
  1. 在1997年首次出版的颇具影响力的《长寿公司》(TheLivingCompany)中,阿里德赫斯(AriedeGeus)问道,为什么一些公司可以长寿,另一些公司却英年早逝。

    In an influential book , The Living Company , first published in 1997 , Arie de Geus asked why some companies endured while others died young .

  2. 现阶段,随着中国加入WTO,中国企业也将越来越融入世界经济的大潮中,希望基于企业文化的战略模型对中国企业能否不断长大成为世界级企业,成为长寿公司,提供一些参考。

    With China entering into WTO , Chinese enterprises are more and more involved into global economy . It 's a sincere hope that this culture based strategy view could do some help to Chinese enterprises for their growing into real international and long-life enterprises .

  3. 德赫斯在书中指出了长寿公司的4个特点。

    In his book , Mr de Geus pointed to four characteristics of long-lived companies .

  4. 但德赫斯和其他一些人认为,长寿公司发挥着重要作用。

    But Mr de Geus and others have argued that long-living companies perform a valuable role .

  5. 在家庭变得更为分散且人们的流动性变得更强之际,长寿公司提供了一种凝聚感和社会团结感。

    As families have become more fragmented and people more mobile , long-living companies provide a sense of cohesion and communal solidarity .

  6. 你是否认为长寿公司对我们的社会很重要?如果是的话,你认为它们长寿的秘诀是什么?

    Do you think long-living companies are valuable to our societies and , if so , what do you think helps them endure ?

  7. 提出了解决中小企业生命周期问题的对策,并指出了加强中小企业核心竞争力、打造中小型企业文化、培养战略型企业家队伍以及产业集群是中小企业做到长寿公司的有效途径。

    In addition , the effective approaches to strengthen the enterprises ' key competition power and cultivate strategy-typed enterpriser team and industrial group for prolonging the life of these enterprises .

  8. 基业长青是企业的共同愿望,然而杜邦、三井、同仁堂等长寿公司却凤毛麟角,大部分企业在初创期夭折,要么就是在经历一段时间的高速增长后销声匿迹。

    Everlasting is the common aspiration of enterprises , but the longevity companies such as DuPont , Mitsui and Tong Ren Tang are rare . The majority of enterprises fell down in the start-up period or disappeared after a period of rapid growth .

  9. 最后,选取具有近百年历史的长寿企业&IBM公司作为实证考察案例,对前文构建的基于企业基因视角的长寿企业发展框架和企业长寿的基因实现路径进行了实证考察。

    Finally , the author uses the long-lived enterprise IBM as an example to analyze its gene , which can be regarded as evidence to the above build framework of long-lived enterprises in terms of corporate gene and a proof to the genetic way of realizing long life of enterprises .

  10. 与此同时,伴随着人类寿命的延长,长寿问题给寿险公司的年金业务也带来了前所未有的挑战。

    Meanwhile , following the human life extension , the longevity problem brings an unprecedented challenge for pension business of life insurance companys .