
  1. 多年来,国资委一直敦促国有企业设立董事会,但企业反应迟缓。国资委隶属于国务院。

    The state-owned assets supervision and administration commission of the State Council has been pushing enterprises to establish boards of directors for years , but companies have been slow to respond .

  2. 此外,中国国有企业还设立了规模为30亿美元的京澳农业资源合作开发基金(BeijingAustraliaAgriculturalResourceCooperativeDevelopmentFund),以抓住农业方面的投资机遇。

    Chinese state companies have also set up the Beijing Australia Agricultural Resource Cooperative Development Fund , a $ 3bn fund to invest in agricultural opportunities .

  3. 北京首寰文化旅游投资公司由北京5家国有企业共同设立,这其中就包括了中国最大的旅游公司--首旅集团。

    Beijing Shouhuan Cultural Tourism Investment is owned by five Beijing state-owned companies , including Beijing Tourism Group , one of the country 's biggest tourism firms .