
ɡuó yǒu qǐ yè
  • state-owned enterprise;state enterprise
  1. 论国有企业领导体制改革

    On the Reform of the Leader System in the State Enterprise

  2. 浅议国有企业改制中土地资产的处置方式

    Studies on handling forms of land assets in state enterprise reform

  3. 政府正在着手逐步废除国有企业。

    The government was in the process of dismantling the state-owned industries .

  4. “国有企业经营不善将是常态,”约翰·穆尔告诉读者。

    ' State-owned industries will always perform poorly , ' John Moore informed readers

  5. 国有企业职工可以兼职。

    Workers in state enterprises were permitted to moonlight .

  6. 非国有企业逐渐挤掉了效率低下的国有企业。

    Non-state firms gradually elbow aside the inefficient state-owned ones

  7. 2月12日他把第二批32家国有企业的股票抛向市场。

    On February 12th he put up for sale a second tranche of 32 state-owned companies .

  8. 但是在国有企业的管理中仍然存在不少问题。

    But problems abound in the management of State-owned companies .

  9. 要推动经济去杠杆,坚定执行稳健的货币政策,把国有企业降杠杆作为重中之重。

    The government will continue to deleverage the economy by firmly taking a prudent3 monetary4 policy and prioritizing reducing leverage2 in State-owned enterprises .

  10. 深化国有企业改革,发展混合所有制经济,培育具有全球竞争力的世界一流企业。

    We will further reform of State-owned enterprises , develop mixed-ownership economic entities , and turn Chinese enterprises into world-class , globally competitive firms .

  11. 第二十条审计机关对国有企业的资产、负债、损益,进行审计监督。

    Article 20 Audit institutions shall exercise supervision through auditing over the assets , liabilities , profits and losses of the State - owned enterprises .

  12. 中央纪委监察部3日在其网站上刊登的一篇文章指出,由于监管松散,国有企业的管理人员都把国有资产看做“唐僧肉”。

    In an article published by the Communist Party of China 's Central Commission for Discipline Inspection2 on its website on Monday , the top discipline watchdog pointed3 out , that because of loose supervision4 , the officials managing some State-owned enterprises regard the companies as such " monk flesh " .

  13. 加入WTO后的国有企业人力资源策略研究

    Study on WTO and the Human Resource Strategy in the State-run Enterprises

  14. WTO下加强大中型国有企业会计工作的思考

    Considerations about Strengthening the Accounting Work of the Large-and-medium Sized State-owned Enterprises after WTO Entry

  15. 庞大的国有企业中信与帕尔默围绕中澳铁矿(SinoIron)陷入了一场越来越激烈的纠纷,这个命运多舛的合资项目开发成本超出预算五倍,到头来却迎来铁矿石价格暴跌的窘境。

    The sprawling state-owned enterprise and Mr Palmer are embroiled in an increasingly acrimonious dispute over Sino Iron , the ill-fated venture that was already five times over budget before iron ore prices collapsed .

  16. 我国加入WTO后,国有企业面临更为严峻的人才竞争形势,能否留住人才将成为国有企业应对未来竞争的关键。

    After its entry into the WTO , what confronts China is a more fierce competition situation for talented personnel , and it is a key element for state-owned enterprises to meet future competition whether it can arrest its talented personnel or not .

  17. 汇丰银行(HSBC)单独发布的PMI数据甚至更令人不安。汇丰PMI调查以私营部门的中小企业为主,而中国官方PMI调查以国有企业为主。

    Even more alarming was a separate PMI published by HSBC that is more weighted to smaller companies in the private sector than the official survey , which focuses on state-owned companies .

  18. 现代企业的融资安排与公司绩效的改善&兼论我国国有企业资本结构的重整战略

    Financial Arrangement of Modern Enterprises and the Improvement of Corporate Performance

  19. 相对于国有企业、外资企业和其他行业的民营企业,民营高新技术企业有它独特的特点和财务问题。

    Private high-tech corporations have their special characters and financial affairs .

  20. 国有企业经营者的选任、激励和监督机制

    Mechanism of appointment , incentive and supervision of state owned enterprises'managers

  21. 国有企业人力资源管理现状分析与对策

    Analysis and solutions of human resources management in state owned enterprises

  22. 关于我国国有企业人力资源开发与管理的对策研究

    Methods Research into Our State-owned Enterprises Human Resource Development and Management

  23. 国有企业深化改革迫切需要解决的几个问题

    Problems to be Solved Urgently in Deep Reform in State-owned Enterprise

  24. 新形势下增强国有企业竞争力的理性思考

    On Strengthening the Competence of State-owned Enterprises under the Prevailing Circumstances

  25. 地方预算提供给某些亏损国有企业的补贴

    Subsidies from local budget provided to loss making state owned enterprises

  26. 关于国有企业布局战略调整的思考

    The Thought About The Strategic Adjustment Of The State-owned Enterprise Distribution

  27. 国有企业建立股票期权计划思考

    Thinking on establishing stock option plan in state - owned enterprises

  28. 国有企业监督机制的缺陷与改革

    The Defects and Reform on Supervision Mechanism of the State-Owned Enterprise

  29. 国有企业改制若干法律问题的分析

    Analysis of Legal Problems in the Structral Reforms of State-owned Enterprise

  30. 分析国有企业在人力资源管理上面临的形势;

    Analyzed the situation of human resources management state-owned enterprises faced ;