
  • 网络Ideal Output
  1. 知晓率较高,不足率为0.71%,接近理想产出。

    Whereas the aware rate of hypertension was close to ideal output , the insufficient rate was 0.71 % .

  2. 生产函数是经济学中一个非常重要的概念,它描述了一定投入下可能获得的理想产出。

    Production function is an important concept in economics theory , it describes the maximal output for limited input in perfect condition .

  3. 该方法既能使目标函数,即累计生产和库存的误差平方和达到最小,又保证了稳态时系统输出趋向于理想库存和理想产出,所得结果具有二者共同的优点。

    This method can ensure that the objective function ( accumulative error square sum of production and inventory ) is minimum and the output of the system tends to the ideal inventory and production when the system is stable , the result shows both advantages of them .