
  • 网络swiss national bank;SNB
  1. 可是上周,瑞士国家银行(SwissNationalBank)放弃了控制瑞士法郎兑欧元汇率的做法,一场经济危机随即摆在了该国面前。

    But the country faces an economic crisis after the Swiss National Bank last week abandoned attempts to check the rise of the Swiss franc against the euro .

  2. 日本银行干脆收购股票,而瑞士国家银行已经干预了货币市场。

    The Bank of Japan has bought equities and the Swiss National Bank has intervened in the currency markets .

  3. 在这次困难重重的计算中,普林斯顿大学和瑞士国家银行的拉斐尔•奥尔给了我巨大的帮助。

    I 've received great help in this endeavour from Raphael Auer of the Swiss National Bank and Princeton University .

  4. 这种利润的绝大部分历来去到投资银行家手中,瑞士国家银行董事长菲利普·希尔德布兰德注释。

    Most of this profit has historically gone to investment bankers , notes Philipp Hildebrand , chairman of the Swiss National Bank .

  5. 瑞士国家银行本周宣布实行汇率上限。

    The Swiss National Bank this week announced that it would cap its value against the single currency ( see article ) .

  6. 瑞士国家银行已经将利率降到零,并且通过购买外汇来压低瑞士法郎的汇率。

    Having cut its rates to zero , the Swiss National Bank has bought foreign currency to drive down the Swiss franc .

  7. 欧洲中央银行与美联储,英格兰银行,日本银行和瑞士国家银行一起采取了行动。

    The European Central Bank is acting with the United States Federal Reserve , the Bank of England , the Bank of Japan and the Swiss National Bank .

  8. 其它中央银行包括加拿大银行,英格兰银行,欧洲央行,瑞士国家银行。

    The other banks involved are the Bank of Canada , the Bank of England , the European Central Bank ( ECB ), and the Swiss National Bank ( SNB ) .

  9. 货币短期拍卖,同时也是联系着,与加拿大银行,英格兰银行,欧洲中央银行,和瑞士国家银行。

    What the term auction facility it was also created in connection in collaboration with the Bank of Canada the Bank of England the European Central Bank and the Swiss National Bank .

  10. 另外,美联储已经决定在目前与欧洲央行和瑞士国家银行签定的临时货币互换协议即“货币交换线”基础上增加金额。

    In addition , the Fed also said it has authorized increases in its existing temporary reciprocal currency arrangements , called " swap lines " with the European Central Bank and the Swiss National Bank .

  11. 美联储此举是与包括美国,加拿大,英国,欧盟,瑞典和瑞士等国家的中央银行为降低利率所做的共同努力。

    The Fed 's move was part of a coordinated effort to lower rates by the central banks of the United States , Canada , England , the European Union , Sweden and Switzerland .

  12. 它有瑞士的中央银行-瑞士国家银行发行。

    It is issued by the central bank of Switzerland , the Swiss National Bank .