
  • 网络National capacity;State capacity;national capabilities
  1. 国家能力与金融功能财政化研究

    Gradual Reform , State Capacity , Financial and Fiscal Functions in a Reforming China

  2. 试论国家能力建设的科学内涵

    On the Scientific Content of State Capacity Building

  3. 增强对国家能力建设及培训的支持力度。

    Increasing efforts in support of country capacity building and training .

  4. 论社会转型期中国的国家能力建设

    On China 's National Ability Construction in Social Transition Period

  5. 加强国家能力减少产妇死亡和残疾率联合方案

    Joint Programme on Strengthening National Capacities to Reduce Maternal Death and Disabilities

  6. 利用这种资源是建设国家能力的一种强有力的方法。

    Tapping this resource is a powerful way of building national capacities .

  7. 令人遗憾的是,它们的能量因国家能力薄弱而被削弱。

    Their power to do so is unfortunately blunted by weak national capacities .

  8. 全球化、国家能力分化与民族冲突

    Globalization , State Fragmentation , and Ethnic Confrontation

  9. 国家能力不足:中国法治进程的障碍

    Insufficiency of Infrastructural Power of Our Country : Obstacles in Law-ruling Course in China

  10. 提高国家能力、进行国家制度建设还需要有高效的政府组织。

    Enhancing the state capacity and building the state institution need an efficient government .

  11. 渐进转轨、国家能力与金融功能财政化

    Gradual Transition , State Capacity and Fiscal Functions Performed by Financial Sector in China

  12. 发展管理:加强国家能力

    Management of Development : National Capacity Strengthening

  13. 为儿童生存与发展建立国家能力

    National Capacity-building for Child Survival and Development

  14. 理论和实践上的差距使社会主义国家能力成为一个富于争议性的问题。

    The gap between the theory and practice has made the socialist state capabilities a controversial issue .

  15. 国家能力建设体制战略

    Institutional Strategy for National Capacity-building

  16. 国家能力研究述评

    Comment on State Capacity Study

  17. 二是国家能力建设,国家能力是指推行国家权力应具备的社会经济基础;

    The second is state ability construction . It means the society-political-economy base used to promote state power .

  18. 文章认为,发展的限度是国家能力生长、变迁的制度性约束条件。

    The thesis thinks that limits of development are institutional restrictions against the development and transformation of state capability .

  19. 此外,常规检测大流行性流感需要较高的费用和技能,超越了多数国家能力可及的范围。

    Moreover , routine testing for pandemic influenza is costly and demanding , and beyond the reach of most countries .

  20. 文章指出,国家能力是一个国家实现现代化最重要的条件之一。

    The thesis point out that state capability is one of the most important for a state to realize modernization .

  21. 众所周知,这些平行系统助长了重叠,抬高了成本,并削弱了国家能力。

    As we know , these parallel systems have contributed to duplication , higher costs , and the undermining of national capacities .

  22. 致力于国家能力的提升,处理好政策制定能力与制度变迁能力的关系;

    Improving the state capability by correctly handling the relationship between the capability of policy making and the capability of institution changing ;

  23. 但是在“消极国家能力”方面,则尚未形成实现机制,因而大大减弱国家整体能力。

    But in terms of " negative nation capacity ", mechanism has not yet established . Therefore , the integral nation capacity is greatly weakened .

  24. 此次会议提出,这些中心应该把重点放在加强国家能力、帮助各国发现他们的技术需求和优先事项,并推动创新。

    The meeting suggested that these centres should focus on strengthening national capacities , help countries identify their technology needs and priorities , and facilitate innovation .

  25. 资源将是我们统一国家能力的直接检验,它同样能成为在我们给予新力量周围的标准。

    Energy will be the immediate test of our ability to unite this nation , and it can also be the standard around which we rally .

  26. 农业产业化是在现实资源禀赋、经济结构和国家能力等条件下,解决我国农业症结的一条有效途径。

    The agricultural industrialization is an effective way that solves problems of agriculture in our country in the condition of realistic resources gift , economic structure and national ability .

  27. 国有银行制度安排既是改革开放以来增进当期国家能力的有效工具,也可能极大地削弱未来多期的国家能力。

    State-owned bank system could impair the future state 's capacity , although it certainly is the effective tools in improving state 's capacity since reform and opening up .

  28. 国家能力研究有助于推进国家理论发展,并为国家能力建设进而为现代化建设提供理论支持。

    The study of state capacity will promote the state theoretical development , provide the theoretical support for the state capacity construction and moreover , for the modernism construction .

  29. 要有效调控社会冲突必须加强国家能力建设、积极化解社会矛盾、完善群体参与利益博弈的规则、妥善处理社会冲突,从而使社会和谐、稳定的发展。

    If we want to regulate social conflict effectively , we have to strengthen the national ability , defuse the society contradiction positively and deal with the social conflict properly .

  30. 国家能力是决定一国在竞争中能否获胜的主要手段,国际一体化推演了某种大国主导的逻辑。

    The capability of one nation is the chief element that determines whether one nation can win in international competition . International integration deduces certain logic of " Power Dominance " .