
guó mín jīng jì
  • national economy
国民经济 [guó mín jīng jì]
  • [national economy] 一个国家的生产、流通、分配和消费的总体,包括各个生产部门和为生产服务的流通部门,如工业、农业、建筑业、交通运输业、商业、物资供应等,也包括文化、教育、科学研究、医药卫生等非生产部门

国民经济[guó mín jīng jì]
  1. 农业在国民经济中占有重要地位。

    Agriculture occupies an important place in the national economy .

  2. 工业和农业是国民经济的两个重要部门。

    Industry and agriculture are the two important sectors of the national economy .

  3. 国民经济计划成功地完成了。

    The national economic plan was successfully completed .

  4. 我们必须利用一切条件,以空前未有的速度发展我国国民经济。

    We must turn everything to account in order to develop our national economy at a rate never known before in our history .

  5. 此事与国民经济关涉甚大。

    The matter has much to do with national economy .

  6. 铁路运输是国民经济的先行官。

    Railway transportation is the vanguard of the national economy .

  7. 国民经济各部门的发展必须互相协调。

    Development of the different branches of the national economy should be well coordinated .

  8. 我们必须努力发展国民经济。

    We must do our best to develop the national economy .

  9. 各级人民政府应当将消防工作纳入国民经济和社会发展计划,保障消防工作与经济建设和社会发展相适应。

    The people 's government at all levels shall bring fire control work in line with the national economy and social development plan , and ensure that fire control work fit in with the economic construction and social development .

  10. 国家制定的环境保护规划必须纳入国民经济和社会发展计划,国家采取有利于环境保护的经济、技术政策和措施,使环境保护工作同经济建设和社会发展相协调。

    The plans for environmental protection formulated by the state must be incorporated into the national economic and social development plans ; the state shall adopt economic and technological the work of environmental protection with economic construction and social development .

  11. 国民经济和社会发展十四五规划和2035年远景目标纲要提出,要建设更高水平开放型经济新体制。

    China aims to basically establish a new system for higher-level open economy in the next five years , according to the outline of the 14th Five-Year Plan ( 2021-2025 ) for national economic and social development and the long-range objectives through the year 2035 .

  12. 土地利用年度计划,根据国民经济和社会发展计划、国家产业政策、土地利用总体规划以及建设用地和土地利用的实际状况编制。

    The annual plan for the land use shall be compiled in line with the national economic and social development program , the State industrial policies , general plans for land and the actual situation about the land for construction uses and the land utilization .

  13. 第二十五条省、自治区、直辖市人民政府应当将土地利用年度计划的执行情况列为国民经济和社会发展计划执行情况的内容,向同级人民代表大会报告。

    Article 25 The people 's governments of provinces , autonomous regions and municipalities shall report the implementations of their annual plans for the use of land to the people 's congresses at the same level as part of the implementation of their economic and social development plans .

  14. 第十七条各级人民政府应当依据国民经济和社会发展规划、国土整治和资源环境保护的要求、土地供给能力以及各项建设对土地的需求,组织编制土地利用总体规划。

    Article 17 People 's governments at all levels shall manage to compile general plans for land uses in accordance with the national economic and social development program , requirements of national land consolidation and resources and environmental protection , land supply capacity and the requirements of various construction projects .

  15. 可持续发展战略的推行需要一种新的经济发展核算指标来修正现行的国民经济核算指标,这就是“绿色GDP”。

    We need a new system , which is the green GDP to amend the current checking index system to check the national economy .

  16. 税收收入自1994年以来一直持续高速增长,大大超出GDP增速,有国民经济高速增长的原因,也有重复征税、税负过高的因素。

    A repeated levying taxs and high burden of taxation account for the great increase of tax revenues since 1994 , far beyond GDP growing rate .

  17. 传统的国民经济核算体系及其主要指标GDP具有一定的局限性,无法反映包括人力资源、自然资产等在内的真实国民财富。

    The traditional system of national accounting and its core indicator GDP are limited to reflect the real national welfare including human resource , natural asset and so on .

  18. 国民经济统计数据管理系统RIMS的接口管理

    The interface management of rims system

  19. 国民经济核算体系(SNA)以及体系中的核心指标GDP,是衡量一个国家经济水平和经济发展的重要指标。

    System of National Accounts ( SNA ) and GDP of systematic core index are important indices for evaluating national economic level and development .

  20. 据统计,国民经济的证券化率(股票市值占GDP的比重)从1993年的10.2%上升到2001年的50%;

    According to statistics , the stock ratio in GDP ( Proportion of market value of stock in GDP ) has increased from 10.2 % in 1993 to 50 % in 2001 ;

  21. 目前全球集成电路(IC)技术已经渗透到国防和国民经济的各个领域,成为世界第一大产业。

    At present , the integrated circuit ( IC ) technique , which has infiltrated into all fields of national defense and national economy , becomes the number one big industry in the world .

  22. 因此,如果离开了一般均衡理论及其具体实现CGE模型,则很难从数量上去评价该项政策对整个国民经济的全面影响。

    Without CGE model , the effects of the tax policy for the full economy system are very difficult to appraise .

  23. 作为国家基础地理空间框架数据的主产品形式,4D产品正逐步替代传统的模拟地图,在国民经济的众多领域得到广泛应用。

    As the main form of National Spatial Data Infrastructure , 4D is widely used in many national economic fields in place of traditional maps .

  24. 由广东省第三产业对全省GDP增长的贡献及第三产业各主要行业对GDP增长贡献大小可以看出,随着工业化的发展,第三产业将成为国民经济的主要推动力。

    The paper analyses the contribution of the tertiary industry to the growth of GDP in Guangdong Province . With the development of industrialization , the tertiary industry will become the main driving force for national economy .

  25. 公路建设管理体制改革是建立社会主义市场经济体制的需要,是适应加入WTO的要求,是满足国民经济和社会发展的需要,也是中国公路建设事业持续快速健康发展的需要。

    The reform of highway construction management system is the requirements of establish the socialist market system and entering the WTO . Besides , it is essential to the development of highway construction and promoting the national economy and social development .

  26. 由于农业的弱质性和其在国民经济中的特殊地位以及WTO农业规则的限制,现代农业支持正逐渐取代传统的农业保护,成为世界农业的主流政策。

    Due to agriculture 's weak quality as well as its special role in national economy and the regulation from WTO agreement on agriculture , modern agricultural supportive policies are replacing traditional agricultural protective policies and become the main trend of the world agriculture .

  27. 由于电液伺服控制系统在航天、国防以及国民经济的各个部门有广泛的应用,铁道科学研究院于1993年引入美国MTS公司的多点加载试验系统。

    As the extensive utility of Electro-hydraulic servo control system in spaceflight , national defence and every department of national economy , China Academy Railway Sciences introduced the muti-node loading test system from MTS company .

  28. 农业在国民经济中占很大比重。

    Agriculture in the national economy accounting for a large proportion .

  29. 突出农业国民经济的基础地位;

    Puting the agriculture on the foundation of the national economy ;

  30. 住宅产业对陕西省国民经济发展的贡献研究

    The Research of Housing Industry 's Contribution to Shaanxi Economy Development