
  1. 转型期国有资本收益的公共福利性支出

    Development , Transition , and Expenditures of State-owned Capital Gains on Public Welfare

  2. 对贵州省国有资本收益管理的几点思考

    To Guizhou Province State-owned Capital Income Management Several Ponders

  3. 分红收益是国有资本收益的重要来源。

    The dividends from State-owned listed companies are important sources of State-owned capital income .

  4. 随着国有资本收益收取拉开序幕,国有企业分红制度的建立已经成为我国国有企业改革的热点问题之一。

    The key question is how to determine a reasonable profit-sharing ratio of state-owned enterprises from the perspective of their own to study the dividends of state-owned enterprises .

  5. 同年,《中央企业国有资本收益收取管理暂行办法》的发布标志着国有企业分红进入了&个全新阶段。

    In the same year , " the central state-owned capital gains received Interim Measures ," releasing marks the dividends of state-owned enterprises has entered a new phase .

  6. 至2007年12月11日,财政部同国资委发布了《中央企业国有资本收益收取管理办法》。

    To December 11,2007 , SARC and the Ministry of Finance issued " the central state-owned capital gains received Interim Measures ", this measures demanded the important enterprises which were administered by the central government .

  7. 随后,将研究的视角转回国内,回顾我国国有资本收益分配的历史演变,对我国国有资本收益分配的现状及管理体制进行重新审视,对现行的分配制度进行全面的思考。

    Then back to the domestic perspective , to the historical evolution to review the state-owned capital gains distribution , to re-position income distribution of the status of state-owned capital and management system , then analyse existing distribution system comprehensively .

  8. 然后从世界各国对国有资本收益的管理分配体制的认识入手,对西方资本主义国家国有资本收益分配制度进行分析和研究,找出我们国家值得借鉴的地方。

    In this paper , I will start with the world capital gains on the management of state-owned distribution system , research the Western capitalist countries state-owned capital gains distribution system and to find out where our country should learn .

  9. 《中央企业国有资本收益收取管理暂行办法》对不同行业、不同类别的中央国有企业的利润上交比例给出了规定,比例分别为10%、5%和暂缓3年上交或者免交。

    In " Central State-owned capital gains received Interim Measures ," for different industries , different types of central state-owned enterprises are given the proportion of profits paid the required ratio that were 10 % , 5 % , and 3-year suspension handed or exempted .

  10. 非税收入中的行政事业性收费、政府性基金、国有资本收益和罚没收入等项目涉及到经济社会发展的各个领域,与人民群众的直接利益、现实利益密切相关。

    Some non tax income such as the administrative fees , government funds , state-owned capital gains and incomes from fines and confiscations and others relate to economic and social development in various fields , they are closely related to the interests of the people and the reality .

  11. 目前,延边州政府非税收入有行政事业性收费、政府性基金、国有资本经营收益、国有资源(资产)有偿使用收入、专项收入、罚没收入和其他收入。

    At present , Yanbian state government non tax revenue is administrative career sex collects fees , government funds , operational income of state-owned capital , state-owned resource ( asset ) is paid use income , special income , confiscated income and other income .

  12. 第五章主要研究国有资本运营的收益权的配置与实现。

    Chapter V studies the configuration and realization of income right .

  13. 全民应享有国有资本运营的收益权,但仅享有集体行使、有限制的、间接行使的权限。

    The public should be entitled to sharing the proceeds of state-owned capital operation , but only having a collective , restricted , indirect authority .

  14. 国务院在保证全民获得收益的前提下,可以分享国有资本运营的部分收益。

    The State Council can share part of the state-owned capital operation proceeds under the precondition that the public get their proceeds .

  15. 本文首先对马克思资本收益分配理论进行阐述,分析了国有资本、国有资本收益这些根本性问题,并由此引出国有资本收益的分配问题。

    Firstly , I will explain capital gains distribution of Marxist theory , answer the fundamental issues as state capital , state capital gains these , which derived the distribution of state-owned capital gains .

  16. 完善国有资本经营预算制度,提高国有资本收益上缴公共财政比例,二0二0年提到百分之三十,更多用于保障和改善民生。

    Improve the State-owned capital operation budget system and increase the proportion of State capital gains paid in public financing to 30 percent by 2020 , which will be used to ensure and improve people 's livelihoods .

  17. 完善国有资本经营预算,提高中央企业国有资本收益上缴公共财政比例。

    We will improve budgeting for state capital operations and raise the percentage of earnings from state capital turned over to public finance by central government-owned enterprises .

  18. 国有资产管理部门可获取部分国有资本运营收益,但其用途应限于扩大投资,以及国家出资企业的改革重组、解决历史遗留问题等。

    State-owned asset management agencies can get access to part of the state-owned capital operation proceeds , but can only use it to expand investment , reform and restructure state-funded enterprises , and so on .

  19. 国有资本经营预算,是指国家以国有资本出资人身份依法取得国有资本收益,并对所得收益进行分配而发生的各项收支预算。

    The state-owned capital management budget is that the state acquires state-owned capital profit in the name of owner legally , and distributes the profit .

  20. 提出传媒引入非国有资本方式有一级混合和二级混合、未剥离进入和剥离后进入、非国有资本按股收益和承包收益。

    This chapter presents the way that media introduce into non-state-owned capital includes the first order mixed media system , the second order mixed , non - divestiture entered , divestiture entered , stock income and contract income .