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chǎo miàn
  • chow mein;fried noodles;with shredded meat and vegetables;Chinese fried noodles chow mein;parched flour
炒面 [chǎo miàn]
  • (1) [Chinese fried noodles chow mein]∶煮熟后加油和作料炒出的面条

  • (2) [parched flour]∶炒熟的面粉

炒面[chǎo miàn]
  1. 五年前,餐厅老板吴成英(音译)和丈夫黄贵平(音译)把餐厅搬到了西北方向的CollegePoint。在那里,它最近的对手是街对面一个画满涂鸦、提供炒杂碎和炒面外卖的店面。

    Five years ago , Cheng Ying Wu and her husband , Gui Ping Huang , the owners , moved it northwest to College Point , where its nearest rival is a graffiti-scrawled storefront across the street selling takeout chop suey and chow mein .

  2. 我们-我们吃鸡肉炒面还是炖肉

    We-we have a choice between chicken chow mein or pot roast .

  3. 过去,英文中的很多中文词汇都来自于受欢迎的粤菜,直接从粤语借用而来,比如“chopsuey”(炒杂烩)、“chowmein”(炒面)、“dimsum”(点心)。

    Historically , many words of Chinese origin in English are popular Cantonese foods , borrowed directly from the dialect , for instance , chop suey , chow mein , or dim sum .

  4. 谁要吃这些剩下的炒面?

    Who 's going to eat all this leftover Chao mian ?

  5. 剩下的炒面怎么办?

    What do we do with this leftover Chao mian ?

  6. 那是牛肉炒面,对吧?我要那个。

    That is beef noodles , right ? I will have that .

  7. 老沙头把干炒面和在水里,又喂进他们嘴里。

    Then he fed them parched flour mixed with water .

  8. 杂拌炒面已端来;他们开始吃了。

    Chop-suey is serued ; they begin to eat .

  9. 多谢你昨晚送的泰式炒面

    Thank you for the Thai noodles last night .

  10. 泰式炒面与鸡肉沙爹?-

    Uh , mee krob and chicken satay ? -

  11. 介绍了香葱肉丝快炒面调料包的制作工艺及食用方法。

    The technics of producing sauce for shallot meat silk fried noodle was introduced .

  12. 你的头发就像金黄油煎的炒面,你的眼睛像闪耀的牡蛎。

    Your hair is like golden fried chow mein and your eyes like glistening oysters .

  13. 去年夏天下了多次大雨。大份的夏威夷炒面。

    We had heavy rains last summer .

  14. 没有,不过,我需要一些黑酱油来炒面。

    B : Not really . But I need some dark soya sauce to fry noodles .

  15. 她给客人上炒面。

    She dished out Chow meni .

  16. 听上去棒极了!我们去吃炒面吧!

    B : Sounds great ! A : Let us go out and eat some chow mein .

  17. 玉龙餐馆,杀手也爱吃我市最好的炒面

    A Jade Dragon . I guess even hired killers enjoy the city 's best chow mien .

  18. 老爸很擅长做炒面,当时很多人都很喜欢他做的面。

    Dad was very good at making fried noodles , and a lot of people liked his noodles .

  19. 当然,那儿有常见的炒面和咕老肉。

    Of course , it caters to tourists who order the usual chow mein and sweet and sour pork .

  20. 而新加坡炒面却显露了苏的厨艺源于伟大的新加坡街头小吃。

    But it was the Singapore fried noodles that betrayed Soh 's culinary roots of great Singapore street food .

  21. 炒面营养丰富,对消化系统、贫血症和免疫系统都有好处。

    Chow Mein is a rich source of nutrition and has many health benefits including improving digestion , anemia and immunity .

  22. 在我们的咖啡厅,您可以吃到我们厨师为您准备的本地菜譬如炒饭,炒面和炒米粉。

    If you are hungry , you would like to enjoy our own nasi lemak , fried rice or fried noodle .

  23. 我真的不明白,干嘛放那么多的炒饭,炒面,咖哩鸡和潮州粥?

    I don 't understand , why they still put those cheapskate fried rice , fried noodles , curry chicken and TeowChew porridge ?

  24. 如果我们将音译的成功水平划分为三个层次,是否可以以炒面、豆腐或茶来代表这三个层次呢?

    If we divide transliterations into three levels of success , will they be as successful as Chow Mein , tofu or tea ?

  25. 漫步在昆明顺成街感到非常疑惑,怎么我喜欢的一家卖炒面小店不见了?

    Walking along Shuncheng Road , looking for the small shop that sells my favorite fried noodles , I found myself a bit disorientated .

  26. 那天,阿加瓦尔先生说,这是一顿很特别的周日午餐,因为自助餐的盘子里都是鸡肉炒面和什锦炒饭。

    Special Sunday lunch , said Mr Agarwal , as we heaped our plates with chicken chow mein and mixed fried rice from the buffet .

  27. 这些外国餐馆都使用标准化的特殊外卖包装:又宽又平的白纸板盒子用来装比萨,涂蜡的小硬纸盒用来装炒面和炒杂烩菜。

    Using broad , flat white cardboard boxes for pizzas and small waxy paper cartons for chow mein and chop suey , these ethnic restaurants standardized distinctive take-out packaging .

  28. 她进来通知我需要我出面。没有,不过,我需要一些黑酱油来炒面。

    She came in to apprise , apprize me that my presence was required . B : Not really . But I need some dark soya sauce to fry noodles .

  29. 还有大笪地蚬面(售价78港元),是一种大排档风格的蛤蜊炒面,配上了辣椒、大蒜和鲜美的黑豆。

    The Hawker 's Homemade Noodle Vongole ( HK $ 78 ), is a dai pai dong-style clams and stir-fried noodle dish with chili , garlic and umami-rich black beans .

  30. 产品粗宽整齐、耐煮筋道、入口爽滑,尤其适合家庭自制的中式冷面、朝鲜冷面、捞面、炒面等。

    The product is wide , tidy , pliable and smooth , it is especially fit for making Chinese-style cold noodles , boiled and strained noodles , chow mein , etc.