
chū kǒu dǎo xiànɡ
  • export-oriented
  1. 根据本文的分析,人民币升值将会减弱中国吸引出口导向型FDI的能力。

    According to analysis of this dissertation , RMB appreciation will weaken China 's ability to attract export-oriented FDI .

  2. 中国近年来的出口导向型经济发展对于提高GDP增长起到了很大作用,全球化在给中国带来巨大经济利益的同时,也带来了一些负面的影响,可能潜伏着一些不易被人们察觉的危机。

    In recent years , export-oriented economy of China has played a great role in increasing GDP . The globalization not only brings great economic interests to China , but also brings many negative effects and crisis which is not easy to be conscious .

  3. 结果表明,FDI的投资动机会影响技术溢出效应的发生.对于出口导向型FDI,技术溢出效应可以同时通过竞争和模仿途径发生;

    The results indicate that as for local-oriented FDI , technology spillovers could be generated through both competition and imitation .

  4. 本文分析结果表明:企业规模、盈利能力都与企业RD支出正相关;而出口导向则与企业RD投入负相关。

    The results show that firm size and profitability have positive correlation with its R D expenditures while firm export orientation has negative correlation with its R D investment .

  5. OECD的一篇工作报告指出,外国直接投资在理论上可以分为两种类型,即市场导向型的外国直接投资和出口导向型的外国直接投资。

    As mentioned in an OECD working report , theory classifies FDI into two types : market-oriented and export-oriented FDI .

  6. 此前的局势已经削弱了德国的出口导向型经济:德国第一季度GDP只比4年前高出1%。

    What has already happened has weakened its export-dependent economy : German GDP was only 1 per cent higher in the first quarter of 2012 than four years earlier .

  7. 研究结果显示,出口导向率对总产出有促进作用,进口渗透率对总产出有一定的负面影响,净出口额增量占GDP比值对就业人数增长率有积极的拉动作用。

    The studied result indicates , the guidance proportion in export plays a positive role in the total product , the infiltration proportion in import gives a negative influence in the total product .

  8. 康奈尔大学的经济学家EswarPrasad说,就像之前的日本,中国走的是投资导向和出口导向的经济模式。

    Like Japan before it , China embraced an investment-led and export-led economic model , explains economist Eswar Prasad of Cornell University .

  9. 出口导向战略的实施和与之配套的优惠政策的过度推行导致中国目前的外贸依存度太高,进出口总额占GDP的比率从2002年的42.7%上升到2006年的近70%。

    The heavy dependence upon foreign trade in China is due to the excessive implementation of the strategy of export-oriented and its accompanying policies . The proportion of the total amount of export vs. import in GDP grows from 42.7 percent in 2002 to nearly 70 percent in 2006 .

  10. 在这233家通过ISO14000认证的企业中,有68.2%的企业属于外资、合资企业,另外还有一些出口导向型的国有大中型企业,而真正属于我们自己的普通企业则为数不多。

    In the 233 enterprises , about 68.2 % belongs to foreign-funded enterprise and joint venture , besides there are some large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises , the rest small and medium-sized enterprises are in the minority .

  11. 投资银行德利佳华(DresdnerKleinwort)的彼得塔斯克(PeterTasker)表示:高附加值制造业之于日本就如同金融服务业之于英国。这种说法可能适用于亚洲许多出口导向型经济体。

    High value-added manufacturing is to Japan what financial services are to the UK , says Peter Tasker of Dresdner Kleinwort , the investment bank , in a remark that could apply to many of Asia 's export-oriented economies .

  12. 据接近谈判的官员们介绍,德国财长沃尔夫冈朔伊布勒(WolfgangSchäuble)在说服中国同行接受妥协方面扮演了关键角色。朔伊布勒同样反对为了限制出口导向型经济体的贸易盈余而设定精确目标。

    Wolfgang Sch ä uble , German finance minister , who was equally opposed to any precise targets to limit the trade surpluses of export-led economies , played a key role in persuading his Chinese counterpart to accept a compromise , according to officials close to the talks .

  13. 劳动力、人口和中国出口导向的增长模式

    Labor , Demography , and the Export-oriented Growth Model in China

  14. 其他出口导向型国家正考虑换另一种模式。

    Countries with similar models are thinking of trading them in .

  15. 他暗示出口导向型的中小企业无需恐慌。

    The export-oriented Mittelstand has nothing to fear , he suggests .

  16. 中国经济属于出口导向型经济也是个过时观念。

    China as an export-led economy is a similarly outdated concept .

  17. 中国出口导向型增长的区域差异性

    An Analysis on the Regional Disparity of the Export-oriented Economic Growth

  18. 进口替代战略和出口导向战略之比较

    Comparison of the Import Substitution Strategy and the Export Guidance Strategy

  19. 我国出口导向型经济增长假说的适用性分析

    Applicable Analysis on the Hypothesis of Export Oriented Economic Increase in China

  20. 二是对出口导向中战略产业的支持与鼓励;

    Second , support and encourage the strategic industries in export guiding .

  21. 授权业务日趋全球化及出口导向。

    Licensing is becoming more a global business and is increasingly export-oriented .

  22. 在中国,出口导向型企业希望与高端客户保持更为紧密的联系。

    Its export-oriented firms want to lock in closer ties with end-customers .

  23. 进口替代与出口导向的综合实施

    An comprehensive implementation of both import substitution & export orientation

  24. 天津实施出口导向发展战略的可行性分析

    The Feasibility Analysis of Exports-Orientated Policy for Development in Tianjin

  25. 新加坡出口导向战略及其影响

    Singapore 's Export - Oriented Strategy and Its Effect

  26. 大力实施出口导向型经济发展战略

    Energetically Implement the Developing Strategy of Export Leading Economy

  27. 我国出口导向型上市企业汇率风险影响因素研究

    Study of Factors Influencing Exchange Rate Risk of China 's Listed Export-Oriented Companies

  28. 当时的亚洲依靠出口导向的经济恢复了元气。

    The Asian countries recovered thanks to export-led growth .

  29. 这种模式对于以出口导向型制造业为中心的传统增长格局发挥了良好作用。

    This pattern served well the traditional growth pattern centered around export-oriented manufacturing .

  30. 沿海省份通过培育出口导向产业而变得富足。

    Coastal provinces grew rich by nurturing export-oriented industries .