
  • 网络domestic credit
  1. 文章共分为五章:第一章,国内信用管理现状及信用管理分析。

    Chapter one , the current situation of domestic credit management and credit management analysis .

  2. 伴随着透支消费观念的广泛传播和商业银行的积极营销策略,国内信用卡业务急剧增长。

    With the wide dissemination of overdraft conception and commercial banks ' actively marketing strategy , the domestic credit card business is rocket up .

  3. 论文采用资料研究、理论分析、比较分析、SWOT分析等方法,对X银行国内信用证业务优势、劣势、机会和威胁进行分析,提出当前X银行进一步发展国内信用证思路。

    The paper adopts the data research , theoretical analysis , comparative analysis , SWOT analysis and other methods , analysis of X bank of domestic letter of credit Strengths , Weaknesses , Opportunities and Threats , put forward the further development of X bank domestic credit ideas .

  4. 我国国内信用证结构及功能分析

    Domestic Letter of Credit in China : Structure and Function

  5. 企业应积极采用国内信用证

    Domestic Letter of Credit Should be Actively Used in Enterprises

  6. 应建立健全法律法规,推行国内信用证;

    Sett up perfect laws and regulations with adoption of domestic letter of credit ;

  7. 而针对国内信用证而设计的种种融资产品也应运而生。

    The letter of credit is designed for the domestic variety of financing products .

  8. 第五节国内信用证结算存在的问题和风险分析。

    The analysis of the issues and risk in the Domestic Letter of Credit .

  9. 这一章分析了国内信用证产品在电子商务领域发展的独特优势,并对该业务在电子商务领域的推广进行了设想。

    This chapter analyzes the domestic letter of credit products in the area of e-commerce .

  10. 由中国人民银行牵头,全国各家银行参与,共同建立的国内信用系统。

    Guided by People 's Bank of China , various banks participated in to establish the national credit system .

  11. 让中国游客能够方便地使用国内信用卡购物,似乎是一件理所应当的事情。

    Making it easy for Chinese tourists to spend money with their domestic cards seems to be a no-brainer .

  12. 国内信用证是借鉴国际贸易的做法,用于解决国内企业之间商品交易结算的一种新形式。

    The domestic letter of credit is a way of settling commodity trading business among domestic enterprises referenced from international trade .

  13. 然而在《国内信用证结算办法》推行后的几年之内,没有一家银行真正开立了国内信用证业务。

    However , after the introduction for a few years , no one really opened the domestic bank letter of credit business .

  14. 论文严格以巴塞尔新资本协议为指导框架,结合建模技术来实现国内信用风险管理的信息化和科学化。

    Adhere to the new Basel Capital Accord as a guiding framework , this paper is supposed to achieve the credit risk management .

  15. 第二节国内信用证结算产品的必要性,交易结构和类型,过去和目前的结算量。

    The introduction to the service of the Letter of Credit in Domestic Transaction : structure and type , the past and current amount of settlement .

  16. 最后,倡导国内信用卡公司积极与外资金融机构合作,共同化解信用卡经营模式在具体运作中的风险。

    Finally , domestic credit card companies cooperate actively with foreign financial institutions so as to minimize the risks involved in the operating mode of credit card business .

  17. 国内信用证在单据相关规定上存在缺陷,在配套法律上存在缺失,在具体操作中暴露出大量问题。

    The relevant provisions of the domestic letter of credit in the documentation shortcomings , in the absence of supporting legal in specific operation revealed a large number of problems .

  18. 我国信用卡产业已经进入快速发展期,截至2006年底,国内信用卡发行量已达到5400万张,参与发卡的机构达到18家。

    The credit card industry in China has entered a rapid development stage . Until 2006 , 54 million cards have been issued domestically by 18 credit card issuing agencies .

  19. 2月份以来,至少有10个借款人的评级被国内信用评级公司下调或者列入观察名单,基本上都是因为收入和利润大幅下降。

    At least 10 borrowers ' ratings have been downgraded or placed on a watch list since February by domestic credit-rating firms , mostly because of sharp declines in revenue and profits .

  20. 随着我国金融领域的全面开放,一些外资银行早已通过合资、合作的方式,将触角伸向这一领域,国内信用卡业务竞争愈演愈烈。

    With the whole development of the financial field in China , by the joint and cooperative means , many foreign banks reached this area , and the competition of the domestic credit card business intensified .

  21. 就国内信用卡而言,主要有贷记卡和准贷记卡两种形式,后者不允许在没有事先存款的情况下进行消费,但是允许有较低额度的透支。

    In terms of the domestic credit , mainly credit card and two forms of quasi-credit card , which is not allowed without prior consumer deposits circumstances , but allows a lower limit of the overdraft .

  22. 经过几年的发展,国内信用卡市场已经成为中国个人金融领域成长最快的市场,信用卡产品也迅速成为银行业一个主流的金融产品。

    With many years development , domestic credit card market has become the fast growing market in personal financial field of China . Meanwhile , credit card product has rapidly become the mainstream financial product in banking .

  23. 电子商务这几年在我国蓬勃发展,但是结算方式的问题一直难以解决,第三方支付平台存在的很多安全隐患正好可以用国内信用证弥补。

    E-commerce flourishes in China in recent years , but the settlement of the issue has been difficult to resolve , . There is a lot of security risks can just make up for domestic letters of credit .

  24. 在分析变化带来新的机遇和新的问题的基础上,对如何抢抓机遇和回应挑战,提出国内信用体系构建和国际资本引导为核心的相关对策建议。

    On the basis of the analysis on the new opportunities and problems brought by the changes , aiming at the grasp of opportunities and acceptance of challenges , the authors have made some feasible suggestions on constructing home credit system and leading international capital .

  25. 本文以国内信用卡市场体系作为研究背景,深入探讨信用卡行业的发展与社会效应,全面阐述信用卡行业对我国经济的推动价值与其他方面的积极贡献。

    In this paper , the domestic credit card market system as the research background , depth development and social effects of the credit card industry , comprehensively expounded China economy to promote a positive contribution to the value of the credit card industry and other areas .

  26. 随着国内信用体系的日趋完善以及消费者对待持卡消费的逐步认同,信用卡市场已成为各家商业银行发力争夺的白热化领域,银行在信用卡市场投入的人力和物力不断加大。

    With the gradual improvement of the domestic credit system and the increasingly identification of paying by card , the credit card market has become the white-hot field for commercial banks . Thus , the banks invest more and more both human resources and capitals in the credit card market .

  27. 第三章,国内外信用风险度量方法及发展现状及评述。

    The review of credit risk measurement method and the development status .

  28. 国内证券信用交易制度探讨

    Discussion of the Credit Trading System of Domestic Securities

  29. 这进一步丰富了当前国内对信用风险量化模型的研究。

    This has further enriched the current domestic models to quantify the credit risk research .

  30. 2002年中国启动了国内个人信用体系框架的搭建工作。

    In 2002 China began to set out the framework for domestic individual credit system .