
guó mín shōu rù
  • national income;national revenue
国民收入 [guó mín shōu rù]
  • [national income] 一个国家国民经济各个生产部门在一个时期内新创造的价值的总和。就是从一个时期内的社会总产品的价值中,减去生产上消耗掉的生产资料的价值后剩余的部分

国民收入[guó mín shōu rù]
  1. 政府开支耗费了将近3/4的国民收入。

    Government expenditures absorbed nearly three-fourths of the national income .

  2. 1929年之后,美国的国民收入[以名义国内生产总值(GDP)衡量]急剧下降。

    National income ( as measured by nominal gross domestic product ) fell dramatically in the US after 1929 .

  3. 用TAR模型分析中国国民收入增长速度和积累率。

    TAR Model is used to analyze the increment speed and accumulation rate of the national income of China .

  4. 英国国家统计局(officeofnationalstatistics)的初步估算显示,上一季度英国国民收入下降了0.7%,双底衰退进一步加深,已经焦头烂额的财政大臣肩上的担子更重了。

    Initial estimates by the office of national statistics show that national income declined in the latest quarter by 0.7 per cent , deepening the double-dip recession and heaping more pressure on the already embattled chancellor .

  5. 而日本在经济陷入停滞的90年代时,其国民收入则较为平稳。另一方面,2001年之后美国GDP继续增长,速度基本保持在商业周期见顶前的水平。

    In Japan it levelled off in the stagnant 1990s . On the other hand , US GDP continued to rise after 2001 at more or less the pre-peak rate .

  6. 而《经济学家》(Economist)的报道显示,富人在美国国民收入中的占比已达到创纪录的19.3%,超过了2007年和1929年。

    But , according to the economist , the share of national income flowing to the rich is at a record high of 19.3 % , ahead of both 2007 and 1929 .

  7. 社会保障(socialsecurity),是指国家和社会在通过立法对国民收入进行分配和再分配,对社会成员特别是生活有特殊困难的人们的基本生活权利给予保障的社会安全制度。

    Social security , a kind of the social security systems , refers to the distribution and redistribution of national income by the state and society through legislation to ensure citizens ' basic rights of living , especially to guarantee the rights of those who live with special difficulties .

  8. 我们发现,认证数量与国民收入、直接投资的流入量及劳工标准之间存在相关关系,但在发展中国家,主要的影响因素是人均国民收入水平的高低和FDI的流入。

    We discover that per capita GNI , inflow of FDI and FACB rights affect the number of certification , but for developing country , the key determinants are per capita GNI and the inflow of FDI .

  9. 结果表明,中国的东、中、西部三大经济区域在对外贸易乘数、国民收入构成和关税调整下,进出口规模的变化、FDI的影响因素有着各自明显的区域差异。

    As indicated by results , the three major regions of China have respective obvious regional variance in foreign trade multiplier and composition of national income and change of the scale of import-export trade under tariff readjustment and influencing factors of FDI .

  10. 咨询公司普华永道(PwC)估计,印度国民收入的增长和慢性疾病发生率的居高不下可能将药品年销售额从2010年的120亿美元推高到2020年的740亿美元。

    Rising incomes and rates of chronic disease may push sales from $ 12 billion in 2010 to $ 74 billion in 2020 , according to PwC , a consultancy .

  11. 经合组织(OECD)6月19日表示,公众对全球化的猜疑,是建立在对工资占国民收入比例不断下降、收入不平等加剧的合理担心基础上的,不过,人们往往高估了这些威胁。

    Public mistrust of globalisation is founded on legitimate concerns over the falling share of wages in national income and rising earnings inequality , but the threats are frequently overestimated , the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development said on the 19th June .

  12. 利用90年代的截面数据,分析了国际旅游支出与人均GNP(国民收入)的关系,建立一个回归模型可作为国际旅游支付标准线;

    The relation between the national tourism payout capacity and personal GNP is analyzed on sectional data of 30 countries in ′ 90s . A regression equation as a standard line of national tourism payout capacity is put forward .

  13. 世界银行对中高收入国家的定义足以将中国囊括其中,其下限仅为年人均国民收入(GNI)(该指标与国民生产总值(GDP)略有差异)4086美元。

    The organization 's definition of upper-middle income is sufficiently generous to include China , with a lower threshold of just $ 4086 a year in gross national income ( a slightly different yardstick from the more often used gross domestic product ) .

  14. 国民收入分配的优化与经济发展

    Improved Distribution of National Income and Its Relation with Economic Development

  15. 出口对国民收入的相依性更为复杂。

    The dependence of exports on national income is more complex .

  16. 同时,城镇非正规就业与经济增长有着极强的相关性,非正规就业规模的变化也将对国民收入产生影响。

    The city informal employment has a strong correlation with economic growth .

  17. 企业占据了太多的国民收入。

    Business is simply hogging too much of national income .

  18. 关于劳动所得占国民收入比重不断下降的实证分析

    Empirical Analysis of the Declining Share of Labor Gains in National Income

  19. 这意味着国民收入分配格局的改变。

    This means the structure of national income distribution will be changed .

  20. 规范财政教育支出改善国民收入分配减速器的速比分配

    Regulate Fiscal Expenditure on Education to Better the Condition of Income Distribution

  21. 其次,考虑了各个要素对国民收入中生产税净额的贡献。

    The capital reward of net taxed on production is also considered .

  22. 国民收入分配使用结构的现状和前瞻

    Present Situation and Perspective of Distribution and Expenditure Composition of National Income

  23. 论国民收入分配在军事经济潜力形成中的作用

    Influences of distribution of national income on the formation of military economic potentiality

  24. 国民收入提高时,消费也跟着增加。

    When national income rises , so does consumption .

  25. 我们所需的支出取决于我们的国民收入。

    Our desired expenditures depend on our national income .

  26. 劳动者占国民收入的份额不断下落。

    Labour 's share of national income keeps plummeting .

  27. 出口的减少,通过乘数效应降低了国民收入。

    Reduction in exports , reduce the national income through a multiplier effect .

  28. 我国社会总产值和国民收入的预测

    Forecasting Chinese gross social production value and national income

  29. 国民收入分配并没有向个人过度倾斜

    National Income were not Over Distributed toward Individual

  30. 中国国民收入流量表研究

    Study on China 's national income flow table