
  • 网络capital expenditures;capital construction expenditure
  1. 其中基本建设支出、文教科卫支出对经济增长的影响为正,且文教科卫支出对经济增长有显著的拉动效应。

    Including capital expenditures , Culture Science and Health Expenditure and Economic Growth is positive , and Culture Science and Health Expenditure on economic growth significantly stimulating effect .

  2. 对农业基本建设支出同GDP增长呈反方向变化进行了深入的分析;

    Analyze the negative correlation between rural infrastructure expenditure and GDP increase ;

  3. 从趋势上来看,如果政府支出(特别是基本建设支出)与GDP的比值持续上升,那么,就业弹性就将持续下降。

    On condition that the ratio between government expenditure ( especially basic construction expenditure ) and GDP persistently increase in the future , the employment elasticity would persistently decline .

  4. 文章就是在此背景下展开对财政基本建设支出管理问题的研究。

    In this background , the article expands research on public expenditure of basic construction .

  5. 财政分权对基本建设支出有负面影响,而政治晋升对基本建设支出有显著地正面效应。

    Fiscal decentralization of the basic construction expenditure , and has negative influence on the construction of basic political promotion spending are significantly positive effects .

  6. 以基本建设支出、科技支出等为主要内容的一般公共服务支出,则通过技术进步与资本形成路径促进城乡二元经济结构转换。

    General public service which mainly contends of basic construction expenditure , technology expenditure will promote urban-rural dual economic structure transformation through the path of capital accumulation and technology progress .

  7. 再次,基本建设支出对不同地区的经济绩效的影响存在异质性,地方官员也存在异质性,这使得各地政府面临的财政激励和政治激励也是异质的。

    Again , basic construction spending in different regions of the economic performance in the effect of heterogeneity , local officials also exists heterogeneity , this make the government faces financial incentives and political motivation is foreign .

  8. 注:本表收入中不包括国内外债务收入,支出中不包括国内外债务还本付息支出和用国外借款安排的基本建设支出。

    Note : revenue in this table exclude the foreign and domestic debts revenue , expenditure exclude payment for the principal and interest of foreign and domesticebts and expenditure for capital construction which is financed by foreign debts .

  9. 在财政支出方面,青岛市财政支出结构在调整中优化,地方财政支出特别是基本建设支出对经济增长具有显著的促进作用,但财政支出内在结构需要进一步调整与优化。

    Secondly , considering financial expenditures , its structure of Qingdao is being optimizing in adjusting , the local expenditure especially capital expenditure plays a significant role in promoting the economic growth , but its inherent structure needs further adjustment and optimization .

  10. 根据数据的可获得性,本文主要对农业支出、基本建设支出、文教科卫支出和行政管理费支出四类支出对经济增长的影响,以及各项支出冲击引起经济增长的响应函数进行了对比分析。

    According to data availability , this paper on agricultural expenditure , capital expenditure , health expenditures , Education , Science and administrative expenses for four categories of expenditure on economic growth , as well as the impact of the spending response function in economic growth were compared .

  11. 得出结论:除了农业基本建设支出对农业产出有负经济意义外,其他三个财政支农(包括农林水利气象费用支出、支援农村生产支出和科技三项费用)均对农业有正经济意义。

    Conclusion : In addition to capital expenditure on agriculture has a negative economic significance of agricultural output , the other three financial support for agriculture ( including forestry , water conservancy meteorological costs , support costs and Expenditure for rural production ) are positive economic significance of agriculture .

  12. 医疗财政转移支付的主要项目包括基本医疗保险补助支出、基本医疗机构体系建设支出和基本药物保障财政支出。

    Major projects include basic medical insurance subsidy spending , financial expenditures on basic medical institutions and essential drugs financial expenditure .

  13. 接下来的几章就是在第一章基本思路的延续下展开的。第二章对财政基本建设支出的职能进行了界定,明确了财政基建支出的范围、规模与内部结构。

    Chapter 2 , the author defines the function of government in public basic construction expenditure , and clarifies the area , the scale and the inner structure .