- 动property speculation;speculate in real estate

One recent example is property speculation , which resulted in a wave of overbuilding in places where people still don 't seem that keen to live .
The authorities have restricted new credit in part to stifle inflation but they have also introduced measures deliberately aimed at limiting property speculation and squeezing out small , poorly capitalised developers .
Property tax plan submitted for discussion in'two sessions ' .
Containing Speculative Purchase of House : Necessity and Strategy
Deal of reflection : Real estate who really should independently assume responsibility ?
Who is the " Wenzhou Real Mission " conspiracy to manipulate the market ?
In two to , the visible and audible Real scenery natural and unrestrained .
Shanghai property market speculation small space wenzhou " real " storm also hit ?
Complicated estate plans can cause complications .
Wenzhou Real 's life past life : houses on the real worth of investment ?
Seesaw effect is expected to show Real funds will flow into the stock market ?
Finance and investment : farewell " Real communities ," 900,000 of the money to her ?
In Australia , Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has vowed to restrictions on foreign real estate .
There is excessive speculation in Hangzhou real estate market , and the bubble continues to inflate .
Real Mission " besieged on all sides " Guangzhou halt " old buy new charges " added .
The latter is that government restrains developer from stationing land , decrease free-housing and regulates high house price .
It is enough evidence to prove that Real estate speculator ( includes investors ) was selling their houses very hard .
Insiders said , these measures tighten loopholes could be exploited by housing speculators and cities could detail the measures in future .
We will make greater efforts to deal with violations of laws and regulations such as keeping land unused , property hoarding and price rigging .
Residents high housing price-income ratio , villa and other senior high commodity housing development too much , have also aroused the concern of the whole society .
To curb speculation and cool the red-hot Shanghai property market , the local government recently issued new rules limiting families to buying one additional home per family .
Some experts expressed the policy to curb over rising of house price mainly targets those better developed coastal cities and may affects slightly Hefei and its alike .
This bubble must in the end be dashed , who expect to rely on Real to stimulate local economic growth , its harm is tantamount to doing .
Therefore , it is necessary to adjust the tax structure and increase the level of tax in the link of maintaining house to inhibit the speculators ' behavior .
Some classic and not-so-classic but enjoyable films can teach you a bit about contrarian investing , estate planning , the high cost of divorce and other important topics .
Tax policy together with the land and financial policies will play an important role in controlling the housing market rising house prices rationally , and leading the national wealth distribution .
In most countries , the bursting of the real estate bubble means an end to speculative overbuilding , and more investment in useful projects , rather than national obsessions with house flipping .
They became a nation of property speculators . Some used cash to buy flats and others borrowed money short term from unofficial lenders to get their hand on deposits to do so .
State Department announced last night to improve the housing of the abolition of mortgage sets limits on some of the magical powers of the majority of the real estate group is a relaxed policy .
One batch are concerned only about profit the sub-landlord , from take fries the room to rent the house as in the goal landlord hand , the batch manufacturings the group has rented a room .