
wén zhàng
  • mosquito net;mosquito curtain;mosquito bar
蚊帐 [wén zhàng]
  • [mosquito net;mosquito curtain] 把蚊子隔在外面的帐幕,特指挂在床架上将床围住的一种帐幕

蚊帐[wén zhàng]
  1. 我把蚊帐甩到一边,跳下床来。

    I threw aside my mosquito net and jumped out of bed .

  2. 蚊帐中有四只蚊子在飞。

    In the mosquito net there are four mosquitoes to fly .

  3. 1988年,中国在全国范围内分发了240多万顶蚊帐。

    By 1988 , more than 2.4 million nets had been distributed nation-wide .

  4. 这种蚊帐的使用大大降低了配置地区的疟疾发病率。

    The use of such nets led to substantial reductions in malaria incidence in the areas where they were deployed .

  5. 蚊帐防疟作用的Logistic分析

    Logistic analysis of the role of the bednet in malaria prevention

  6. 没有吊床和蚊帐,Mike需要再寻找一张床来度过黑夜。

    And without this hammock and mosquito net , Mike need to think about a different bed for the night .

  7. 佤族社区中蚊帐使用率极低,logistic回归分析肯定了蚊帐使用与疟疾预防知识相关;

    The bednet coverage was extremely low in Wa communities . Multivariate logistic regression confirmed the relationship between bednet usage and knowledge of malaria prevention .

  8. CHP杀虫整理剂及其在蚊帐上的应用

    Application of CHP Insecticidal Finishing Agent on Mosquito Net Fabric

  9. BCC策略促进少数民族居民使用杀虫剂浸泡蚊帐研究

    Study on the use of insecticide-treated mosquito nets among ethnical minority residents by behavior change communication strategies

  10. 溴氰菊酯浸泡蚊帐与DDT滞留喷洒控制以大劣按蚊为主要媒介的疟疾灶点的效果比较

    A comparative study of deltamethrin impregnated mosquito nets and DDT residual spraying for controlling residual malaria foci transmitted by Anopheles dirus

  11. 这一举动让每年在室内喷洒DDT成为了控制疟疾的三种主要手段之一。另外两种手段分别是药物和蚊帐。

    The move puts annual indoor spraying of DDT alongside drugs and bednets as one of the three main tools for controlling the disease .

  12. 我们接着探讨了萨克斯目前正在参与的项目千年村(millenniumvillages)在这里他正在实验有关化肥、防疟疾蚊帐等的想法。

    We move on to talk about a specific project Sachs is currently involved in , Millennium Villages , where his ideas on fertilisers , malarial bed-nets and the like are tried on the ground .

  13. 本文应用Garrett-Jones媒介能量理论,在浙江省苍南县水头乡用溴氰菊酯喷洒蚊帐,对中华按蚊传疟作用的影响进行了定量调查。

    This report used the vector capacity theory of Garrett-Jones to study the effect of controlling malaria transmission by An , Sinensis after spraying mosquito-nets with Deltamethrin .

  14. “室内喷洒等于为全家提供一顶大蚊帐,昼夜不停地提供保护,”全球疟疾控制努力主要倡导者、美国参议员TomCoburn说。

    " Indoor spraying is like providing a huge mosquito net over an entire household for around-the-clock protection ," said U.S.Senator Tom Coburn , a leading advocate for global malaria control efforts .

  15. 去年,Aspire学院把梅西请到了塞内加尔校区,宣布将向每一个有足球之梦项目的非洲城镇发放40万顶蚊帐,并配备一名医疗官员。

    Last year , Aspire brought Lionel Messi to its Senegal campus to announce plans to distribute 400,000 mosquito nets and place a medical official in every African town where Football Dreams operates .

  16. 国务院发言人凯西说,美国空军c-130运输机星期四飞了五个架次,为缅甸送去瓶装水,塑胶布,蚊帐,和其他物品。

    Spokesman Casey said U.S.Air Force C-130 cargo planes made five flights Thursday carrying bottled water , plastic sheeting , mosquito netting and other items .

  17. Silverman强调该研究凸显了继续使用经杀虫剂处理的蚊帐以及开发有效的疫苗从而设法预防疟疾的必要性。

    Silverman stressed that the study highlights the need to continue to try to prevent malaria through the use of insecticide-treated bed nets , along with the development of an effective vaccine .

  18. Grabowsky说,对蚊帐上应用的杀虫剂以及治疗使用的青蒿素类药品的耐药性让疟疾监测工作更加至关重要。

    The rise of resistance to the insecticides applied to bednets and the artemisinin used for treatment makes monitoring essential , he says .

  19. 杀虫剂浸泡过的蚊帐悬挂180d后,对媒介按蚊的击倒力仍在8.57~16.31min之间,且恢复饲养24h,死亡率仍为100%。

    The nets hung for 180 d after impregnated with the insecticide and the knockdown power was still between 8.57 and 16.31 min for Anopheles vector , and resuming breeding for 24 h , the mortality was still 100 % .

  20. 经过15年来对疫点和疫区全民抗复发治疗、外出回归人员药物根治,以及连续3年DDT室内滞留喷洒和6年溴(氯)氰菊脂浸泡蚊帐灭蚊,控制了输入性恶性疟传播蔓延。

    After conducting anti-recrudescence treatment for whole people in epidemic focuses and epidemic area , radical cure for migrants for 15 years , indoor residual spray of DDT for 3 consecutive years and decamethrin soaked mosquito nets for 6 years , falciparum malaria had got under control .

  21. 泰国Mahidol大学的杀虫剂研究室说,标准的蚊帐最多使用1年就要重新涂杀虫剂。

    Standard bednets last for a year at most before they must be recoated with insecticide , according to the Insecticide Research Unit at Thailand 's Mahidol University .

  22. 泰国的国家纳米技术中心(Nanotec)上个月(8月25日)在泰国科学园的一场活动上公布了这种蚊帐。

    Thailand 's National Nanotechnology Center ( Nanotec ) unveiled the nets last month ( 25 August ) at an event at the Thailand Science Park .

  23. 结果:苍蝇密度15min为7.2只、蚊虫密度为4.18只/顶蚊帐、蟑螂密度15mm为43.8只、老鼠密度为食饵消耗法57.47%、粉迹法52.31%;

    Results : For fly , the density was 7.2 pieces per 15 mm , for mosquito it was 4.18 per net , for cockroach it was 43.8 per 15 min , for rodent it was 57.47 % of bait consumption method , and 52.31 % of powder tracing method .

  24. 但是,蚊帐并不是他们给村庄的唯一礼物。

    But nets are not their only gift to the village .

  25. 挂蚊帐时,我们一直没有说话。

    We just kept silent when hanging it on our bed .

  26. 铺床前先把蚊帐挂起来。

    Set up the mosquito net before you make the bed .

  27. 每年夏天我都会在床上挂上蚊帐。

    I hang a mosquito net over my bed every summer .

  28. 拟除虫菊酯浸泡蚊帐对按蚊残效的实验观察

    Experimental observation on residual effect of Anopheles by pyrethroid impregnated bednet

  29. 拟除虫菊酯能在蚊子降落在经过处理的蚊帐上的时候杀死它们。

    Pyrethroid kills mosquiotes when they land on a treated net .

  30. 其次是普遍使用经杀虫剂处理的蚊帐。

    A second is the widespread use of insecticide-treated mosquito nets .