
  1. 第四部分:理顺中央与地方国有资产收益分配权关系的对策建议。

    The second part depicts the situation of distribution rights between central and local government .

  2. 行政事业性国有资产的收益管理与经营性国有资产的收益管理是不同的,应该给予特别地重视并被赋予新的涵义。

    Revenue management of administrative institutional state-owned assets is different from the operational state-owned assets . Attentions should be paid and new meanings should be given to it .

  3. 第四章:国有资源资产的收益形式。

    Chapter ⅳ: the revenue form of the resource asset .

  4. 国有资产的经营及其收益是国家财政收入的主要来源。

    Operating income of state-owned assets is the main source of state revenue .

  5. 目前我国国有企业股份制改造已到了关键时期,处于一个新的十字路口,迫切需要加强国有经济在国民经济中的控制力,提高国有资本运营的效率,实现国有资产收益最大化。

    Now , we 've reached a crucial moment of China 's economic reforms , and it is of urgent need to strengthen the domination of the state-owned economy in the national economy and to raise the efficiency of the state-owned capital operation .