
  1. 泰国菜味道辛辣浓烈。

    Thai food is hot and spicy .

  2. 泰国菜棒极了。

    Thai food is terrific .

  3. 我相信总有一天,当Sheldon吃到一定量的泰国菜他就会分裂成两个Sheldon。

    Howard : I believe one day Sheldon will eat an enormous amount of Thai food and split into two Sheldons .

  4. 、“附近有什么好的泰国菜馆子吗?”

    Or , " any good Thai restaurants around here ? "

  5. 从泰国菜中咖哩酱的影响便可以感受到。

    From the Thai curry sauce in the effect can feel .

  6. 泰国菜外卖,一些你喜欢的咕哝唱片。

    There 's Thai takeout and some of your favorite whiny records .

  7. 那你有没有带父母去吃泰国菜?

    Have you taken your parent to try Thai food ?

  8. 这是柠檬草,它们是泰国菜的关键食材。

    Lemon grass ! They are key ingredient for my Thai food .

  9. 那看来泰国菜也被排除了

    Then I guess Thai food is out of the question too ?

  10. 谢尔顿:你不需要筷子,这是泰国菜。

    Sheldon : You don 't need chopsticks . This is Thai food .

  11. 这间餐馆的职员说他非常喜欢泰国菜。

    The staffs said that he loves Thai food .

  12. 我妻子喜欢吃中国菜,可我最喜欢吃泰国菜。

    My wife prefers Chinese food but give me Thai food any day .

  13. 是的,那里不错。我很喜欢泰国菜。

    B Yes , it was good . I quite like Thai food .

  14. 四川菜、广东菜、云南菜、蒙古菜、泰国菜和越南菜。

    Sichuan , Cantonese , Yunnan , Mongolian , Thai , and Vietnamese .

  15. 我们今晚要去吃泰国菜。你要去吗?

    We are going out for Thai food tonight . Want to come ?

  16. 您可以尝试一下我们新推出的泰国菜。

    You can try our new Thai style food .

  17. A泰国菜或者越南菜怎么样?有很多好地方可去。

    How about Thai or Vietnamese ? There 's lots of good places .

  18. 内德吃泰国菜吗

    Ned , you want thai ? Yes .

  19. 也是泰国菜常用的配料。

    In addition , Lemon and Lemon citronella ( grass-Thai ) is common ingredients .

  20. 我们出去吃吧泰国菜行吗

    Let 's go to dinner . Thai ?

  21. 其次是美味的泰国菜。

    Second is the delicious Thai food .

  22. 好吧,那泰国菜听起来如何?

    So , does Thai sound alright ?

  23. 泰国菜是非常清淡的。

    Thai food is very light .

  24. 但晚餐吃泰国菜,午餐吃中餐。

    But it doesn 't really help having Thai food for dinner and Chinese for lunch .

  25. 提到吃泰国菜时要喝的饮料,星哈啤酒就是一个完美的选择。

    As for the drink to go with Thai food , Singha beer is a perfect choice .

  26. 后来,我们又开始习惯了韩国菜、日本菜、泰国菜和越南菜。

    Since then , we have developed appetites for Korean , Japanese , Thai and Vietnamese fare .

  27. 泰瑞:我想要做泰国菜;不过再想一想,我们又没有椰子汁。

    Terry : I was thinking Thai , but on second thought , we don 't have any coconut milk .

  28. 我们想要做的是泰国菜,因为我们认为应该做泰国菜而不应该去迎合西方人的昧蕾。

    We wanted todo Thai food as we believe it should be cooked and not compromising in flavorfor a western palate .

  29. 参加烹饪班学习如何做新奇食物,例如:泰国菜、法国菜、越南菜,然后在家练习。

    Take cooking classes to learn how to cook exotic foods , like Thai , French , and Vietnamese , then practice at home .

  30. 如果你没有什么安排的话,你想一起吃点泰国菜看个超人电影马拉松吗?

    If you don 't have any other plans , do you want to join us for thai food and a superman movie marathon ?