
zhōnɡ yānɡ qǐ yè
  • central enterprises;national enterprise
  1. 在我国,按照国资委的要求,自2010年起,所有中央企业将全面引入EVA业绩考核新体系。

    According to the requirements of SASAC , all of central SOEs will adopt the new system of performance evaluation since 2010 .

  2. 第三部分对经济增加值指标的实施情况进行了描述性统计,归纳中央企业实施EVA的现状。

    The third part is descriptive statistics which the implementation of economic value added indicators , and summarizes the status of central enterprises to implement EVA .

  3. 我国国有企业现行业绩考核评价体系即《中央企业负责人经营业绩考核暂行办法》,尚存一些问题,应结合EVA绩效评价和激励理论对现行评价体系进行改进。

    This paper analyzes the drawbacks of present performance evaluation system of Chinese enterprise Temporary regulations of performance evaluation On the central state enterprise legal person .

  4. 系统分析了EVA对企业影响的构成要素,同时深入总结了经济增加值指标在中央企业实施过程中的主要困难和障碍。

    And systematic analysis of the constituent elements of the EVA impact on enterprises , while It summaries the main difficulties and obstacles of economic value added indicators in the implementation process of the central enterprises in-depth .

  5. 然后从经营管理绩效的角度对EVA在中央企业的实施影响进行了理论分析,并总结在实施过程中的主要困难和障碍。

    Then It is theoretical analysis which is from the standpoint of operating performance and management performance impact of the implementation of EVA in the central enterprises , and summarizes the main difficulties and obstacles in the implementation process .

  6. 国务院国资委对所有的中央企业经理人进行经济增加值业绩考核,而且经济增加值的计算方法与国外的EVA计算办法有所不同,为经济增加值的治理作用和本土化应用研究提供了很好的机会。

    The SASAC uses EVA to evaluate the performance of managers in central SOEs . And the calculation method of EVA is different from foreign countries . This has offered a good opportunity to researches about the governance effect of EVA .

  7. 2010年,最新修订的《中央企业负责人业绩考核办法》由国资委发布,此次《考核办法》是EVA价值体系在中央企业进行全面推广的标志。

    In 2010 , the latest revision of " the chief of central enterprise performance evaluation method " issued by the state-owned assets supervision , " the evaluation method " is the symbol of EVA value system comprehensive promotion in the central enterprise .

  8. 2010年国务院国资委发布了最新的《中央企业负责人经营业绩考核暂行办法》,在中央企业第三任期(20102012年)全面推行经济增加值(EVA)考核。

    In the year of 2010 , SASAC issued a new " Interim measures for the assessment of management performance of Heads of Central enterprises " to fully implement EVA evaluation on the heads of central enterprises in their third terms ( 2010-2012 ) .

  9. 对于中央企业及其各下属企业来说,国资委对EVA价值体系的全面推广将会给企业带来极大的挑战,战略与投资决策、预算与成本管理、经营控制、薪酬激励的各个方面都将不可避免地涉及。

    For the central enterprise and the subordinate enterprise , EVA value system of comprehensive promotion of the state-owned assets supervision will bring them enormous challenge , all aspects of strategy and investment decisions , budget and cost management , management control , salary incentive will inevitably involved .

  10. 由于我国事业单位大都参照财政部颁发的《内部会计控制规范》、《中央企业风险管理指引》和COSO理论框架来建立内部控制,因此也为事业单位完善内部控制提供了借鉴。

    Due to the fact that many institutions in our country have build their own internal control according to Internal Accounting Control Norms , Central Enterprise Risk Management Guide and COSO theoretical frame issued by Ministry of Finance , which provides an example for other institutions .

  11. 中央企业年度风险管理报告若干问题探讨

    Study of Problems about Annual Risk Management Report of Central Enterprise

  12. 中央企业;海外并购;策略;

    SOE by central government ; Overseas M & A ; Strategy ;

  13. 中央企业安全管理工作调查与思考

    Analysis for the status of work safety management in state-owned key enterprises

  14. 中央企业信息披露的制度重构:国际经验及启示

    Construction of Information Disclosure System of Central SOEs International Experiences

  15. 中央企业履行社会责任研究&中远集团公司的案例

    Study on Central Enterprises Social Responsibility with COSCO Group as an Example

  16. 中央企业应率先提高安全技术创新能力

    National Enterprises should Take the Lead in Innovating Safety Technology

  17. 中央企业事故水平分析

    Analysis on the accident status level of state-owned key enterprises

  18. 中央企业安全工作会议在扬州召开

    Work Safety Conference for Enterprises Directly under Central Government Held in Yangzhou

  19. 关于中央企业综合绩效评价若干问题的探讨

    Several Problems Concerning Overall Performance Evaluation of Central Enterprises

  20. 中央企业品牌资产风险管理体系研究

    China Group Companies in the Brand Equity of the Risk Management System Control Research

  21. 中央企业呼唤企业法律顾问制度的完善

    Perfecting the Legal Consultant System for Enterprises which is Called for by State-owned Enterprises

  22. 去年,近八成中央企业实现了净利润增长。

    Last year , nearly 80 percent of central SOEs saw increasing net profit .

  23. 论中央企业年度报表决算的编制重点年度收支决算报告表

    On the Key Points of Establishment of Annual Final Accounting Report in the Central Enterprises

  24. 中央企业应对企业年金方案统筹规划、整体设计。

    I.A central enterprise shall make overall plans and designs on its enterprise annuity plan .

  25. 中央企业完善法人治理结构研究与探索

    Study on the Improvement of the Corporate Governance Structure of China ′ s Central Enterprises

  26. 因此,中央企业的创新能力建设就是建设创新型国家的重中之重。

    Therefore , the central enterprise innovation ability construction is very important to the innovative country .

  27. 推进企业党建创新彰显党的执政能力&以党的十六届四中全会精神为指导加强和改进中央企业党建工作

    To put forward the innovation of enterprise Party construction and demonstrate the ruling capability of Party

  28. 中央企业需要新闻发言人

    Central Enterprises Set News Spokesman

  29. 经营者业绩评价&中央企业负责人业绩考核办法评析

    Manager 's Performance Evaluation & Analysis on " Performance Evaluation Plan for Central Enterprise Responsible Persons "

  30. 基于跨国公司经验的中央企业海外并购战略研究

    Research on Overseas M & A of the Central SOEs Based on the Experience of Multinational Corporations