
  1. 信托公司在国资改革中大有可为

    M Trust Company Is Able to Develop Their Skill to Full on the State Asset Reform

  2. 提升国资国企改革成效

    Improve the performance of state capital and SOE reforms

  3. 经过20年的国资国企改革,我国国有经济已开始步入良性轨道,然而根植于国有经济背后更深层次的矛盾和问题,伴随着改革的推进,也在逐步凸现。

    After 20 years of the reform of state-owned assets and enterprises , Chinese State Economy is stepping in a virtuous circle . But some deep contradiction is now being exposed gradually .

  4. 国资管理体制改革研究述评

    The Research and Commentary of National Capital Management Organizational Reform