
  1. 推广先进成熟技术的应用,加强关键技术基础性项目建设;

    We will promote the application of advanced and sophisticated technologies and the construction of the basic projects for the development of key technologies .

  2. 公用事业产品私人供给的必要性在于可以增强竞争意识,有利于经济和社会效益的提高,有利于解决基础性项目的资金短缺,消除社会经济的瓶颈障碍。

    The necessity of public utilities products used in individual supply lie in strengthening competition consciousness , favorable to improve the economic and social benefit , help to solve problem of short of fund of basic project , dispel the " bottleneck " obstacle of social economy .

  3. 牧草种子基地建设是我国重大生态建设的基础性建设项目。

    The establishment of forage grass seed-base is a fundamental project of the national key ecological construction .

  4. 为推动国民经济或区域经济的发展,满足社会、文化、生活的需要,基础性工程项目建设活动成为国内重要的市场行为之一。

    In order to promote the development of national or area economy , meet the needs of society , culture , life , politics or national defense , fundamental engineering project has become one of the important marketing activities .

  5. 并且,他是《远景论坛》的创始人兼总监,这是一个不受地理限制的基础实验性研究项目。

    H ü ttner is the founder and director of the Vision Forum , a project based and experimental research program without geographical location .

  6. 本文介绍了中科院九五基础性研究重大项目碲镉汞红外焦平面光电子物理的应用基础研究的进展情况。

    This paper reports the progress of the project : fundamental research for application of the physics of optoelectronics on HgCdTe infrared focal plane array .

  7. 太原市民办中学课余训练运动项目的开展主要是集中于四项高考体育测试和一些基础性的田径项目,其次为篮球项目。

    Private schools in Taiyuan launching after-school sports training will focus on four college entrance test and some basic sports of track and field events , followed by basketball .

  8. 政府投资应当重点投向基础性和公益性项目。

    Any governmental investment shall emphatically invest in fundamental and public projects .

  9. 国际石油合作项目的现场管理,是施工第一线的基础性管理,对项目成败起着关键性作用。

    The international petroleum projects are faced with the risks of the politics , the economic policy , the geology , the construction , and the petroleum market .

  10. 受合同制约的、非基础性研究的研发项目越来越多得存在于制造型企业中,其探索性和制约性的矛盾表明了风险来源。

    More and more non-basic research R & D projects constrained by the contract were found in manufacturing enterprises . The contradiction between exploration and constraints comes up the risk source .

  11. 而软件需求分析是一个项目的起点,是确定软件项目目标的基础性工作,也是项目实施最重要的关键点。

    And the starting point of one project is the Software Requirement Analysis which is also the basic work for setting the goal of the software project and the crucial point for the implementation of it .