
zhōng guó rén mín yín háng
  • the People's Bank of China
中国人民银行[zhōng guó rén mín yín háng]
  1. 中国人民银行将在深圳、成都、苏州、雄安以及2022年冬奥部分场景开展数字人民币试点。

    The People 's Bank of China , the central bank , is testing its digital currency in Shenzhen , Chengdu , Suzhou , Xiong'an and some areas where the 2022 Winter Olympics will be held .

  2. 简言之,中国人民银行(PBoC)的货币政策目标是保持货币稳定和推动经济增长。

    The People 's Bank of China 's one-line objective for monetary policy is to maintain currency stability and promote growth .

  3. 中国人民银行定于5月20日发行2020吉祥文化金银纪念币一套。

    China 's central bank will issue a set of commemorative coins themed after auspicious a hundred years " .

  4. 该智囊机构的新建议可能不会对货币政策有任何影响,因为货币政策由中国人民银行(People'sBankofChina)控制。

    The commerce ministry 's new position is unlikely to have any impact on currency policy , which is controlled by the People 's Bank of China , the central bank .

  5. 中国人民银行(PBoC)不想看到钱荒重演。

    The PBoC does not want to see the cash crunch repeated .

  6. 由中国人民银行(PBoC)宣布此项决定的事实透露了一些信息。

    The fact that the Peoples ' Bank of China announced the decision is revealing .

  7. 作为主管银行,pboc(中国人民银行)早就意识到拥有足够储备金以弥补坏账亏损的重要性。

    As regulator , the PBOC realized early the importance of having sufficient reserves to offset losses from bad debt .

  8. 中国人民银行行长周小川在3月6日表示,今年的广义货币供应量(M2)增长目标将会更灵活,意在给予实体经济更多支持。

    Separately , People 's Bank of China Governor Zhou Xiaochuan said on Friday that this year 's broad money supply growth target will be more flexible , aiming to better support the real economy .

  9. 出乎投资者意料的是,中国人民银行(PBoC)将一年期基准贷款利率调低0.31个百分点,至6%,表明经济放缓已经蔓延到欧洲以外。

    The People 's Bank of China surprised investors by lowering its main one-year lending rate by 0.31 percentage points to 6 per cent , showing that the economic slowdown extends beyond Europe .

  10. 从近几年的文献可以看出,国内的学者也开始尝试研究核心通货膨胀,2006年中国人民银行武汉分行用一定的方法计算出我国的核心CPI。

    We could see from the recent literature that domestic scholars have begun to try to study the core inflation . In 2006 , Wuhan Branch of PBOC calculated our core CPI with a certain method .

  11. 此外,在欧洲央行(ECB)和少数新兴市场央行(例如巴西央行和印度央行)已做出表率的情况下,美联储(Fed)和中国人民银行(PBoC)应是关注焦点所在。

    Moreover , with the European Central Bank and a few emerging market central banks ( such as those of Brazil and India ) having taken the lead , the spotlight should be on the US Federal Reserve and People 's Bank of China .

  12. 中国人民银行(PBoC)上周五上调利率,以抑制不断飙升的食品价格、过度的银行放贷,以及房地产和股市泡沫。这是中国央行在不到一个月的时间内第二次宣布加息。

    China 's central bank raised interest rates for the second time in less than a month yesterday in an attempt to rein in soaring food prices , excessive bank lending and bubbles in the property and stock markets .

  13. 这就是为什么余永定的观点值得肯定。他在《金融时报》(FT)上撰文称:“中国人民银行必须停止购买美元,并尽快允许人民币汇率由市场决定。”

    Which is why Yu , to his credit , wrote in the FT that " the People 's Bank of China must stop buying US dollars and allow the Renminbi exchange rate to be decided by market forces as soon as possible . "

  14. 中国人民银行(PBoC)去年将政策贷款利率调升135个基点,同时自2006年年中以来,15次上调银行存款准备金率,使之达到15.5%的创纪录水平。

    The central bank , the People 's Bank of China , raised policy lending rates by 135 basis points last year and it has lifted the bank reserve requirement 15 times since mid-2006 to a record 15.5 per cent .

  15. 武·Xiaoling,中国人民银行的前副行长,在周末在上海举行的金融会议上说峰会不可能结出太多果实。

    Wu Xiaoling , former vice governor of the People 's Bank of China , told a financial conference in Shanghai at the weekend that the summit was unlikely to bear much fruit .

  16. 为加强金融服务,创造良好金融市场环境,更有利于货币政策的输导和金融稳定,中国人民银行做出于2006年底PMIS系统建成并在全国推广应用的决定。

    People 's Band of China has made the decision to construct and apply PMIS system by the end of 2006 so as to reinforce financial service and create a good financial market environment .

  17. 在一次极不寻常的行动中,中国人民银行称,它已通过“短期流动性调节工具”(SLO),向亟需资金的银行提供了信贷。

    In a highly unusual move , the People 's Bank of China said it had conducted a " short-term liquidity operation " to provide credit to banks in need of money .

  18. 为保持人民币稳定,中国人民银行(PBoC)买入几乎所有流入中国的外汇,对其进行投资,然后通过发行本币票据,试图从流通系统中吸走这些现金,以冲销这些外汇对中国的货币影响。

    To keep the renminbi stable , the People 's Bank of China buys nearly all the incoming foreign currency , invests it , and then tries to sterilise the monetary impact in China by issuing local currency bills to take the funds out of circulation .

  19. M2,广义货币,是反映货币供应量的一个重要指标,涵盖流通??中的现金和所有存款,同比增长13.5%,至十月底达136万亿元,中国人民银行(PBOC)在其官网发表声明。

    M2 , a broad measure of money supply that covers cash in circulation and all deposits , increased 13.5 percent year on year to 136 trillion yuan at the end of October , the People 's Bank of China ( PBOC ) said in a statement on its website .

  20. 从表面上看,中国人民银行(PBoC)8月19日最新一次上调利率的意外举措,似乎只不过是另一个例子,说明了全球央行是如何通过收紧信贷环境来消除通胀威胁的。

    On the surface , the People 's Bank of China 's ( PBOC ) most recent and surprise interest rate rise on August 19 appears to be simply another example of how central banks globally are acting to snuff out the threat of inflation by tightening credit conditions .

  21. 潜在的候选人的名单非常长:包括中国人民银行副行长朱民,墨西哥中央银行行长AgustinCarstens,南非前财长TrevorManuel。

    And the list of potential candidates is long : They include Zhu Min , deputy governor of the People 's Bank of China ; Agustin Carstens , Mexico 's central bank governor ; and South Africa 's former finance chief , Trevor Manuel .

  22. 汇率来源:中国人民银行

    Source of exchange rate : the People 's Bank of China

  23. 中国人民银行上海总部货币政策分析小组。

    Statistics and Research Dep. , the PBC Shanghai Head Office .

  24. 人民银行与我国的金融稳定&对《中国人民银行法》第二条的思考

    The People 's Bank of China and Chins 's Financial Stability

  25. 其他中国人民银行认定应取消任职资格的情形。

    Other situations in which PBC considers necessary to abrogate post-holding qualification .

  26. 我存款于中国人民银行。

    I bank at the People 's Bank of China .

  27. 中国人民银行认为需要备案的其他高级管理人员。

    Other senior managers that PBC considers necessary to be filed with .

  28. 都市中的建筑&中国人民银行南京分行大楼设计创作

    Urban Architecture & The Project of Nanjing China Bank Building

  29. 主要内容摘要:中国人民银行上调存款准备金率0.5个百分点至16.5%。

    Policy Summary : PBOC lifts reserve ratio by0.5 percentage point to16.5 %

  30. 中央银行、信用货币创造与存差&兼对近年中国人民银行货币操作行为的分析

    Central Banking , Credit Money Creation and the Spread between Deposits and Loans