
ɡuó yǒu zī chǎn liú shī
  • loss of state assets
  1. 争论的焦点主要在于现实中各种曲线MBO大行其道,存在着黑箱操作、掌勺者私吞大锅饭等等不公正行为,导致了国有资产流失,企业职工、中小股民等相关利益主体的利益受损问题。

    The main focus of the discussion is that MBO in reality has brought loss of state assets and that some relative sides , like employees and small stock holders , lose their due interest in the MBO process .

  2. 论国有资产流失及治理的法律对策

    Loss of State Assets and Legal Countermeasures for Its Control

  3. MBO与国有资产流失问题的研究

    The Research on the Relation between MBO and the Running off of State-owned Property

  4. 国企MBO防止国有资产流失法律问题研究

    Study on the Prevention of State-owned Assets Losses in the Process of State-owned Enterprises Management Buyout

  5. 但是MBO的实施会导致可能的国有资产流失、新的内部人控制等问题。

    But such ques-tions as the implementation of MBO can lead to the fact the possible state-run losses of assets , new inside people to control .

  6. 中国企业MBO主要存在的问题是国有资产流失问题,而这个问题存在的根源在于法律的不完善以及定价机制不健全。

    The main problem of Chinese enterprise MBO is the drain of state-owned assets . This problem stems from the fact that the law and pricing system for MBO are not perfect .

  7. 本文简要分析了MBO造成的国有资产流失问题及其原因,借鉴国外先进经验,以期对我国MBO导致的国有资产流失问题的治理有所帮助。

    This paper analyses the problems and causes of the state-owned assets loss caused by MBO , to make use of foreign advanced experience to harness and solve the problems of loss caused by MBO .

  8. 中国即要履行WTO规则要求的削弱投资壁垒,又要有效保护民族工业,防止国有资产流失。

    It is essential for China to build up a complete system of law and rules on cross-border merger and acquisition , so as to protect national industry and to prevent the loss of national assets as well as to cut down investment barriers according to WTO rules .

  9. 国有资产流失与强化内部审计监督

    The Loss of State-owned Assets and Strengthening the Interior Auditing Supervision

  10. 国有资产流失问题的成因与防范

    The Cause and Precaution of the run-out of the State-owned Assets

  11. 电力行业国有资产流失途径及原因分析

    Eletronic industry state owned assests loss route and reason analysis

  12. 防范国有资产流失的制度性保障

    On the Systematic Protection of the Loss of State-Owned Assets

  13. 浅谈国有资产流失的形式及防范对策

    Ways for the Loss of National Assets and its Prevention

  14. 企业国有资产流失的博弈模型分析

    Analysis of asset loss of state-owned enterprises with game model

  15. 正确对待资产重组中的国有资产流失

    State - run assets losses in assets recombination should be handled correctly

  16. 因此,防止国有资产流失已刻不容缓。

    Therefore , to prevent loss of state assets have been pressing .

  17. 而国有资产流失正是由(合谋,合谋)的纳什均衡结果决定的。

    The outcome is decided by the NASH equilibrium of this game .

  18. 当前国有资产流失问题与对策

    On the problems of the loss of state-owned assets

  19. 国有资产流失问题探析

    Analysis on the Problem of Loss of State Assets

  20. 国有资产流失与隐秘的会计手段

    On loss of state assets and ulterior accounting means

  21. 郎药方不能解决国有资产流失症。

    So Professor Lang cannot solve the problem of disappearing of national assets .

  22. 论防止国有资产流失对策

    On Tactics for Preventing the Loss of State Assets

  23. 而正是这些不同导致了我国管理层收购中存在诸多问题:1,可能造成了国有资产流失;

    1 , cause the drain of state-owned assets ;

  24. 我国股票市场中的寻租与国有资产流失问题研究

    On the Rent-seeking in Chinese Stock Market and the Drain of State-owned Assets

  25. 抗制国有资产流失犯罪对策研究

    Study on Ways to Prevent and Control Loss of State Owned Assets Crime

  26. 法律完善是防范国有资产流失的有效途径

    Law Perfection Is the Effective Way to Prevent the State-owned Assets from Run-off

  27. 试析国有资产流失及其治理

    On Government Assets Loss and It 's Management

  28. 浅析国有资产流失的形式

    The Formals of Running off of State-owned Assets

  29. 这一时期土地出让方式主要有:协议、拍卖和招标,但由于土地出让管理不严格,经营性土地大多都采取协议方式出让,而协议出让价格一般都偏低,导致大量的国有资产流失。

    The way of land leasing mainly included : Agreement , auction and tender .

  30. 企业国有资产流失形式与对策研究

    Study on the Forms of Loss of State-owned Assets in Enterprises and Its Countermeasures