(Haier)、金融公司及国内投资基金以175亿美元购入这些股权,而伯恩斯坦(Bernstein)认为这些股权可能价值220亿美元。

    Chinese white goods maker Haier , finance companies and domestic investment funds are paying $ 17.5bn for assets Bernstein thinks could be worth $ 22bn .

  17. 国内投资总额(简写为GDI):一个国家增加的固定资产开支,加上存货变动的净值。

    Gross domestic investment - GDI : Outlays for additions to the fixed assets of the economy plus the net value of inventory changes .

  18. 本文利用Fry(1995)的模型对1990年至2004年FDI对我国国内投资的影响进行了实证分析。

    Making use of the Model of Fry ( 1995 ), this paper demonstrates the influence of FDI on our country from 1992 to 2004 and finds that it crowds in investment remarkably as a whole .

  19. 行业层面上,FDI与国内投资的关系主要取决于生产函数的选择。而FDI对任一个行业内的国内资本存量的影响,主要取决于外商投资的动机和外资所来源的行业的特征。

    The relationship of FDI and domestic investment on the industrial level mainly depends on the choice of production function , but the impact of FDI on domestic capital stock in any industry depends on the motive of FDI and characteristics of souring industries .

  20. 上周公布的官方采购经理指数(PMI,一项衡量工业活动的指标)显示,中国制造业再次增长,尽管大部分增长来源于国内投资和资本支出。

    The official purchasing managers ' index , a measure of industrial activity , last week indicated the manufacturing sector was growing again – though much of the growth came from domestic investment and capital spending .

  21. 曾担任高盛(GoldmanSachs)董事长的保尔森敦促中国,应允许外资公司控股中国国内投资银行和资产管理公司&目前中国这两类合资公司中的外资比例上限分别为33%和49%。

    Mr Paulson , a former Goldman Sachs chairman , urged China to let foreign companies take majority control of domestic investment banks and asset management companies – where they were currently limited to 33 per cent and 49 per cent stakes respectively in joint ventures .

  22. 经过十余年建设,XT公司现已成为迄今国内投资规模最大、技术水平最高的锂离子蓄电池专业生产企业,并跻身世界锂电行业前列。

    After more than ten years of development , XT has become the largest domestic professional manufacturer of lithium ion batteries with the largest investment and the highest technology . XT is also one of the leading companies in the global lithium industry .

  23. 并利用Agosin和Mayer在新古典理论的框架下构建的国内投资的投资方程,和基于此理论推导的回归方程对FDI对广东省投资的挤入挤出效应进行了分析。

    And making use of inner investment equation constructed by Agosin and Mayer under the neoclassic theory frame , the paper analyses the Crowding in and out Effect of FDI to investment in Guangdong with the regression equation deduced by above theory .

  24. WrightsonIcap表示:上半月的份额数据显示,美国国内投资基金是三年期、十年期以及三十年期国债拍卖中的主要买家。

    The allotment figures for the first half of the month showed that domestic investment funds were the dominant buyers in the three , 10 and 30-year auctions , said Wrightson Icap .

  25. 首先在ISLM模型中,重新推导了财政支出乘数,指出由于利率的影响,挤出效应减弱了乘数效应。外国直接投资对我国国内投资挤出效应研究

    In the model of ISLM , we redraw the fiscal multiplier function , denoting that crowd-out effect anti-acts the multiplier effect , due to the rate of interest . A Study on FDI 's Crowd - out Effect on China 's Domestic Investment

  26. 国毛毛丛直径形态特征的探讨国内投资大事

    Study on the Characteristics Of Staple Diameter Profile of Domestic Greasy Wool

  27. 放宽投资准入放宽投资范围&《国内投资民用航空业规定(试行)》出台

    Regulations on Domestic Investment in Civil Aviation Industry ( Trial ) Unveiled

  28. 上百家国内投资公司有时候被标榜为私人股本基金。

    Hundreds of domestic investment companies are sometimes billed as private equity funds .

  29. 哥伦比亚希望,此举能够激起一轮国内投资热潮。

    Colombia hoped that the deal would prompt a wave of inward investment .

  30. 国家开发银行发行债券,资助国内投资和促进经济增长。

    National development banks issue debt to finance domestic investment and boost growth .