
  • 网络initial registration
  1. 申请程序是相同的初始登记,但只有更换名称(S)需要提供。

    The application process is the same as for initial registration , except that only the replacement name ( s ) need be provided .

  2. 申请房地产权初始登记应提交什么文件?

    Does application estate counterpoise initiative register what document should submit ?

  3. 不动产初始登记程序主要包括申请和审查两部分。

    The procedures of real estate initiative register include application and examination .

  4. 初始登记的受试者为109名,但受试者的高损耗率限制了评估的人数。

    Initial enrollment was109 subjects , but a high rate of attrition limited the number of evaluable subjects .

  5. 同时,完善水权初始登记制度,建立水权转让登记制度,保障水权交易的顺利进行。

    And , the registration of water rights must be established and improved in order to maintain water market order .

  6. 不动产初始登记是在总登记之外,首次对不动产物权进行的经常性登记。

    Real estate initiative register is a kind of frequent registration of real estate property for the first time after the total registration .

  7. 房产登记的种类有初始登记、转移登记、变更登记、他项权登记。

    The sort that house property registers has initiative register , move is registered , change is registered , he authority is registered .

  8. 作为不动产登记的一项基本制度,不动产物权初始登记一直在不动产登记中扮演着举足轻重的角色。

    As a basic system in the registration of real estates , real estate initiative register has been playing an important role in this field .

  9. 目前,我国不动产初始登记立法的缺陷是:立法层级过低、立法层次过多、并且极不统一。

    At present , the deficiencies of Chinese real estate initiative register are : low legislative level , excessive legislative structure , incompatible legal regulations .

  10. 答:房地产登记种类分为初始登记、转移登记、抵押登记、变更登记和其它登记。

    Answer : estate registers phyletic cent to be initiative register , move is registered , guaranty is registered , change is registered and other is registered .

  11. 作为不动产登记重要标的物的土地与房产,其权利状况存在差别,总登记、初始登记、变更登记的程序肯定是有差异的,不可能强制统一;

    The author believes that because the right of land and the right of buildings annexed to them vary , the procedures of general registration , preliminary registration and amendment registration differ as well and cannot be compulsively unified .

  12. 它们关联着登记的类型,从便捷的角度出发,将用海设施和海上构筑物登记类型规定为初始登记、转移登记、变更登记、注销登记、异议登记和预告登记。

    Their related type that register . Proceed from convenient angle , register with sea facility and maritime structures type stipulate for being initial to register , shift , register , modification register , cancel , register , objection register with trailer registering .

  13. 在申请阶段,与其他登记制度不同,初始登记申请人包括权利人和代理人,申请方式包括单方申请和代理申请,初始登记申请应提供申请书,并根据不同的不动产类型提供不同的申请文件。

    Applicants include only creditor and agents , not as other systems . The proposal form only includes unilateral application and agent application . Real estate initiative register should provide application paper and different types of application documents in accordance with different real estate .

  14. 上市基金持有人明细数据包括初始募集登记数据和日常交易登记数据。

    Detailed data of lofs shareholders will include registration data of initialoriginal raising and daily tradetransaction registration data .

  15. 在初始的“顾客登记”描述中所显示的用户同系统之间的交互作用,现在作为应用软件的一部分(自己完成登记),因此实现了办公的自动化。

    The interaction between actors and the system demonstrated in the original " Check In Guest " description can now be used as part of a kiosk application ( self-check-in ), thus automating the business .