
  • 网络Export Credit Agency;ECA;ECAS
  1. 我们将成为唯一一个没有出口信贷机构的主要经济体。

    We would be the only major economy without an export credit agency .

  2. 第三,世界银行(worldbank)和区域性发展银行,连同各出口信贷机构,必须扩大贸易融资的信用额度。

    Third , the world bank and regional development banks , with export credit agencies , must offer expanded lines for trade financing .

  3. 美国气候变化特使托德•斯特恩(ToddStern)这周向记者表示,富裕国家已经在通过地区发展银行和出口信贷机构,将数十亿美元资金用于应对气候变化。

    Wealthy countries are already channelling billions of dollars for climate change work through regional development banks and export credit agencies , Todd Stern , the chief US climate envoy , told reporters this week .

  4. 出口信贷机构已经被要求提供额外的保险。

    The ECAs have been asked to stump up additional cover .

  5. 不管怎样,这是否可能是出口信贷机构的荣光时刻呢?

    Nevertheless , could this be the public ECAs'moment in the sun ?

  6. 该计划将通过出口信贷机构、投资机构和开发银行得到执行。

    It will be delivered through export credit agencies , investment agencies and development banks .

  7. 该项目正由一个由商业银行和出口信贷机构组成的大型财团提供融资。

    It is being financed by a large consortium of commercial banks and export credit agencies .

  8. 世行还与世贸组织合作,设法利用各国出口信贷机构的资源和经验。

    Working with the WTO , we also will seek to tap the resources and experiences of national export credit agencies .

  9. 出口信贷机构帮助从航空到能源等诸多行业的企业在境外开展更多业务,为私人项目提供政府出资贷款及其他金融支持。

    Export credit agencies help companies do more business abroad in industries ranging from aerospace to energy , providing government-backed loans and other financial support for individual projects .

  10. 世界银行曾委托有关方面就水坝的影响进行研究,并于2000年发布了一份质疑水坝作用的报告。受此影响,世界银行和一些国家的出口信贷机构撤出了水坝修筑领域。

    Influenced by a special commission on dams whose sceptical report was published in 2000 , the World Bank and some national export credit agencies have retreated from dam-building .

  11. 赖斯表示,这个问题对通用电气至关重要,如果美国进出口银行被关闭,通用电气很可能将不得不把燃气轮机和喷气发动机的生产转到海外,在那里它能够利用其他国家的出口信贷机构。

    Mr Rice said the issue was crucial for GE and that if the Ex-Im Bank were to be shut down it was likely to have to shift production of gas turbines and jet engines overseas where it could take advantage of other countries ' export credit agencies .

  12. ⑵探讨几个有代表性的发达国家的出口信贷体系,重点分析了各国出口信贷机构与本国政府和商业金融机构的关系。

    Then , it introduces the current export credit systems of three typical developed countries .

  13. 其次,规范出口信贷担保,设立专门的针对农产品出口的信贷担保机构,使其制度化与法律化,规范运营,保持盈亏平衡以有效避免反补贴诉讼,同时逐步引进商业机构参与其中。

    Secondly , Export Credit Guarantee further developed with regulations , we should set up export credit guarantee agencies for agricultural products export , make it institutionalization and legalization , keep the profit and loss balance to effectively avoid countervailing litigation and gradually introduce commercial organizations to participate in it .