
  • 网络cofco;Cofco Group;COFCO Limited
  1. 中粮集团首席执行官宁高宁(FrankNing)表示,该合资公司将是一家垂直整合的农产品企业,而非一家简单的谷物贸易商。

    Frank Ning , Cofco chief executive , said the venture would be a vertically integrated agribusiness rather than a simple grain trader .

  2. 新加坡交易商来宝集团(Noble)已对一份人们期待已久的计划予以确认,该公司计划将其农产品部门51%的股份出售给中国国有企业中粮集团(Cofco)。

    Singapore trading house Noble has confirmed a long-awaited plan to sell 51 per cent of its agricultural unit to Cofco , the Chinese state-owned company .

  3. 中粮集团表示,该公司已经和中投公司签署一份协议,成立中粮国际控股公司(CofcoInternationalHoldingCompany)。

    Cofco said it had signed an agreement with CIC to create Cofco International Holding Company .

  4. 报道还补充称,从事放贷的企业中至少有90%是国有企业,例如中铁股份(ChinaRailwayGroup),以及中粮集团(Cofco)的房地产子公司。

    The report added that at least nine out of 10 companies engaged in lending were state owned , such as China Railway Group and the property arm of China food group Cofco .

  5. 宋林当年的老领导是现任中国国有粮食贸易公司中粮集团(COFCOCorporation)董事长、知名企业管理人士宁高宁。

    An early mentor was the current head of Chinese state-owned grain trader Cofco Corp. , Ning Gaoning , a celebrated executive .

  6. 一个由国际投资者组成的财团也和中粮集团共同参与了这一交易。该财团包括由前高盛(GoldmanSachs)“造雨人(rainmaker)”方风雷领导的中国私募股权基金厚朴基金管理公司(HopuInvestmentManagement)。

    A consortium of international investors including Hopu , a Chinese private equity fund led by former Goldman Sachs rainmaker Fang Fenglei , are joining Cofco in the deal .

  7. 达能也是蒙牛的股东之一,蒙牛由国有的粮食及食品巨擘中粮集团(Cofco)控股。

    Danone also is a shareholder in Mengniu , which is controlled by state-owned grains and food conglomerate Cofco .

  8. 今年,由KKR牵头的财团对国有的中粮集团(Cofco)旗下的猪肉生产公司注入了2.7亿美元。

    This year KKR led a consortium injecting about $ 270m into the pork-producing unit of Cofco , the state-owned food group .

  9. 粮食贸易集团中粮集团(cofco)和化工集团中化集团,一直致力于在海外猎取农业领域的交易目标,成败参半。

    COFCO , the grain trader , and Sinochem , the chemicals group , have been hunting for overseas agricultural deals , though with mixed success .

  10. 蒙牛希望借助中粮集团的全国经销网络,利用这笔投资与达能(Danone)等外资公司在酸奶等利润率较高的产品上较量一番。

    China Mengniu hopes to utilise Cofco 's nationwide distribution network and to use the investment to take on foreign groups such as Danone in higher margin produce such as yoghurt .

  11. 中粮集团(Cofco)副总裁于旭波(PatrickYu)警告称,中国可能会鼓励工业玉米用户从海外进口,以减轻食品安全方面的担忧,并帮助缓解国内通胀压力。

    Patrick Yu , vice-president of Cofco , China 's largest crops processor , warns that China 's industrial corn users might be encouraged to source overseas to allay food security fears and help ease domestic inflation .

  12. 中国本土的葡萄园和葡萄酒零售商已经开始开设酒吧、餐馆、俱乐部和专卖店,消费者可在其中品尝葡萄酒,如国企中粮集团(CofcoCorp.)旗下的连锁葡萄酒俱乐部中粮君顶酒庄(ChateauJunding)。

    Local vineyards and wine retailers have already started opening bars , restaurants , clubs and shops with the option to drink on premises , like state-owned Cofco Corp. 's Chateau Junding wine-club chain .

  13. 来宝在12月达成协议,将其在一家农业交易企业的剩余股份出售给中国的中粮集团(Cofco)。这笔交易在一定程度上就是为了募集资金,避免降级。

    Noble 's agreement this month to sell its remaining stake in an agricultural trading business to China 's Cofco was designed , in part , to raise funds and avert a downgrade .

  14. 中国实施了一系列政府主导下的复苏国内乳品产业的努力,包括规定奶制品供应商应投资建立自己的奶牛场,由国有农产品企业巨头中粮集团(COFCO)出面收购曾经的顶尖民企蒙牛(Mengniu)。

    State-led efforts to revive the domestic industry have included regulations that dairy product suppliers invest in their own dairy farms and the acquisition of formerly private market leader Mengniu by state agribusiness giant Cofco .

  15. 但今年7月初,牛根生将蒙牛20%的股权出售给了由中国最大的食品进出口公司、国有的中粮集团(COFCO)牵头的一个财团。

    But in early July , Mr Niu sold a 20 per cent stake to a consortium led by state-owned China National Oils , Foodstuffs and Cereals Corp , China 's largest importer and exporter of food .

  16. 表面上看,来宝集团似乎已采取足够行动维持其投资级评级。该集团本月达成协议,将其在一家农业交易合资企业的剩余股份转让给中国的中粮集团(Cofco),筹集7.5亿美元资金。

    Noble appeared to have done enough to retain an investment grade rating when it reached an agreement this month to raise $ 750m from the sale of its remaining stake in an agricultural trading joint venture to Cofco of China .

  17. 来宝集团表示,“不幸的是”,穆迪对大宗商品价格的“负面看法”,“压过了”将来宝农业(NobleAgri)49%股份转让给中粮集团的举措。目前,大宗商品价格已跌至金融危机以来的最低水平。

    Noble said it was " unfortunate " that the sale of its 49 per cent stake in Noble Agri to Cofco had been " outweighed " by Moody 's " negative view " on commodity prices , which have hit their lowest levels since the financial crisis .

  18. 打造中国食品业的航空母舰&记中粮集团董事长周明臣

    Make the aircraft carrier of the Chinese food industry

  19. 中粮集团董事长宁高宁将担任该企业董事长。

    Cofco chairman Frank Ning will lead the business .

  20. 中粮集团法务部的电话一直无人接听。

    In the Ministry of justice has no one to answer the phone .

  21. 竞争是一场没有终点的拉力赛&访中粮集团董事长周明臣

    Competition , a Pulling Game With No End

  22. 中国的国企中粮集团是中国最大的粮食供应商,同时他们也是这些粮食的供应者。

    Chinese state-owned COFCO , China 's biggest food producer , is the supplier of the rice .

  23. 中粮集团表示,交易结束时该集团首期或将支付15亿美元。

    Cofco said it would make an initial payment of $ 1.5bn cash when the transaction completes .

  24. 就在本周,中粮集团重申该集团想要打造上下游整合的全球农产品企业。

    Cofco this week reiterated its desire to create an upstream , downstream integrated global agricultural products company .

  25. 中粮集团的子公司中粮可口可乐饮料有限公司是可口可乐在中国的三家合资饮料公司之一。

    Cofco Coca-Cola is one of three Coca-Cola joint-venture bottlers in China . 'We only had600-milliliter bottles last year .

  26. 分析师表示,毒奶丑闻是北京允许中粮集团在乳业如此快速扩张的原因之一。

    Analysts suggest the scandal was one reason why Beijing let COFCO expand so rapidly in the dairy industry .

  27. 中粮集团是一家大型国有粮食收购集团,但也控制着一个庞大的商业帝国,涵盖酒店、商场和葡萄园。

    Cofco is a leading state-owned grain buyer but also controls a sprawling empire of hotels , shopping malls and vineyards .

  28. 合众宝华代理中粮集团悦活果汁,冠名上海娱乐频道新娱乐在线栏目,共同打造中粮品牌。

    ArtyBright Represents Lohas in COFCO group , title sponsored New Amusement Online program in Shanghai Entertainment Chanel , build COFCO brand together .

  29. 宁高宁指出,中粮集团还是中国的的头号葡萄酒公司,尽管他对其葡萄酒品质并不是很推崇。

    Mr Ning noted that Cofco was also the number-one wine company in China , though he played down the quality of its vintages .

  30. 他说,他希望中粮集团成为一家国际性企业,并提到他计划在巨大的谷物净出口生产地北美洲拓展业务。

    He said he wanted Cofco to be an international company , adding that he planned to expand in North America , a big surplus grain producer .