
  • 网络rational expectation school;rational expectations;school of Rational expectation
  1. 新自由主义是伦敦学派、货币学派、理性预期学派等几个学派的统称。

    Neo-liberalism is collectively referred to London school , Monetarism and Rational expectations school .

  2. 主要介绍了凯恩斯学派理论、货币主义学派理论、理性预期学派理论和宏观金融博弈理论,阐述了这些学派对货币政策数量效果的理论观点。

    I introduce the west theoretic view about the quantitative effect of the monetary policy , which include Keynesian school , Monetarism , Rational expectations school and game theory of macro finance .

  3. 这不同于理性预期学派的政策无效论的观点。

    Viewpoint It differs from " the theory of policy invalidation " from the school of rational expectations .

  4. 主要流派有伦敦学派、现代货币学派和理性预期学派等。

    Its main schools include : the London school , the Modern Monetary School , Rational Expectation School and so on .

  5. 古典学派、早期凯恩斯主义学派、货币主义学派和理性预期学派认为货币政策无效。

    Classical School , the early Keynesian school , monetarism school and ration expectation school holds the idea that the policy is invalid .

  6. 理性预期学派持政策无效论,认为任何政府的财政政策对就业增长都是无效的。

    The rational anticipated school argues the theory of policy invalid , that is to say , any policy on employment growth is invalid .

  7. 20世纪六七十年代,在对凯恩斯主义经济学的批判中,理性预期学派产生发展起来。

    The 20th century 670 ages , in to the Keynes principle economic critique in , the rational anticipated school of thought produce develop .

  8. 资本市场有效性假定是理性预期学派的一个重要组成部分,它是经典资本市场理论之基石,同时也是资本市场数理论证之分析前提。

    As one important part of rational anticipation theory , Efficient Market Hypothesis is the foundation of capital market theories . In addition , it 's also presupposition the quantitative analysis to capital market .

  9. 理性预期学派否定凯恩斯主义的国家干预经济的宏观经济政策的有效性,否定凯恩斯主义的收入均等化意义上的公平效率观,主张规则公平、机会平等、效率优先的公平效率观。

    The rational anticipation school holds the view of equality in regulations , opportunity and efficiency with the denial of the effectiveness of state macro-control policy of economy and equalitarian view of income distribution advocated by Keynes .

  10. 新古典宏观经济学派又被大家成为理性预期学派,因为该学派主要依靠理性预期等假设分析宏观经济问题,认为政府不应该干预经济,市场经济自己会恢复平稳运行。

    New classical macroeconomic school was everybody become the rational anticipated school , because the school relies mainly on the rational anticipated etc hypothesis analysis of macroeconomic problems , think the government should not intervene in the economy , market economy will recover smoothly .

  11. 理性预期学派认为,人是有理性的,能够作出理性预期,凯恩斯主义的宏观经济政策和收入均等化意义上的公平观因为受到理性预期的影响而缺乏效率。

    The school of rational anticipation holds that humans are rational , and therefore they could make rational anticipations . Under the influence of this belief , Keynes ' view of equality on the basis of macro-economic policy and income equalization has proved to be inefficient .

  12. 到了20世纪70-90年代,由于滞涨的出现,国家干预理论再度被否定,货币主义、理性预期学派和供给学派继续强调经济的自由发展。

    In the 70-90 age of the 20th century for the appearance of " stagnates rises ", the state intervention theory is denied once again , the monetarism , the rational anticipated school of thought and the supplies school of thought continue to emphasize the economical the free development .