
  1. 在建立和完善现代企业制度过程中,国有独资公司治理暴露出很多问题,如出资人职责不清,政企不分,公司治理结构不健全等。

    While establishing and improving the modern enterprise system , a lot of solely state-owned corporate governance issues are exposed .

  2. 分级代表国家履行出资人职责的改革是国有资产管理体制改革的一个重要进展。

    Leveling the state representitives as the investor marked a great development in the reform of the management system of the state owned assets .

  3. 在公司外部,国有股董事实现了出资人职责到位,确保了企业依法享有的经营自主权。

    In the outside of the board , the state-owned director ensures the duty of contributor be realized well and the autonomy of business operation of the company be enjoyed lawfully .

  4. 2003年以来,我国国有资产管理实行由国资委代表国务院履行出资人职责的集权控制管理模式,消除了以往分权控制管理模式造成的体制性弊端。

    China State-owned Property Committee has started managing the State-owned property on behalf of State Council to fulfil the investment person responsibility since year 2003.This management pattern solved the system malpractice of dividing power control manages .

  5. 根据各国履行国有企业出资人职责的部门是否集中,可以将国有企业出资人模式划分为分权模式、双重模式和集权模式。

    States in fulfilling the responsibilities of investor according to the department of state enterprises are concentrated , the investor of state enterprises can be classified as decentralized model mode , dual mode and the centralized model .

  6. 建立国有企业负责人经营业绩考核制度是政府履行出资人职责、加强国有资产监督管理的重要保障,也是提高国有企业竞争力的重要措施。

    The establishment of state-owned enterprises performance system is Government to fulfill investor , to strengthen state-owned assets supervision and management of important security , but also enhance the competitiveness of state-owned enterprises , an important measure .

  7. 在目前的国有资产监督管理体制中,中央和地方国资委分别代表国家对除金融资产以外的经营性国有资产履行出资人职责,行使所有者权益。

    In current system of state-owned assets , the state-owned supervision and administration commission of the state council and the same institutions of local governments are representatives of the State respectively . They perform as the owner of state-owned assets and exert the ownership .

  8. 再次,公立医院运行监管职责和权力分配上存在不匹配,导致公立医院运行监管效率低下,这一问题集中表现为卫生行政部门出资人职责履行机构角色有名无实。

    Thirdly , public hospital internal regulation responsibility and authority are not appropriate in different regulators , that cause the inefficiency of public hospital internal regulation . The focus of the problem is the nominal of Health administrative department as the institution to fulfill the responsibilities of investor .

  9. 出资人代表制度是铁道部作为出资人履行职责的主要手段,也是规范合资铁路管理的重要内容。

    Capital provider representative system is a main approach for MOR to perform the responsibility as capital provider , and meanwhile is an important part to regulate the management of joint-venture railway .