
ɡuó fánɡ zhī chū
  • defense spending;expenditure on national defense
  1. 自由支配性开支的节余将在国内和国防支出中分摊。

    The discretionary savings are spread between both domestic and defense spending .

  2. 在过去这些年中,这一数字甚至高于国防支出。

    In past years the number was even higher than defense spending .

  3. 大多数方案都试图通过缩减常备军的规模来降低国防支出。

    Most schemes attempt to reduce the cost of defence through a smaller regular army

  4. 那么国防支出将只有gdp的2%。

    Then defence spending would be a mere 2 per cent of GDP .

  5. 观察国防支出的斯德哥尔摩国际和平研究所(StockholmInternationalPeaceResearchInstitute)表示,2012年,中国占据全球国防支出的近10%。

    In 2012 , the country accounted for nearly 10 per cent of global expenditure , according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute , which monitors defence spending .

  6. 将国防支出占国内生产总值(gdp)的比例削减2%有助于实现这一目标,这意味着要结束在伊拉克和阿富汗的占领,并砍掉不必要的武器系统。

    This can be achieved partly by cutting defence spending by 2 percentage points of gross domestic product , meaning ending the Iraq and Afghanistan occupations and cutting wasteful weapons systems .

  7. 但过去几年,BAE一直在调低利润率,美国国防支出大幅削减将让未来几年变得不确定。

    But it has spent the past few years cutting back and huge US defence spending cuts make the next few years uncertain .

  8. 国防支出的坚定支持者美国企业研究所(americanenterpriseinstitute)的托马斯唐利(thomasdonnelly)认为,由共和党控制的新一届众议院是一个重要因素,很多新议员对国家安全事务了解不多。

    Thomas Donnelly , of the American Enterprise Institute , a strong supporter of defence spending , points to the new Republican-controlled house of Representatives as a big factor , with scores of new members having little exposure to national security issues .

  9. 华盛顿布鲁金斯学会(BrookingsInstitution)的李侃如(KennethLieberthal)表示,中国国防支出的不透明特性,使外界难以对其军事战略得出有意义的结论。

    Kenneth Lieberthal , of the Brookings Institution in Washington , said the opaque nature of Chinese defence spending made it difficult to draw meaningful conclusions about military strategy .

  10. 主张财政自律的无党派组织&协和联盟(ConcordCoalition)最近的数据显示,2010年,美国国防支出占到了联邦预算的20.6%,仅次于医疗与社会保障支出。

    Recent figures from the Concord Coalition , the non-partisan group that advocates fiscal discipline , show defence spending represented 20.6 per cent of the US federal budget in 2010 , third only to health and social security .

  11. 奥巴马知道共和党方面可能提出批评,因此他援引了共和党人、前总统德怀特艾森豪威尔(dwighteisenhower)的建议,即国防支出应当和其它重要的国家计划一起得到兼顾。

    Aware of the likely criticisms from Republicans , Mr Obama cited advice from President Dwight Eisenhower , himself a Republican , that defence spending should be balanced against other important national programmes .

  12. 中国的国防支出需求和政策研究

    Research on Demand and Policy for Defense Expenditure of China

  13. 国防支出的绩效评价

    Evaluation of the achievement and benefit of national defense expenditure

  14. 本研究运用计量经济学方法,对影响我国国防支出的因素进行实证分析。

    This dissertation makes use of econometric methods to make empirical analysis .

  15. 稳步提高国防支出占财政支出的比重;

    Raise the proportion of expenditure for national defense steadily ;

  16. 国防支出、产业结构与最优防务负担

    Defence Expenditure , Industry Structure and Optimum Defence Burden

  17. 保守派人士如果质疑国防支出,在过去可能被贴上不爱国的标签。

    Any conservative who questioned defence spending might once have been labelled unpatriotic .

  18. 浅析1978年以来中国国防支出的变化趋势

    Analysis of Chinese Defense 's Change Tendercy since 1978

  19. 但国防支出削减容易,增加难。

    But defence spending may be easier to cut than " entitlements . "

  20. 维持低水平国防支出

    III. Maintaining a Low Level of Defense Spending

  21. 两党的国会议员料将在削减国防支出问题上相当犹豫不决。

    Lawmakers from both parties will probably be very hesitant about reducing defense spending .

  22. 另外,美国政府今后的预算紧缩将支持削减这样的国防支出。

    Moreover , the coming budget austerity in Washington will support such defence cuts .

  23. 这个国家的军费在预算中增加了4%。预算中相对于国防支出的民用支出

    The military expenditure of this country went up 4 per cent in the budget

  24. 中国国防支出的总体水平是比较低的。

    Overall , China 's defense expenditure has remained at a fairly low level .

  25. 国防支出应该成为讨论议题。

    Defense spending should be on the table .

  26. 北京和华盛顿方面对中国国防支出相持不下。

    Beijing and Washington have publicly locked horns about the level of Chinese defence spending .

  27. 事实上,从非常长的时期来看,就连国防支出也将暴跌。

    Indeed , in the very long run , even spending on defence would collapse .

  28. 国防支出的低水平和军工技术的民用促进了中国的经济建设

    Low Defence Budget and Civilian Utilization of Military Industry Bring About An Advance in Economic Construction

  29. 技术优势和美国的国防支出规模,为美国军队赋予了覆盖全球的影响力和实力。

    The technological edge and scale of US spending on defence gives its military global reach and power .

  30. 盖茨表示,美国在北约国防支出中所占的份额已经上升到超过75%。

    Mr. Gates said the American share of NATO defense spending has now risen to more than seventy-five percent .