
  1. 公司精神:创新、拼搏、团结、务实;

    Company Spirit : innovation , hard work , unity and pragmatism ;

  2. 承担风险,另眼看世界,是公司精神的一部分。

    Risk taking and viewing the world in new ways is part of the company 's fabric .

  3. 以不断创新、讲求质量、诚实信用、客户至上为公司精神。你为何不开诚相见,把所想的事如实讲出来?

    And the company takes the spirits that Continuous Creation , Quality First , Honest & trustworthiness , Customer intimacy are the basics of enterprise . Why don 't you come into the open and say exactly what 's on your mind ?

  4. 基于市场联盟的公司企业家精神对绩效的影响研究(英文)

    The Effect of Corporate Entrepreneurship on Firm Performance Through Market Alliance ;

  5. 公司企业家精神培育的系统理论假设模型及验证

    A System Model Hypothesis of Corporate Entrepreneur - ship Fostering and Its Verifying

  6. 企业家的行事为人形成了我们公司的精神。

    Entrepreneurial conduct constitutes the spirit of our group .

  7. 企业成长与公司创业精神的培育

    Fostering entrepreneurship during the enterprise 's growth

  8. 当然,这个数据可能因为礼来公司在精神病药物方面的重大投资而扭曲。

    Lilly 's major investment in psychotropic medications may skew this sample relative to other pharmaceutical companies .

  9. 如果有人对此照片微笑的话,他将会在公司的精神健康政策规定下被制裁。

    Anyone caught smiling in the picture will be sanctioned under the company 's mental health policy .

  10. 公司企业家精神与战略管理有非常重要的关系,两者结合能有效创造企业价值。

    Corporate entrepreneurship is closely related with strategic management . Integrating entrepreneurship and strategic management actions can efficiently create firm wealth .

  11. 为社会:全心全意为客户提供高质量的产品和充满公司超越精神的客户服务。

    For the society : Offer high-quality products to customer and full of companies to surmount the customer service of spirit wholeheartedly .

  12. 创业型企业在现代经济中发挥着越来越重要的作用,关于创业和公司创业精神的研究热潮正悄然兴起。

    Because entrepreneurial companies have been playing an important role in the current economy , the research on corporate entrepreneurship is rising .

  13. 保险中可以包括精神病治疗特别赔偿费,可是许多家保险公司对精神病费用列有不同的可扣减或共同保险条款。

    Special benefits for psychiatric care may be included in an insurance policy , but many policies have different deductible or co-insurance clauses for psychiatric coverage .

  14. 二是系统地考虑中国新兴企业两种重要的资源&企业社会资本和公司企业家精神对探索式与利用式学习的动态关系产生的影响。

    Second , social capital and corporate entrepreneurship , two important types of resources of Chinese new ventures , systematically influence the dynamic relationships between exploration and exploitation .

  15. 相反,大型律所没有兴趣为财务歧视问题针对大公司提起精神伤害诉讼,或为信贷欺诈问题起诉大银行。

    Big firms are not , in contrast , interested in bringing impact suits against major corporations for finance discrimination , or suing major banks for credit fraud .

  16. 社会资本和公司企业家精神与绩效的关系:组织学习的中介作用&江苏与广东新兴企业的实证研究

    The Relationship between Social Capital , Company Enterprise and Company Performance ; the Medium Role of Organizational Learning-a Case Study of the New and Developing Enterprises in Jiangsu and Guangdong

  17. 第二部从对专利使用权的定性、出资适格性、与公司法精神和经济成本论吻合几方面分析了专利使用权出资的可行性。

    The second part will give analyses on the feasibility of patent rights ' fund based on whether the patent right to use qualitative and investment eligibility consistent with the " Company Law " spiritual and economic costs .

  18. 本文认为,领导者全球取向、领导者海外经验、领导者风险偏好、公司企业家精神、企业区域网络环境、海外市场优势六个方面的因素对中小企业国际化模式的选择产生了重要影响。

    In this paper , managerial global mindset , international experience , risk preference , firm international entrepreneurial orientation , area environment of network and foreign market advantage are found to be significant factors that influence internationalization mode of SMEs .

  19. 本文以中国江苏和广东两省的676家新兴企业为被试对象,对社会资本和公司企业家精神是否以及如何通过组织学习影响组织的绩效进行实证研究。

    In this paper , we have taken 676 new and developing enterprises in Jiangsu Province and Guangdong Province as cases to be studied to research whether and how social capital and company enterprise impact on organizational performance by organizational learning .

  20. 这就意味着在新公司希望他们精神饱满全新开始的时候,他们或许还处于之前的倦怠状态中,而上一份工作令人疲惫的任务状态或许正是促使他们离开的原因。

    This means that they 're being expected to start afresh at a time when they 're still burnt-out from the demands of a job whose exhausting nature was probably what prompted them to look elsewhere .

  21. 并运用这个模型对3M公司的企业家精神进行了分析。

    Our model is justified by analyzing the entrepreneurship system of 3M .

  22. 辍学、创业的激情,曾帮助定义了Facebook、苹果(Apple)和微软(Microsoft)等公司的革新精神。这些企业的创始人退出了正规教育,创办了日后成为世界一流的企业。

    The mantra of drop out , start up , helped define the revolutionary spirit of companies like Facebook , Apple and Microsoft , whose founders quit formal education to launch what became world-beating ventures .

  23. “品质为本,科技兴教”是公司的企业精神;

    Our enterprise spirit : The quality is fundamental , science and technology promote education .

  24. 人们把他拒绝工作到很晚理解为对公司缺乏奉献精神。

    His refusal to work late was interpreted as a lack of commitment to the company .

  25. 公司的企业精神是以人为本、以质取胜、立足国内、拓展国际。

    Our entrepreneurial spirit is people-oriented , quality first , based on domestic and expanded on overseas .

  26. 企业科研社会责任的法律规制与自觉行动&基于新《公司法》精神解读

    Legal Regulations for Social Responsibility of Business Scientific Research and Conscious Action & On Explanation of New " Company Law "

  27. “畅所欲言,意在求新”是公司的企业精神激励着每一位畅意人。

    " speaks freely , intends to strives for newly " is company 's spirit of enterprise is driving each smooth Italian person .

  28. 他还认为大公司的创新精神不会逊于小公司,并且企业家既可能出自中层管理人员,也可能来自大学宿舍。

    But he also recognised that big businesses can be as innovative as small ones , and that entrepreneurs can arise from middle management as well as college dorm-rooms .

  29. 不过,哥伦比亚大学商学院的尤金郎创业中心用了一条标语来概括定义企业家精神,其中包含了“内部企业家精神”这个描述现有公司中企业家精神的流行词。

    However , Columbia Business School 's Eugene Lang Entrepreneurship Center uses a slogan to encapsulate a definition of entrepreneurship that includes " intrapreneurship , " the buzzword description of entrepreneurship within existing companies .

  30. 文章拟从人格滥用之背景出发,根据新公司法的精神界定法人人格否认制度,并对法人人格否认制度的适用条件和适用范围进行必要的探讨。

    In this article , the author starts from the background of abusing of legal personality , then makes a defined system of disregarding of company 's legal personality according to the spirit of new company law , finally discusses the conditions and scope of that system .