
  • 网络Export Promotion
  1. 三是以进口保护作为出口促进的手段。

    Import protection is used as export promotion .

  2. 美元贬值如今已经启动,但其它形式的出口促进措施却尚未展开。

    Dollar depreciation is under way but other kinds of export promotion have not begun .

  3. 第二章讨论与出口促进政策有关的经济理论。

    Chapter Two analyses economic theories on export-promotion .

  4. 财政性出口促进政策研究

    Financial Policies for Boosting Exports

  5. “但是印度也向这些市场进军,”印度服装出口促进会主席说。

    " But India has made inroads into these markets as well ," the AEPC chairman said .

  6. 不过,本币升值有助于缓解通胀,尤其是在长期实行出口促进政策、人为使汇率低企的国家,如中国和韩国。

    But currency appreciation helps , particularly in those countries where long-standing export-promotion policies have kept currencies artificially low notably China and Korea .

  7. 欧盟的财政性出口促进政策也有其独到特点,以金融性和援外的面目出现;

    The financial policies implemented by the EU in order to promote exports display distinctive features , and represent a new approach to foreign aid and finance .

  8. 针对贸易自由化和全球化趋势,韩国在完善出口促进机制的同时,还应完善进口自由化,以减少贸易争端和开放国内市场的压力。

    In the situation that trade is becoming more free and global , Korea is now trying to perfect its export system and provide import with more freedom to reduce its trade conflicts and pressures in opening its natinal market .

  9. 这些都不是美国需要的办法,中国的办法要更好一些:认真关注可持续能源、尖端基础设施、提高劳动力技能以及通过基础设施出口促进国际发展,从而为未来投资。

    Neither would do what America needs and China is doing better : investing for the future through serious attention to sustainable energy , cutting-edge infrastructure , enhanced labour-force skills and the promotion of international development through the export of infrastructure .

  10. 但巴西等新兴市场国家反击道,这是披着绿色外衣的出口促进措施,它们举出了一些臭名昭著的例子,说明在涉及利用贸易改善环境时,富国不能实践自己所鼓吹的言论。

    But emerging markets such as Brazil countered that this was export promotion unconvincingly masquerading as greenery , pointing at notorious examples of the rich countries failing to practise what they preach when it comes to harnessing trade to help the environment .

  11. 杰哈发现,决定此类国家是否进口环保商品的更重要因素,是承诺保护环境的总体水平,以及它们是否获得了富国的技术援助这常被视为一个隐性出口促进措施。

    More important in determining whether such countries imported environmental goods , Ms JHA found , were overall levels of commitment to protect the environment and whether or not they received technical assistance from rich countries often regarded as a hidden form of export promotion .

  12. 一方面,中小企业在创造GDP、增加出口、促进就业以及推动技术进步方面都发挥着不可替代的作用;

    On one hand , SMB is playing an irreplaceable role in creating GDP , increasing export , promoting employment and driving technology progress ;

  13. 我国应该积极发展与其他国家的双边或多边FTA,绕开非关税壁垒,扩大出口,促进经济发展。

    China should actively develop bilateral and multilateral FTAs with other countries and steer clear of nontariff barriers , so as to expand export and promote economic development .

  14. 实际上,主权债务国正经历一场类似于国际货币基金组织(imf)计划的救助,而没有伴随在国内需求放缓的背景下将资源转向出口以促进增长所必需的货币贬值。

    In effect , sovereign debtors are undergoing the equivalent of an International Monetary Fund programme without the devaluation that is necessary to shift resources into exports to generate growth in the context of deflated domestic demand .

  15. 中国加入WTO后,对园艺产业拓宽国际市场和增加出口,促进农村经济及结构调整,引进优良品种和先进的生产管理模式,吸引外资和加强市场建设等均将产生积极的作用。

    China 's entering into WTO will have great positive effect on horticultural industry in several aspects : widing international market and increasing export , promoting rural economy and structure adjusting , introducing quality varieties and advanced production management , absorbing international funds and promoting market construction .

  16. 出口明显促进了经济增长,而进口对经济增长影响不很显著。

    Export obviously promotes economic growth , while import does not .

  17. 浅析人民币小幅升值对我国外贸出口的促进作用

    The Positive Impact of Slight RMB Appreciation on Chinese Exportation

  18. 众多的经济理论和实践研究表明,出口能促进经济增长。

    Many economical theories and empirical tests show that export stimulates economic growth .

  19. 来自菲律宾出口贸易促进局的数据显示,烟草出口在2010年达到了2.66亿美元。

    Data from the Bureau of Export Trade Promotions ( BETP ) showed tobacco exports reached $ 266 million in2010 .

  20. 入世有利于扩大我国的服装出口,促进我国服装产业升级,提高服装企业综合竞争力。

    Joining WTO is favourable for expanding our garment export , upgrading our garment industry , and improving our overall competitiveness .

  21. 第三,农产品或农副产品出口可以促进农业现代化建设、新农村建设。

    Third , the export of agricultural products or agricultural sideline products can promote agricultural modernization and the new rural construction .

  22. 本文仅旨在论述建立煤炭战略储备的重要性以及如何立足全球,通过控制出口、促进进口以及鼓励煤炭企业走出去等措施,充分利用国际资源充实我国的煤炭战略储备。

    The aim of this article is to give reasons of building coal reserves in China and show the way of utilizing global coal resources .

  23. 同时制造业产品贸易占据世界贸易的绝大部分,在以出口拉动促进经济快速增长的过程中发挥了举足轻重的作用。

    Manufactured goods trade occupies the majority of the Universal Trade , and plays a decisive role in the economic growth which is promoted by export .

  24. 最后,我们还在致力于另外几项贸易举措,包括与哥伦比亚和巴拿马签署贸易协定,这将进一步提振出口、促进就业。

    Finally , we are pursuing several further trade initiatives , including deals with Colombia and Panama , that will boost exports further and support jobs .

  25. 根据实证分析结果,得到结论:对外直接投资对初级产品进口和工业制成品出口具有促进作用,对初级产品出口和工业制成品进口具有抑制作用。

    According to empirical results , conclusion : foreign direct investment promotes imports of primary products and exports of manufactured goods , for primary products export and import manufactured goods with the inhibition .

  26. 在通货市场,“以邻为壑”指的是降低内部流通性通过出口来促进自己经济恢复却导致国外流动性泛滥经济下滑的政策。

    In currency markets ," beggar thy neighbor " refers to policies that result in a weaker local currency to help the respective economy via exports , at the expense of foreign currencies and economies .

  27. 我国改革开放初期,外债作为我国利用外资弥补经济缺口,推动我国产品结构升级7,快速扩大出口、促进就业等方面做出了很大的贡献。

    During the initial period of Reform and opening-up , external debts had make a great contribution in terms of utilizing foreign capital to make up for our economical gap , promoting product structure upgrades , rapidly expanding the export , promoting employment and so forth .

  28. 出口产业将促进经济复苏。

    The export sector will aid the economic recovery

  29. FDI对我国出口贸易的促进作用大于进口贸易。

    The conclusion shows the promotion of FDI to the import trade exceeds that of FDI to the export trade .

  30. 今年早些时候,巴西政府骄傲地宣布,巴西出口和投资促进署(apex)在北京建立了办事处。

    Earlier this year , the Brazilian government proudly announced the establishment of a Beijing Office for the Brazilian export and Investment Promotion Agency ( APEX ) .