
  • 网络Ideal type;Ideal-type
  1. 社会流动:理想类型与国际经验

    Social Mobility : the Ideal Type and The World 's Experience

  2. 韦伯的理想类型和罗伯特。

    Weber 's " ideal type " and Robert .

  3. 韦伯伦理&经济理想类型的道德哲学结构

    Max Weber 's Ideal Type Ethics-Economics and Its Moral Philosophical Structure

  4. 试论中国古代文学中的爱情理想类型

    Expound the Type of the Ideal of Love in Chinese Ancient Literature

  5. 其次,选取研究对象,以理想类型为参照,将具体犯罪现象予以归类;

    Secondly , choose the study objects , classify them by the ideal types ;

  6. 理想类型与经典社会学的分析范式

    Ideal-Types and Analytical Paradigm of Classic Sociology

  7. 可以理解为维特根斯坦的家族相似与韦伯的理想类型。

    This can be understood as Wittgenstein 's family similarity and Weber 's ideal type .

  8. 政体演化的理想类型与法的现象历史演进模式密切关联。

    The ideal type of regime evolution and law phenomenon history evolution pattern have close connection .

  9. 以“理想类型”为参照,将具体犯罪现象予以归类;

    Second , to classify the concrete crime phenomenon according to the " ideal type " .

  10. 韦伯关于新教资本主义的伦理&经济理想类型,表现为道德哲学与历史哲学的二重向度和二元分离。

    Weber 's ethical-economic ideal type is chosen both from the perspective of moral philosophy and historical philosophy .

  11. 但这只是两种理想类型,现实的改革设计往往是两种取向的综合。

    But they are only ideal types ; the realistic designs of reform are always integration of two orientations .

  12. 这与建立在理想类型之上的纯主观分析和臆断相比,无疑更符合实际,更具有优势。

    Compared to pure subjective analysis and assumption established on ideal model , this is more practical and has more advantages .

  13. 刑事政策模式分析的理论是韦伯的“理想类型”、戴氏刑事政策分析理论;

    The theory of criminal policy pattern analysis is Web 's " Ideal Pattern " and Daishi 's criminal policy analysis theory .

  14. ⑷以经济发展阶段性理论为指导,借鉴韦伯的理想类型方法,构建了城市功能转型的理想类型模式,为我国的城市功能转型提供了具有可操作性的理论工具。

    ⑷ to build up the ideal type models of Transitions of Urban Function and for which to offer a feasible theoretical tool .

  15. 在犯罪学中应用类型学研究范式其基本步骤有三项,即:确立分类标准,建立“理想类型”;

    There are three basic steps to apply typology research First , to ascertain the classification standard and establish the " ideal type " .

  16. 以诉讼行为为主线的大陆法系民事诉讼结构理论,是一种凸显人的价值和意义的理想类型。

    Centering on litigation activities , civil litigation principles in the continental law are idealistic ones as they stress the values and significance of mankind .

  17. 但是这种行为并不是一种纯粹的理想类型,而是一种礼物交换,交换的目的是为了获得声誉。

    However , this action is not a pure ideal type but an exchange of gift , the purpose of which is to gain reputation .

  18. 在理想类型下,司法公信力具有主体交互性、开放性、制度性、资源性与合法性等特征。

    Under this ideal type , public confidence force has the characteristics of subjects ' interaction , openness , institutionalization , resourcefulness , legitimacy and others .

  19. 集体利益就是与这一共同获利机会相联系的、由个体福利水平来表示的、理想类型意义上的社会状态;

    Collective interest is a kind of ideal social state which is based on the mutual profit opportunity and expressed by the welfare of all the individuals .

  20. 第二节首先指出法律是理性的存在,其次分析了理想类型法及其在刑事程序中的体现;

    In section two , the thesis points out the law is the of rational existence , and then analyses the ideal type law and its embody in criminal procedure .

  21. 通过与其他国家及社会关系类型的比较,文章指出,分类控制体系是一种新的国家与社会关系的理想类型。

    Then , after comparing this system with other state-society relationship types , this paper concludes that the system of differential controls is an ideal type of a new state-society relationship .

  22. 文中指出,明初的君主统治主要反映了马克思·韦伯的有关合法性的理论,即合法性的三个理想类型。

    The paper points out that , the early Ming monarchy mainly reflects the theory about the legality of the legitimacy from Marx Weber , which are the three ideal types of legitimacy .

  23. 研究路径之一是以现代化理论作为分析框架,在扬弃现有传统研究方法的基础上,注重“理想类型”、能主义等研究方法。

    One of the study approaches is to take the modernization theory as its analysis frame and stress such study methods as " ideal type ", functionalism based on sublation of existing traditional methods .

  24. 今天的乡村社会,已非费孝通乡土中国的理想类型所能准确概括,它呈现出结构混乱的态势,即村庄共同体趋于瓦解,乡村面临着社会解组的危险。

    The situation of the disintegration of rural community in contemporary rural society could be described of structural chaos , which cannot be explained exactly by the ideal type of Rural China that rose by Fei-Xiaotong .

  25. 根据“理想类型”方法,现实中的元设计可以概括为两种模式:理性设计模式与社会互动设计模式。每种模式均存在着先天的不足与限度。

    The existing meta design can be classified by the methodology of " Ideal Type " into two types , which are called by the author as " Rational Model " and " Socially Interactive Model " .

  26. 经典社会学产生于欧洲社会从传统向现代过渡的19世纪和20世纪之交,这一背景决定了主要的经典社会学家都以类似韦伯的理想类型的方法,对社会形态作两分式的分类。

    Classic Sociology emerged in the turn of the 20th century when western society shifted from tradition to modern . This background determines that classic sociologists , like Weberian ideal-types method , classified social formation in dichotomy .

  27. 韦伯在比较世界城市尤其是东西方两种理想类型城市的基础上,揭示了城市与现代资本主义兴起和发展的内在关联。

    Based on a comparison of the cities around the world , especially that between the Eastern and Western ideal cities , Weber reveals the inherent correlation between city and the emergence and development of modern capitalism .

  28. 价值理性取向、工具理性取向、情感取向、传统取向是迁移行动的理想类型,它为人口迁移的宏观和微观研究架起了一座便利的桥梁。

    The ideal types of the behavior of migration are rational tropism of value , rational tropism of facility , emotional tropism and traditional tropism , which facilitate a bridge for the micro and macro research of migration .

  29. 伯克利学派的理论纲领主要沿着一种整合进路展开,其中所运用的发展策略对其法律理想类型的建构起着重要作用,但也存在自相矛盾:强调法律的内在动力而忽视外部条件;

    Their theory program is developed along an integrated approach , where the developmental strategy is important to construct ideal types , but it has contradictions : emphasizing the legal " inner dynamic " but overlooking external situations ;

  30. 把不同的艺术本质论看作为“理想类型”,意味着必须转换思维方式,以一种相对的理性主义立场对待动态的艺术创造过程。

    Viewing different theories of the art essence as ideal types means peoplehave to shift their thinking method and treat the essence of art as a dynamic processof art creation on the stance of limited , relative rationality .