
  • 网络Cost of Export Commodity
  1. 国内的工人工资及原材料只占这些再出口商品成本的30%。

    And domestic wages and materials account for about 30 % of the cost of those re-exports .

  2. 汇率水平及其波动构成了国际贸易风险的主要内容,并直接决定出口商品的成本,影响出口规模。

    Exchange rate and its changes consists of the main risk in the field of international trade , and directly determine the cost and scale of the export products .

  3. 设置使国内市场上的进口商品的价格更加昂贵的壁垒,会提高出口商品的生产成本。

    Barriers that make importable goods more costly in the domestic market raise the cost of producing for export .

  4. 出口商品生产的实际成本

    Actual cost of producing export commodity

  5. 应售价格应由出口商品的境内生产成本、合理利润及外贸所需的储运、保险等费用组成。

    Such prices should include production cost , reasonable profit and the expenses on warehousing , transportation and insurance .