
  • 网络state-owned enterprise reform;reform of state-owned enterprise;state-owned enterprises
  1. 在我国,受到加入WTO和国有企业改革的影响,并购活动达到了前所未有的高潮。

    In our country , by the WTO accession and the impact of state-owned enterprise reform , M A activity reached unprecedented high tide .

  2. 其中,管理层收购(MBO)在沉寂之后可能重新成为资本市场的宠儿,在解决上市公司混乱的股权结构、国有企业改革以及降低股权代理成本方面起到重要的作用。

    And management buyouts ( MBO ) may become the new favorite in the capital market again after silence several years , and it can play an important role in solution to the chaotic equity structure of companies , state-owned enterprise reform and to reduce the equity agency costs .

  3. 深化国有企业改革,发展混合所有制经济,培育具有全球竞争力的世界一流企业。

    We will further reform of State-owned enterprises , develop mixed-ownership economic entities , and turn Chinese enterprises into world-class , globally competitive firms .

  4. 从我国改革实践出发,我国存在银证合业经营的制度需求:债转股、加入WTO、资本市场发展、国有企业改革。

    Seeing from our reform practice of debt - to - equity , accession to WTO , capital market development , reform of state owned enterprises , there is a system demand on a mixed operation between banking and securities business .

  5. 国有企业改革的回顾和思索

    A Retrospection of and Considerations About the Reform of State-Owned Enterprises

  6. 市场经济条件下深化国有企业改革的思路

    Suggestions for Deepening the Reform of State Enterprises under Market Economy

  7. 国有企业改革与建立社会保险制度

    On the State - owned Enterprise Reform and Establishing Social Security System

  8. 国有企业改革是巨大的系统工程,矛盾错综复杂。

    State-owned company reform is huge systematic project , contradiction is daedal .

  9. 国有企业改革的指导思想和基本方针;

    The guiding ideology and basic policy of the SOE 's reformation .

  10. 现代企业制度&国有企业改革的历史选择

    A modern enterprise system ── the historical choice for State enterprise reform

  11. 激励制度创新与国有企业改革深化

    The Creation of Incentive System and the Deepening Reform of State-owned Enterprises

  12. 国有企业改革与政府角色定位是相互包容,紧密相连的两个过程。

    SOEs ' reform and government positioning are actually two interwoven processes .

  13. 论市场有效区域与国有企业改革

    Discussions on the Market Effective Areas and the Reformation of State-owned Enterprises

  14. 三是促进了国有企业改革和发展。

    Third , it promoted the reform and development of state-owned enterprise .

  15. 员工持股制度与国有企业改革

    Employee Stock Ownership Institution and The Reform of State-Owned Enterprises

  16. 用科学的改革观指导国有企业改革

    Guidance of the Reform of State Enterprises with the Scientific Reform View

  17. 国有企业改革难点与对策分析

    The Difficult Points and Countermeasures in State-owned Enterprise 's Reform

  18. 价值观念转变与国有企业改革

    The value concept transformation and reform of the state-owned enterprise

  19. 西部国有企业改革与企业家精神

    The reform of state-owned enterprises in west China and spirit of entrepreneur

  20. 资本劳动协作制与国有企业改革

    On Capital-labour Coordination System and the Reform of Government-owned Enterprises

  21. 两种产权理论的比较与国有企业改革

    Comparison between the two Property Theories and the Reform of State-owned Enterprise

  22. 购并式国际直接投资与我国国有企业改革研究

    FDI by acquisition & Merger and Chinese state - owned corporation reforming

  23. 当前国有企业改革的难点问题及其对策

    The difficulties and Countermeasures in the present reform of state owned enterprises

  24. 国有企业改革反思

    The Reflection of the Reformation of the State Enterprise

  25. 股票期权制与国有企业改革

    Executive Stock Option System and Reform of State-owned Enterprises

  26. 转型期国有企业改革的伦理困惑与破解&基于中国的实践和西方的经验

    The Ethical Puzzle and Solutions of Chinese State-Owned Enterprises Reform in Transitional period

  27. 国有企业改革和完善分配制度已势在必行。

    This reform is imperative for the state-owned enterprises .

  28. 把国有企业改革的着眼点放在搞好整个国民经济上来

    On the Reform of the Government - owned Business

  29. 现代企业制度的产权理论分析&兼论国有企业改革

    An Analysis of Modern Enterprise Systems ' Ownership Theory

  30. 资本市场将在当前的国有企业改革中扮演重要角色。

    Capital market will play an important role in current state-owned enterprise reform .