
  1. 中国学者对于特许连锁经营理论主要在两个方面开展研究工作:一是介绍和比较国外特许连锁经营发展的经验;

    Scholars of China study the theories of FC mainly from two aspects : first , introducing and comparing foreign countries ' experiences in FC ;

  2. 第二部分,通过大量文献的查阅,对营销理论和连锁经营理论进行比较细致的阐述。

    The second part , through a large number of literature of access to the marketing theory , and chain management theory is detailed exposition .

  3. 本文在零售企业核心竞争力理论、连锁经营理论、供应链管理理论的基础之上,对比研究了国美和百思买的核心竞争力。

    This thesis analyzed the core competitiveness of Gome and Bestbuy based on the theory of retail core competitiveness , supply chain management and retail chain management .

  4. 讨论了企业经营战略和连锁经营的理论及实践。

    The strategies of corporation management and the theories and practices of chain operation .

  5. 运用连锁经营的理论指导我国零售业、服务业等行业的发展,在当前具有重大的现实意义。

    It has great significance to guide the development of our retailing and service industry with the chain store operation theory .

  6. 第二部分在介绍连锁经营基本理论的基础上,分析了我国连锁经营企业的现状和存在的问题,指出了连锁经营未来的发展趋势;

    The second part introduces the elementary theory of the chain-business , analyzes the current situation and the existent problem in domestic chain-business and points out the developmental direction ;

  7. 本文主要应用了竞争策略理论、营销管理理论和连锁经营的相关理论,结合相关市场调查,通过定性与定量相结合的研究方法,对零售药店市场竞争策略进行实证研究。

    This paper mainly uses the competitive strategy theory , marketing management theory , chain operation theory and other relative theories . Combining other market data , using qualitative and quantitative method , the author does positivistic study on retail drugstore market competitive strategy .

  8. 第一部分首先介绍了连锁经营模式的基本理论;

    Section I is mainly introduce the basic theory of Chain Operation , including the development , feature and function .

  9. 肯定企业的发展成绩,分析企业发展缓慢存在的问题及原因,对企业发展连锁经营提供坚实的理论分析结果。

    When we approve the achievements of the company and analyze problems , reasons of the slow development of the company , it will offer solid theoretic analysis result for the chain operation .

  10. 本文就是针对目前国内连锁经营大发展的现状和世界连锁经营的管理理论,以大连锦程国际货运股份有限公司为例进行应用研究。

    This paper takes Dalian JC as an example , studies the current situation of domestic chain operation and management theory of global chain operation .

  11. 从世界上第一家连锁商店开业至今,经过140多年的实践,连锁经营的理论已经逐步完善,其发展也已步入成熟期。

    From the first chain store opening before 140 years ago , the theoretics of chain operation has been integrated gradually , and the development of which has been into the autumn .

  12. 首先解释了交互式特许加盟连锁制度的含义和理论依据,即交互式合作营销理论和连锁经营的规模效益理论。

    Firstly , we explain the interactive franchise chains system and set forth its academic base , that is the theory of interactive cooperation marketing and the one of economy of scale from chains operation .