
  1. 国有资产存量结构调整的目标:产业结构优化&国有经济结构调整的另一种思路

    The Target of State-owned Stock Assets Structure Adjustment : Improving Industrial Structure

  2. 重庆市国有资产存量核定指标体系的设置和评价研究

    Setting and Evaluation Method Research of the Checking Index System for the State-owned Assets in Chongqing

  3. 跨国并购对于盘活国有资产存量,完善我国产业结构、优化公司治理结构起着重要的作用,尤其是对正处于放开搞活、调整和优化产权治理结构的国有企业来说,更具有深远的意义。

    Multinational Corporation 's M & A plays an important role in the fluxion of state - owned assets storages , perfection of Chi -

  4. 通过合资合作,引进资金、先进技术和管理经验,盘活国有资产存量;

    Through various means , introduce foreign capital , advanced technology and management expertise by forming equity and contractual joint ventures , so as to reinvigorate state asset stocks .

  5. 至2002年末,我国国有资产存量已近10万亿元之巨,如何管好用好这笔财富,是一项重大而紧迫的任务。

    Chinese state-owned assets stock has reached 10 trillion RMB by the end of 2002 . It is an important and urgent task to manage and utilize the fortunes efficiently .

  6. 作为国有资产存量最多,以及新增投资巨大的行业,电力部门面临着完善现代企业制度,建立合理的企业财务治理结构体系等艰巨任务。

    Nowadays , the electric power industry faces so arduous a task about how to promote the instruction of the electric power market , and establish a proper enterprise financial governance and so on .

  7. 通过并购这种途径,可以充分利用民营资本来盘活国有资产存量,加快社会经济的前进步伐,实现企业经济效益和社会效益的双丰收。

    Through merging , our country can fully make use of private capital to vitalize state assets stock , accelerate paces of advancing of social economy , and realize the bumper harvests of the economic benefits of the enterprise and social benefit .

  8. 国内资产形成;国内资本形成:指固定资本形成总值加库存的增加量。通过合资合作,引进资金、先进技术和管理经验,盘活国有资产存量;

    Domestic asset formation ; domestic capital formation : Gross fixed capital formation plus increase in stocks . through various means , introduce foreign capital , advanced technology and management expertise by forming equity and contractual joint ventures , so as to reinvigorate state asset stocks .

  9. 本文认为,现行养老保险制度中利用财政补贴弥补养老金不足、统一实行基金管理提高运营效率以及动用国有资产存量支付转轨成本三大措施均存在不合理因素。

    In this paper , we think that three unreasonable factors are the main problem of the pension system reform , those are using financial allowance to increase the private account , the invalid operation of private account fund and adjusting the national asset to pay the transition cost .

  10. 因此,吸引外资,进行资产重组已经成为盘活国有大中型企业资产存量的有效途径。

    So , introducing into foreign capital , conducting assets reset have become the effective methods to activate the state owned large and middle scale enterprises existing assets .

  11. 指出应当多渠道、有步骤地促使国有股流通,实现国有资产存量的重组和社会资源的优化配置以及股票市场的稳定、健康发展。

    For the reengineering of state owned assets , the optimum allocation of the society resources , and the stable development of stock market , the state owned share must be promoted to circulate step by step .