
  1. 国民经济分类是国民经济统计工作的基础,也是体育产业统计的基础。

    The national economy classification is the foundation of national economy statistics and sports industry statistics .

  2. 在这一背景下,原有的体育产业分类方式愈来愈显示出与经济学原理、我国国民经济分类背景及产业发展现状的不相符合。

    As sport industry has developed in China , traditional way of classification made by original National Sport Committee has shown its inadequacy with theory of economics , the industry classification system of domestic economy in China and current status of the development of sport industry .

  3. 论文对SNA推荐的分类标准予以剖析,放弃了某些明显不适合我国现行经济基础与核算基础的分类规范,并提出我国国民经济核算分类的思路。

    The thesis analyses the classification standards which recommended by SNA , gives up some classification standards which are obviously not in agreement with the facts in China , carries out anew classification standard .

  4. 本表国有企业按旧的国民经济行业分类填写。

    Data are collected according to the former industry classification .

  5. 根据《国民经济行业分类》(GB/T4754-2002)标准,核力发电(D4413)隶属于电力行业。

    According to the standards of the National Industries Classification ( GB / T4754-2002 ), the nuclear power is a part of the electricity industry .

  6. 《国民经济行业分类》(GB/T4754-2002)对体育产业的首次定位,使我国体育产业指标体系的设置由需要变为现实。

    Sport industry firstly accepted by National Economical Industry Classification ( GB / T4754-2002 ) makes the need of establishing the indexes of sport industry to reality .

  7. 另外十二五规化、《国民经济行业分类》、《翻译服务规范》等政策对翻译行业进行大致分类、定义、规范,未来有针对性的、细分化的翻译政策出台也指日可待。

    In addition , the Twelfth Five-Year Plan , Classification of National Economic Industries , and the Specification for Chinese Translation Service roughly classify , define , and standardize the translation industry . The targeted and subdivided translation policies can be expected soon .

  8. 在此基础上,通过建立单属性指标的分类等级区间,给出区域国民经济发展水平分类的投影值区间,从而实现对区域国民经济发展水平的分类。

    Finding the grade range of each index and calculating the projection range it can classify development level of economy for the area .

  9. 同时,借鉴了加拿大的国民经济核算产业部门分类&标准产业分类(StandardIndustriesClassification),对林业相关上市公司进行重新分类,得到了27家林业上市公司,以此界定为实证分析的对象。

    Meanwhile , this article has reclassified Chinese related forestry listed company by referring Canadian national accounting industrial sectors classification-Standard Industrial Classification ( Standard Industries Classification ( SIC ), and has chosen 27 forestry listed companies for the objects of positive analysis .