
  • 网络State-owned company;wholly state-owned company
  1. 国有独资公司是我国国有企业改革的产物和法律形式。

    Wholly state-owned company comes form reformation of wholly state-owned enterprise .

  2. 国有独资公司外派监事制度研究

    A Research on External Supervisor System of Wholly State-owned Company

  3. A公司成立于2006年12月,是一家由C市政府出资设立的国有独资公司,以电力、天然气和煤炭为核心业务,并向新能源领域积极拓展的大型能源企业。

    A company is established by C city government in December , 2006 and is a large energy enterprise . Its core businesses are electric power , natural gas and coal . It is actively expanding toward new energy field .

  4. 对于我国国有独资公司来说,外部的监督力量薄弱。

    To our country state-owned company , external supervision is weak .

  5. 国有独资公司治理结构的局限性及对策

    Limitation and Countermeasure of Country 's Independent Corporation Governing Structure

  6. 关于国有独资公司设立监事会的几点思考

    Considerations on the Establishment of Board of Supervisors in Solely State-Owned Companies

  7. 国有独资公司派出监事会制度的法律分析

    Legal Analysis on Supervisory Board System of Wholly State-owned Company

  8. 如何建立健全国有独资公司的法人治理结构

    How to build and perfect the corporate governance of sole state-funded corporations

  9. 国有独资公司股东授权经营法律制度研究

    Research on the Authorized Operation Legal System of Solely State-Owned Company 's Shareholder

  10. 论我国国有独资公司外部董事制度

    Discussion on Outside Director System in Exclusively State-owned Companies

  11. 第二章,国有独资公司产权结构下的法人治理结构。

    Chapter 2 , corporate governance under solely state-owned company 's property rights .

  12. 国有独资公司制度设计的价值分析

    Value Analysis on Institutional Design of State Proprietary Corporation

  13. 国有独资公司发挥工会监督制约作用的思考

    Consideration on development of supervision and restrain by labor union on state-owned corportations

  14. 第二章是国有独资公司外派监事制度基本问题的分析。

    Chapter two probes into the external supervisor system of a wholly State-owned company .

  15. 国有独资公司的体制缺陷及其重构

    Drawbacks of Wholly State-owned Company and its Revival

  16. 不包括有限责任公司中的国有独资公司。

    Excluded from this category are sole state-funded corporations in the limited liability corporations .

  17. 第二部分,国有独资公司的产权分析。

    Part Two : The analysis of the property right of the state-owned solo-capital company .

  18. 国有独资公司是我国公司制度的一种特殊形态。

    Wholly State-owned Company is a special modality in the company system of our country .

  19. 其他有限责任公司:指国有独资公司以外的有限责任公司。

    Other Limited Liability Corporations refer to limited liability corporations other than exclusive state-funded corporations .

  20. 国有独资公司董事长的权源结构与运行

    On the Structure of Powers and Operation of the President in the State-Owned Exclusive Investment Enterprise

  21. 再论国有独资公司

    More Discussion on Exclusively State-owned Companies

  22. 国有独资公司董事责任追究制度研究

    The Research on the Mechanism of the Accountability of the Solely State-Owned Corporation 's Director 's Responsibility

  23. 对国有独资公司完善法人治理结构的探讨

    On Thinking of Solving the Problem of Legal Person Administering Structure in the State-Owned Independent Capital Company

  24. 第四部分,完善我国国有独资公司治理结构的对策。

    This chapter provides improvements to solely state-owned company based on the problems of corporate governance structure .

  25. 部分地方政府也先后出台政策,在所属国有独资公司中引入该项制度。

    Some local governments also staged related policies to introduce the system into their solely state-owned companies .

  26. 第一章是关于国有独资公司治理结构的理论与实践。

    Chapter one reveals the correlative theory and practice on corporate governance in a wholly State-owned company .

  27. 首先,国资委建立对国有独资公司财务监督的信息反映制度;

    At first , SASAC should constitute the information feedback system that aims at the Solely State-owned Company ;

  28. 这些特点决定了国有独资公司的法人治理结构与一般有限责任公司的不同,即国有独资公司没有股东会。

    So a wholly State-owned company has especial corporate governance , namely it has not shareholders ' meeting .

  29. 国有独资公司董事任免与评价法律制度研究

    Research on the Legal System of the Appointment , Dismissal and Evaluation of Directors in Wholly State-Owned Companies

  30. 国有独资公司的创立正是这种变革的成果和采取的法律形式。

    The creation of a wholly state-owned Company is the outcome of such changes and a legal form .