
  1. 国家出资企业作为四级代表人主要负责直接运营资本权限,当然也包括对其再投资企业资本运营行为的监控权限。

    State-funded enterprises working as the fourth-class representative are directly responsible for the authority of SCO .

  2. 国家出资企业应对董事、监事和高级管理人员承担相应监控之责。

    State-funded enterprises assume the corresponding responsibility to monitor directors , supervisors and senior managers of state-funded enterprises even if they are appointed by state-owned asset management agencies .

  3. 监督的对象是由其直接管理的国家出资企业和由其授权依法经营国有资产的国有资产经营公司及其管理层。

    Its supervisory objects are state-owned investment enterprises under its direct management and the state-owned assets management companies that legally managing the state-owned assets by its authorization and also their management layers .

  4. 国家出资企业一般包括由政府授权的国有资产管理机构出资监管的企业和由国有资产经营公司出资监管的企业两个层级。

    They are generally divided into two types , namely those are invested and supervised by the state-owned assets and administration commission authorized by the government and by the state-owned assets management company .

  5. 国有资产管理部门可获取部分国有资本运营收益,但其用途应限于扩大投资,以及国家出资企业的改革重组、解决历史遗留问题等。

    State-owned asset management agencies can get access to part of the state-owned capital operation proceeds , but can only use it to expand investment , reform and restructure state-funded enterprises , and so on .

  6. 随着改革的逐步深入,大多数国家出资企业都已经按照现代企业制度的要求进行了改组或改制。

    With the gradual enhancement of reform of state-funded enterprises , most of state-owned enterprises have been reorganized or restructured by the demand of modern enterprise system , which quality assets have come to be stripping listed or listed as a whole .

  7. 论文着重关注了国有资产所有者和国家出资企业作为社会公共利益代表主体的财产保护机制,并以国有资产公益诉讼原告制度为例进行了论证。

    Finally , the thesis focuses on the property protection system when State assets owner and SOEs are considered as representatives of social public interests , with a discussion on the plaintiff of Public Interest Litigation in the field of State-owned Assets in the end .

  8. 监督的对象是由其投资、控股的国家出资企业,即国有资产经营公司的子企业,包括国有独资公司、国有独资企业、国有资本控股公司、国有资本参股公司。

    The supervisory objects are the state-owned investment enterprises that invested and held by it , i.e , the subsidiary enterprises of the state-owned assets management company , including wholly state-owned companies , wholly state-owned enterprises , state-owned capital holding companies and state-owned capital share companies .