
  • 网络primary distribution;initial distribution;first distribution
  1. 初次分配也要贯彻公平原则

    The First Distribution should aslo Carry Out Impartial Principle

  2. 重视初次分配的调节作用;

    Emphasizing the adjustment of the first distribution ;

  3. 据这份报告显示,2015年,中国人均可支配收入增长了7.4%,比往年的增长幅度都要高。但是,中国的收入分配制度仍然面临挑战,例如居民收入占GDP份额较低、劳动报酬占初次分配的比例较低。

    According to the report , per capita disposable income in China increased by 7.4 percent in 2015 , higher than increases in previous years . However , the income distribution system still faces challenges , as represented by the low proportion of residents ' income to GDP , and of labor remuneration to primary distribution .

  4. 试论提高劳动报酬在初次分配中的比重

    Advance the proportion of the labor reward in the preliminary distribution

  5. 实际上,目前许多分配不公的问题都产生于初次分配领域。

    In fact , many unfair problems come from the area of initial distribution .

  6. 中国收入初次分配结构及其国际比较

    Comparative Research on the Structure of Primary Distribution of Income Among China and Foreign Countries

  7. 初次分配领域中劳动者报酬份额的急剧变化,已经影响到我国宏观经济的可持续发展和社会的和谐稳定。

    The dramatic change has affected the sustainable development of our country and social harmony .

  8. 初次分配不只是具有提高效率的功能,而且也有促进公平的作用;

    Primary distribution has the function of improving efficiency as well as of promoting fairness .

  9. 浅谈初次分配领域中的公平

    On Fairness Issues in the First-Distribution Field

  10. 工会对劳动者收入的保障作用探讨&以初次分配为基础

    The Effect of Labor Union on the Laborers ' Income & Based on the Primary Distribution

  11. 为此,提出应着力解决因政策因素造成的初次分配中社会成员之间收入分配不公问题;

    Those are : resolving the unfairness caused by the income policy in the primary distribution ;

  12. 劳动收入初次分配是国民收入初次分配的基本组成部分。

    The primary distribution of labor income is the basic component of the redistribution of national income .

  13. 在收入分配的调节方面,再分配的政策非常有限,更主要的是加强对初次分配领域的调节。

    Because the redistribution policy is very limited , government should strengthen the primary distribution area of regulation .

  14. 信息要素具有和其他生产要素相同的参与国民收入初次分配和再分配的一般方式。

    Information element is a general way of initial and second distribution of national income like other elements .

  15. 物权制度的两个统一可应用于初次分配的对立统一。

    Property reunification of the two systems can be used in the initial distribution of the unity of opposites .

  16. 加大财政、税收在收入初次分配和再分配中的调节作用。

    We will strengthen the role of fiscal and taxation policies in adjusting the primary and secondary distribution of income .

  17. 也就是说,政府的有效干预是市场在初次分配中发挥基础性作用的决定因素。

    In other words , the effective interference of government is determinant for market playing basic role in primary distribution .

  18. 努力扩大就业再就业,加大初次分配调整力度,增加城乡居民收入。

    Secondly , efforts should be made to expand employment and reemployment , so as to adjust the initial distribution .

  19. 在国民收入的两次分配中,初次分配是基础性的分配,起着决定性的作用。

    In the two national income distribution , initial distribution is the basis of distribution and plays a decisive role .

  20. 在初次分配阶段,应充分发挥市场机制的作用,实现效率的价值。

    In primary distribution , we should give full play the role of the market mechanism to realize the efficiency value .

  21. 排除新经济自由主义思潮干扰,国民收入初次分配不能完全由市场调节;

    People must clear the confuse of new economy liberalism , national income can not be adjusted entirely by the market ;

  22. 努力提高居民收入在国民收入分配中的比重,提高劳动报酬在初次分配中的比重。

    Efforts to improve income in the national income , increase the proportion of Labour remuneration in primary distribution of income .

  23. 正确把握初次分配领域中效率与公平的关系,是构建社会主义和谐社会的关键环节。

    The right relationship between efficiency and fairness in initial distribution is a key link in building a socialist harmonious society .

  24. 收入分配是经济学研究中的重要问题之一:国民收入中的初次分配决定了劳动收入的基本格局。

    Economics of income distribution is a core research question : the initial distribution determined the basic pattern of labor income .

  25. 非税收入参与国民收入初次分配和再分配的,属于财政资金范围。

    Non-tax revenue involved in the initial distribution and redistribution of national income , belong to the scope of financial resources .

  26. 但实际上初次分配不仅要注重效率,更要讲求公平。

    But in fact the initial distribution should pay attention to the efficiency , but also lay more stress on justice .

  27. 基于对我国初次分配领域不公平的现状和原因分析,笔者在第四章中提出了解决上述问题的相关对策措施。

    Based on the analysis of the situation and reasons , the author offers some related suggestions in the fourth chapter .

  28. 寻求两性平等视野下中国的公共政策选择&从社会初次分配到社会再分配

    The Quest for Gender Equality from the Perspective of China 's Public Policy Choices & From the Social Initial Distribution to Redistribution

  29. 第二产业内部产业层次越高的行业,初次分配状况越好。

    The results show that the higher level of industry within second industry , the situation of initial income distribution is better .

  30. 提高劳动者在国民收入初次分配中的比重,关系到我国经济能否健康稳定发展。

    Raising workers ' income proportion in the primary distribution of the national income relates the healthy and stable development of Chinese economy .