
ɡuó jiā xìn yònɡ
  • national credit
  1. 社会信用体系也称国家信用管理体系或国家信用体系。

    Social credit system is also called national credit management system or national credit system .

  2. 国家信用管理体系不健全,缺乏有效的失信惩罚机制等。

    Imperfect national credit management system , lack of efficient punishing mechanism towards the action of breaking faith .

  3. 互联网竞争会损害国家信用卡垄断体系银联(UnionPay)的利益。

    Internet competition would have hurt Union Pay , the state credit card monopoly .

  4. 主要有高利贷信用、商业信用、消费信用和国家信用等形式。

    The Analysis and Countermeasures of the Slow Credit Consumption in China ;

  5. 其结果是:第一,导致了国家信用制度风险的产生;

    First , this gives birth to sovereign credit risk ;

  6. 国家信用对国有商业银行提供隐性支持,这种支持具有一定的正效应,因为它有助于社会的稳定,支持了国有企业。

    State - owned commercial banks acquire some support from the state credit .

  7. 国家信用体系的多维指数方法及实证研究

    TT Indices of Credit Reporting System and Empirical Analysis

  8. 第五部分分析西方发达市场经济国家信用体系建设的实践模式。

    The fifth part analyzes the practical pattern of credit system construction in western developed market economy nation .

  9. 因此,随着时间的推移,私人部门具有不确定性的承诺让位于坚实可靠的国家信用。

    And so , over the years , uncertain private promises have given way to solid public ones .

  10. 防范由国家信用风险而引起的经济危机,受到了各国政府越来越多的关注。

    Preventing economic crisis arising from state credit risks has been paid more and more attention by Governments .

  11. 政府隐性保险政策与银行业风险承担行为&对国家信用悖论的理论解释

    Government Implicit Insurance Policy and the Risk-taking Behavior of Banking : Theoretic Explanation for the Paradox of National Credit

  12. 失信惩罚机制建设是国家信用体系建设的一个重要组成部分和有力保障。

    Punishment mechanism construction for losing credit is an important part and guarantee of credit system construction of a country .

  13. 在市场经济条件下,信用关系涵盖政府、企业、金融机构、居民各个方面,所以,全社会的信用可由国家信用、政府信用、机构信用(或法人信用)和个人信用等构成。

    Under the condition of market economy , the credit relationship contains the government , enterprises , financial institutions and residents .

  14. 因此,我们应强化企业财务信用管理,建立国家信用管理体系,建全企业信用管理部门和信用管理制度。

    So we must strengthen financial credit management of enterprises , set up unified credit management system and credit management organizations .

  15. 通过分析影响国家信用的风险因素,合理选取影响国家信用风险指标。

    The results of this paper are instructive for the export enterprise to evaluate and manage the risk of country credit .

  16. 国债作为公债的重要组成部分,是国家信用的主要形式。

    Government bond , which is an important component in the bond marker , is the main form of government credit .

  17. 国债是一种国家信用形式,是财政政策和货币政策的重要工具。

    The national debt is a form of state credit . It is an important tool of fiscal policy and monetary policy .

  18. 因此必须加快国家信用管理体系建设,奠定社会诚信制度的基础;

    So we must speed up the construction of national credit managing system and lay a foundation for social honesty and credit system .

  19. 在重建信用体系过程中,要广泛借鉴发达国家信用体系建设的经验。

    Want extensively experience of draw lessons from the flourishing and national credit system construction during the period of rebuilding the credit system .

  20. 最后,在国家信用担保退出的情况下,从宏观政策和商业银行自身管理的角度提出了防范我国商业银行流动性风险的相关建议。

    Finally , this paper gives some relevant recommendations of the management of liquidity risk in terms of macroeconomic policy and commercial banks .

  21. 政策性金融业务是以国家信用为基础的特殊融资手段,是市场经济的伴生物。

    Policy finance operation is a special financing means on the basis of national credit , and is the companion of the market economy .

  22. 在此次金融危机中,个人信用、企业信用、甚至国家信用都面临破产的严重后果。

    In the current financial crisis , personal credit , corporate credit , and even national credit are facing the serious consequences of bankruptcy .

  23. 本部分主要采用描述性经济史的方法,并使用定量分析探索各国家信用合作组织发展的特点。

    This section mainly uses the descriptive method of economic history , and use quantitative analysis to explore the development characteristics of typical countries .

  24. 在市场经济条件下,信用就是竞争力,科技信用管理是构建国家信用体系的重要组成部分。

    In the market economy , credit is a competition . Scientific and technical credit system is the important part of the national social credit system .

  25. 现代市场经济条件下的国债,是政府依靠国家信用和利用债券等形式,筹集并使用货币资本的一种方式,既具有财政属性,又具有金融属性,能够成为调节宏观经济的重要手段。

    National debt in modern market economy is a way for the government to raise and utilize capital through national credit and such forms as bonds .

  26. 但砍掉对未来影响重大的投资,威胁到国会已经取得阶段成果的国家信用违约,这就不是什么经济计划了。

    But gutting critical investments in our future and threatening national default on the bills that Congress has already racked up-that 's not an economic plan .

  27. 它的面世,将从根本上解决国家信用滥用的难题,使金融这个中介真正站在自己合适的位置。

    It 's available , will fundamentally solve the national problem of abuse of credit , financial intermediaries that it is really standing by their own right .

  28. 多年前南美洲的一些国家信用破产,币值一泄千里,政府连同百姓的财富一夕之间化为乌有,这都是铁一般的事实。

    Years ago , some countries in Southern America went bankruptcy and their currency value depreciated so much that wealth of government and people became nothing overnight .

  29. 并在此基础上,运用比较分析框架和成本收益法阐述了国家信用担保存在的弊端及其退出的必然性。

    And on this basis , using comparative analysis framework and cost-benefit method , this paper describes the drawbacks and the necessity of withdrawal of state credit guarantee .

  30. 完善的信用制度是由国家信用、企业信用和个人信用组成的,但我国个人信用制度却长期缺位。

    A perfect credit system is composed of state credit , enterprise credit and private credit the last of which is vacant for a long time in our country .