
chū kǒu yā huì
  • bill purchased;export documentary bills;export bill of exchange
  1. 企业出口押汇、福费廷、保理等贸易融资项下的收汇,不需办理预收货款登记手续。

    Foreign exchange proceeds from export documentary bills , forfaiting , factoring or other trade financing business are not subject to the registration administration of advances on sales .

  2. 出口押汇业务中有关各方法律关系分析。

    Analyze the legal relationships of negotiation under guarantee for export .

  3. 出口押汇当事人的权利与义务。

    Obligations and rights of parties in negotiation under guarantee for export .

  4. 信用证交易中的出口押汇风险试谈住房抵押贷款

    Risk of Loan Secured from the Waybill of the Export as Mortgage

  5. 那么在出口押汇文件的上,我所享服务有怎样?

    How can I benefit from your export services ?

  6. 论出口押汇及其法律性质

    On Export Negotiation Credit and Its Legal Nature

  7. 出口押汇和议付是议付信用证项下的两种融资方式。

    Export loan under mortgage of documents and negotiation are two kinds of financing methods under negotiation letter of credit .

  8. 议付信用证的议付与出口押汇的关系。通过比较二者之间的区别,进一步明确出口押汇的特征、性质。

    Compare Negotiation under guarantee for export with negotiation , make the meaning and character of negotiation under guarantee for export .

  9. 如果是押汇/贴现票据,每个受票人的敞口通常不应超过批准的出口押汇限额的35%。

    In case of bill purchase / discount , exposure per drawee generally should not exceed 35 % of the sanctioned FBP limit .

  10. 目前我国的国有商业银行主要的国际贸易融资业务包括进口押汇、打包放款、出口押汇、授信开证等。

    The international trade financing service that the bank provides to the importer and the exporter allows the convenience between import and export business .

  11. 在货款回收阶段,企业可以开展出口押汇、票据贴现和票据买入、出口信用保险。

    During the period of debt collection , they can apply for negotiation under documentary credit , advance against documentary collection , discounting , and export insurance .

  12. 第二部分概要介绍了信用证项下融资的主要类型:对出口商融资的打包放款、出口押汇、信用证项下的汇票贴现、福费廷等;

    Part B. introduce the types of the financial under letter of credit : pacing loan , export negotiation , draft discount under export letter of credit ;

  13. 其中,出口贸易融资业务涉及了贷款和透支、打包贷款、出口信用证押汇、出口托收押汇、出口贴现等;

    For export trade finance , it involves overdraft and loan , packing loan , letter of credit negotiation , outward documentary collection advance , export discount and etc ;