
  1. 上海一位零售业咨询顾问保罗•弗伦奇(PaulFrench)表示:每一届奥运会都会出现游击营销,届时各家公司都试图成为媒体报道的对象,而北京奥运会上将出现大量的这种营销方式。

    Every Olympics has guerrilla marketing , when companies try to come in under the wire , but there will be lots of it in Beijing , says Paul French , a retail consultant in Shanghai .

  2. 蓝牙劫持多用于宣传广告游戏的游击营销活动。

    Bluejacking has been used in guerrilla marketing campaigns to promote advergames .

  3. 例如,你可以采用游击式营销,而不是花大钱打广告,同样可以拉到潜在客户。

    For example , you can rely on guerilla marketing rather than on costly ads to reach your potential customers .

  4. 麦当劳采取了因地制宜的策略迎合海外消费者,如支持当地的农民和供货商,精心策划的游击式营销宣传。

    McDonald 's has courted international consumers with customized approaches , from supporting local farmers and suppliers to creating elaborate guerilla marketing campaigns .

  5. 这是游击队式营销与当今的技术工具结合的产物。霍利迪详述了Evernote初期的情况,当时,这家年轻的公司决定绕开传统的营销和广告方式,将所有精力和资源都集中到打造一款人们一来就会爱上的产品上。

    Think of guerrilla marketing with today 's technological tools . Holiday recounts the early days of Evernote , when the young company decided to bypass traditional marketing and advertising and instead focused all its attention and resources on building a product that people would come to love .