
  1. 美国正在重新评估对华高科技产品出口控制政策,预计将在几个月后宣布针对这一政策的修改。

    The United States is reviewing its export control policy and is expected to announce changes to the policy in the next few months .

  2. 从密码技术、市场分析、出口控制、公开政策、国会作用、政策发展以及可能方案等七方面概述当今美国的密码政策。

    It outlines nowadays American cryptography policy in cryptography technology , market analysis , export control , public policy , congress affect , development of policy and potential scenarios .

  3. 对核、生、化以及导弹领域的敏感技术和设备进行严格的出口控制是防扩散政策的重要组成部分。

    The export control of sensitive technologies and devices related to nuclear , biological and chemical bombs and missiles is a critical part of nonproliferation policies .